Facebook like button: hide text - facebook

I just added a Facebook like button to my website, just the most basic one, but you can't select to hide the "Sign Up to see what your friends like." text.
Because the area for the button is so small, I don't want this text, as it overlaps with other text next to it.
Is there a way to hide this part?
I basically just want the like button, with the same functionality.

You would have probably figured it out by now but for others who haven't and reach this question, try data-layout="button_count".
You can play around here for more options: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/

You can add layout="simple" (XFBML), or "data-layout"="simple" for HTML5 to the tag.
That'll show just a like button, with no count, faces or nonsense :)


How to don't show facebook comment after like pressed?

So, when I click Like button I see the form to add some comment. I want to hide or prevent displaying this form. How to do that?
See this Facebook Like Button - how to disable Comment pop up?
Basically you just need to modify the css and hide the comment box after facebook like.

remove facebook like button social text

I would like to remove the social text from the facebook like button in order to fit into the width I have spare left but I can't find how on the facebook developers site
So what I want to remove is "Be the first of your friends to like this." text
As seen here:
Then change the layout to button_count and uncheck send button

A few questions regarding the Facebook like button on external websites

I am working on a project where I need to manipulate the button in a few ways.
Is it possible to just have the button and not the 'X people like this' text after it?
Does it have to be for one's own page or can it be easily configured, e.g. can I have a button that when clicked likes the fan page for Coca-Cola?
If so, is it possible to get the pop up when you hover over the button, like the pages down the left hand side on https://www.facebook.com/Google
Thanks very much in advance for your help. Please let me know if I have been unclear.
You could try the button_layout layout, which just has the little speech bubble with the number of likers. If you don't like that, you can cut that bubble off by setting the width of the parent container to less than the width of the button.
You can use whatever page URL or web page URL you want.
Hovercards aren't available on fb:like right now, but might be at some point.
More documentation here.

How to achieve slideToggle effect similar to facebook "New Stories" button with jQuery?

As you may know not long time ago facebook added several new features. One of them was a "New Stories" button which when clicked expands (with what I guess is a slideToggle effect) and shows new stories.
Here is the button I am talking about:
I would like to know How to achieve same slide / toggle effect and fade in effect that comes in after this button is clicked, with a help of jQuery.
I tried searching for this on internet, but all effects I found were regular slideToggle effects, I mean they started showing div from top and slided down to it's bottom (here is what I mean by regular content http://jsfiddle.net/TwxB4/), where as one facebook uses starts from the bottom of the hidden div and sort of slides to the top of it. (You will see what I mean if you check it on facebook).
Edit: I am only looking for a slideToggle effect and nothing else, I want to be abble to expand and shrink hidden div when user clicks on the link that lunches the effect.
Edit: Here is an illustration of the effect I'm looking for:
This example works the way you described, showing bottom content first:
Also full screen view here:
They may also do it by having the overflow of the feed hidden, and then setting a negative margin on the inner feed wrapper, then when you click they just animate that negative margin down to 0.
Does this works for you
updated version
http://jsfiddle.net/wb7h6/9/ I hope this is what you need
You want slideToggle() I think. See this jsFiddle.

How to disable the text "Be the first of your friends to like this" beside a FB button

I want a simple Like button. How can I obtain that. I don't want any viewcount nor people displayed besides my like button.
Your best bet may be to use the Facebook like button code generator and:
Set the Layout Style to button_count
Uncheck the Send Button option
Uncheck the Show Faces option
Hope this helps!
Just change the attribute show-faces to false like this:
<fb:login-button show-faces="false"></fb:login-button>
Shorter answer: Use:
in your element. This will display '0' rather than the longer prompt. There is unfortunately no way to display nothing at beside the button, however you can use CSS/JS tricks to hide the count.
This could be as simple as:
but see the question linked above for more detailed information.