iPhone: How to manage Core Data relationships by foreign keys - iphone

I have an app working with databases on both server side and iOS client side. And I use a HTTP services to sync between SQL Server on server side and Core Data on iPhone.
I have some Core Data objects like this:
Due to the limit of the server, I can't use incremental sync. When I sync my data, (for example) I have to delete all ProductGroup objects, get response from server, then create new ones(and some old ones again).
The problem is, if I have a productA belongs to productGroupB, usually I can do productA.productGroup, but after I delete productGroupB and create another one with the same content, the relationship is lost.
So I am wandering is there any way to manage relationships by FKs, like the Entity Framework in .NET, so I can still find the object on the other end of the relationship after re-create.

You lose the relationship when you delete the ProductGroup objects because Core Data isn't SQL. In the case of relationships, Core Data cares nothing about the attributes of the object on the other side of the relationship, it just targets a specific object. You can have an arbitrary number of objects with the exact same attributes but different relationships and the objects will be completely distinct. A Core Data relationship is not an SQL join or key but a persisted pointer-like reference to a specific managed object. Delete the object and the pointer has to go as well.
To accomplish what you want, you could use a fetched property which would fetch on the Product.id attribute dynamically. However, that is a fairly clumsy way of doing things. You shouldn't have to resort to a fetched property in this instance.
I think you need to rethink your design. I have never seen a case where you had to delete an every instance of an entity/class just to add or remove objects. As a practical matter, you can't actually do that in one go. Instead you have to fetch the objects and then delete them one-by-one. You might has well check each object for if it needs to be deleted or updated while you are at it.
It sounds like you receive a great glob of SQL format data from the server and you think you have to build the object graph from scratch. You really shouldn't have to. You have to parse the data to create new ProductGroup objects anyway, so you should use the results of that parsing to alter the existing ProductGroup objects.
In pseudo-code it would look like:
Add a "synced" flag to ProductGroup entity in the data model
Set "synced" of every ProductGroup object to "false"
Extract data for a ProductGroup from server glob
Using data fetch for an existing ProductGroup object
If extracted data matches and existing ProductGroup object
update existing ProductGroup object
set synced of ProductGroup object to true
create new ProductGroup object with data
set synced of new ProductGroup object to true
Delete all ProductGroup objects where synced == false
The important thing to remember here is that you are dealing with objects and not tables, columns, rows or joins. People skilled in SQL often assume that Core Data is just an object wrapper around SQL. It is not. It is an object graph manager that may or may not use SQL far behind the scenes to persist (freeze dry) the object graph to disk.
You have to think in objects always. The intuitions you've developed for working with SQL are more likely to lead you astray than help you with Core Data.


When to use fetch property in the core data with example in a cross-store scenario

I am facing same problem as here
How to achieve relationships between entity in one store with other?
Kindly guide me through this.
It is indeed possible and makes total sense in some cases to split objects across stores
lets assume obj A in Store #1 and obj B in Store #2.
Each A has N Bs
easiest solution would maybe be a TRANSIENT property on A ... named 'allMyBs'
then implement the fetch in code:
- (NSArray*)allMyBs {
NSFetchRequest *r == ... //setup to fetch Entity B
[CoreDataHelper managedObjectContextForStore2] executeFetchRequest:r];
this isnt the fetched property yet but easy
see Cross-Store weak relationship with Fetched Properties? for a complicated way ^^
The short answer is that you can't. You can't have a relationship between managed objects that crosses persistent stores.
You can, however, implement a key or identifier in your model that YOU maintain across stores, and use that find 'related' objects in different stores.
If you have user records in one store, and application data in another, the application records might have a "belongsTo" property whose value is a user ID corresponding to a user record in the user store.
Apple's documentation is very specific about this:
From the Core Data Programming Guide:
"Core Data does not let you create relationships that cross stores. If you need to create a relationship from objects in one store to objects in another, you should consider using fetched properties."
Again, from the Core Data Programming Guide:
"You must be careful not to create relationships from instances in one persistent store to instances in another persistent store, as this is not supported by Core Data. If you need to create a relationship between entities in different stores, you typically use fetched properties (see “Fetched Properties”)."
This is exactly what I am talking about above. If you implement fetched properties that way, it is up to you to maintain the integrity of the graph. The same document walks you through creating and using fetched properties. Perhaps you can be more specific in what you need answered.

What is the most efficient way to remove all instances in an entity in Core Data?

I found from this post I can remove all instances of an entity by fetching them all and deleting them all.
Isn't there any more efficient way to do removal? My consideration is I will have thousand of records within that entity.
There's no more efficient way, because CoreData is an ORM layer, not a database. Therefore you deal with objects and if you want them gone, you have to delete them.
A trick you may want to investigate is creating a parent object that would have a one-to-many relationship with the objects to delete. You could basically have only one of those that points to every entry in your big table. Set the cascade delete option on the relationship in your model. Then when comes time to purge, you just delete the parent object. Because of lazy loading, it won't try to load your other objects.
This being said, I haven't tried it myself, but it seems like a viable option.
In a special case where all instances of this entity are self-contained, it would be quicker to delete the backing file and re-initialize the management objects. This only works if your data can be arranged so that the temporary stuff is within its own store.
Otherwise, you'd probably get better results by using direct database access instead of core data.

