How do I render an HTML5 animation in a native iPhone app? - iphone

I am trying to work with an HTML5 animator on an iPhone app. He proposes that we use HTML5 to implement the animations.
As I have never done this before, is it possible for iOS to work with HTML5? Do I just use UIWebView to render the animations?

Yes, you need to crate an UIWebView, but keep in mind that the iPhone has limited amount of memory an CPU, if the animation will be complex I will render slow.
To render more complex animation I suggest using Quartz 2D


How to make video backgrounds play on iPhone / mobile?

We are planning to use After Effects video as our banner / hero image as our animation sequence is a bit complex. However, when we've seen examples of websites using this technique, the iPhone / mobile versions are static.
Is there a way to make the video backgrounds work on iPhone also? What are the possible workarounds?
We're thinking that we can use the full video animation on desktop and then have a shorter GIF version for mobile (it's still animating).
Or are there other ways to achieve this?
There are many ways to achieve the sort of effect you're after.
If a very low frame rate is acceptable, using a GIF or sequence of static images with transitions may be good enough.
If the areas of movement are not huge, you can use spritesheet animation. You might even be able to present video for the whole screen if it isn't too long. You can letterbox the video or present it in low resolution scaled up to reduce the size of the spritesheet needed.
You can use a combination of panning backgrounds and moving sprites to create a dynamic video background. Particle effects, lighting effects, all the things the GPU does in real time games can be applied to make the menu background look like video.
In theory you might be able to port OpenH264 to your target platforms and play video natively, but that's probably beyond the scope of what you want to do.
You can't use HTML5 video for that with mobile Safari as playback of inline video is prohibited on iPhone. You could do it on Chrome for Android but playback would require a valid user interaction to start (touchstrart).
You are left with either JavaScript/CSS animations or like you mentioned animated images. APNG may provide a better alternative that GIF on iOS.
I have seen other solutions but none provide a decent user experience - a static image may not be a bad idea if you do not want to spend too much time on it.
Note: if you are building an App you can play inline video on iPhone. The restriction is only for mobile Safari.

Augmented reality video play with transparent background

I am new in Augmented reality. What I needed is When my ipad app read any bar codes then it play a Transparent video like. I need to show catwalk of a modal. My question what framework provide video rendering with AR. How can I achieve this. I have read about below Frameworks.
2) ARToolKit
You can use the below framework, just sign for partnership (it is free) and simple to use.

iPhone Screen Capturing Question

I'm writing an iPhone App that allows people to share images that may be copyrighted(not illegally). The issue I am having is that I'm looking for a way to work around the screen capturing. Is there any possible way you can disable screen capturing or possibly distort the image in some way so capturing will be useless, maybe even block the images when a screen capture is trying to be taken?
That is impossible because it is embedded in iOS itself. Maybe some private APIs, but then there is no app store for your app.
Watermarking the images may be a good half-way solution.
iOS screen capture does not support capturing everything. It does not capture OpenGL or YouTube for example. So if you can manage to implement showing images using OpenGL instead of the simple way using UIKit they would not show up on a screen shot.

Editor for 2D graphical elements in iPhone App

I am going to be working with a graphic designer to