copy records from between two databases using EF

I need to copy data from one database to another with EF. E.g. I have the following table relations: Forms->FormVersions->FormLayouts... We have different forms in both databases and we want to collect them to one DB. Basically I want to load Form object recursively from one DB and save it to another DB with all his references. Also I need to change IDs of the object and related objects if there are exists objects with the same ID in the second database.
Until now I have following code:
Form form = null;
using (var context = new FormEntities())
form = (from f in context.Forms
join fv in context.FormVersions on f.ID equals fv.FormID
where f.ID == 56
select f).First();
var context1 = new FormEntities("name=FormEntities1");
context1.AddObject("Forms", form);
I'm receiving the error: "The EntityKey property can only be set when the current value of the property is null."
Can you help with implementation?
The simplest solution would be create copy of your Form (new object) and add that new object. Otherwise you can try:
Call context.Detach(form)
Set form's EntityKey to null
Call context1.AddObject(form)
I would first second E.J.'s answer. Assuming though that you are going to use Entity Framework, one of the main problem areas that you will face is relationship management. Your code should use the Include method to ensure that related objects are included in the results of a select operation. The join that you have will not have this effect.
Further, detaching an object will not automatically detach the related objects. You can detach them in the same way however the problem here is that as each object is detached, the relationships that it held to other objects within the context are broken.
Manually restoring the relationships may be an option for you however it may be worthwhile looking at EntityGraph. This framework allows you to define object graphs and then perform operations such as detach upon them. The entire graph is detached in a single operation with its relationships intact.
My experience with this framework has been in relation to RIA Services and Silverlight however I believe that these operations are also supported in .Net.
Edit1: I just checked the EntityGraph docs and see that DetachEntityGraph is in the RIA specific layer which unfortunately rules it out as an option for you.
Edit2: Alex Jame's answer to the following question is a solution to your problem. Don't load the objects into the context to begin with - use the notracking option. That way you don't need to detach them which is what causes the problem.
Entity Framework - Detach and keep related object graph
If you are only doing a few records, Ladislav's suggestion will probably work, but if you are moving lots of data, you should/could consider doing this move in a stored procedure. The entire operation can be done at the server, with no need to move objects from the db server, to your front end and then back again. A single SP call would do it all.
The performance will be a lot better which may or may not not matter in your case.

How to create Entity dynamically in Objective-C?

I'm building an iPad application where I need user to create entity dynamically. I'm already having 3 entities which program uses.
Could you help me with code how to do it?
I want to understand the whole structure according to my understanding I have to create new managedObjectModel, add new entities and than merge it with existing one, is it correct?
While it is possible to create a new entity and a new model on the fly in practice this is massively complex. If nothing else you would have to migrate any existing persisted data to the new model and a new persistent store file. I strongly recommend against attempting this especially if you are just starting out with Core Data.
You do have options:
Firstly, are you sure you actually need a new entity? People just starting out with Core Data often mistake entities for managed objects. Entities are to managed objects as classes are to instances. Entities are abstractions used to create the object graph. They don't actually contain data. The times when you need new entities are very,very rare.
Secondly, if you do need some kind of dynamic entity, it would usually be best to decompose the dynamic entity into numerous fixed subentities and then use relationships to create a virtual entity. E.g. you need a dynamic Person "entity" so you create several entities in the model each of which holds one attribute of the person. You could have a Field entity which would have a fieldName attribute and then a fieldValue attribute. Then have a an actual Person entity that has no attributes but just relationships to the necessary Field objects. You could add any fields needed to any person and then reconstitute an virtual person object by walking the relationships to its fields.
I rather doubt however that you need that kind of flexibility. Such a need is very rare. I would step back and see exactly what dynamic data you think the user might need to enter.
That's correct -- you'd create an array of NSEntityDescription objects, then call setEntities: on the new managed object model. Then, finally, you'd merge that model with your built-in model.
But note that you can't change a model once it has been used to create a managed object context (or used for storage). You'll need to create new storage and context after the model is changed.

Can we use union of two sqlite databases with same tables for Core Data?

I have an iPhone Core Data app with a pre-populated sqlite "baseline" database. Can I add a second smaller sqlite database with the same tables as my pre-populated "baseline" database but with additional / complementary data such that Core Data will happily union the data from both databases and, ultimately, present to me as if it was all a single data source?
Idea that I had is:
1) the "baseline" database never changes.
2) I can download the smaller "complementary" sqlite database for additional data as and when I need to (I'm assuming downloading sqlite database is allowed, please comment if otherwise).
3) Core Data is then able to union data from 1 & 2. I can then reference this unified data by calling my defined Core Data managed object model.
Hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance.
Core Data is designed to handle multiple data files via the – addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error: method. This will allow you to combine all of the data files together and then access them via a single NSManagedObjectContext.
Your only issue, and it may not even be an issue for you, is that the store files cannot directly reference each other. Therefore you will need to reference data between files "manually" via unique identifiers. However I suspect you are already aware of that limitation.
Manual Relationships
The idea is that when both objects in a "relationship" are in one model and one file, Core Data does its magic and handles all of the referential integrity for you. However when they are in different files and/or models this doesn't happen automatically anymore.
The solution to this issue is to use a fetched property that looks up some unique identifier to retrieve the entity (or entities) that you want to be on the other side of the relationship. This will give you a "weak" relationship between files.
One thing to note though when doing this. The fetched property does not get updated automatically when something changes. This means when data changes that would cause that relationship to change, your application will not be automatically made aware of it and you will need to request that property again to get the updated relationship information.
Hopefully that makes it a bit clearer.
Co-existance of fetched properties and relationships
They can definitely co-exist but realize that they are two separate properties. If you want your controller code to see them as one, then I would suggest building a subclass for that entity and then adding a convenience method in there that hits both the relationship and the fetched property and then rolls them up into one NSArray or NSSet before returning it back to your controller code.
You can attach the downloaded database with ATTACH DATABASE statement and operate with unions of tables.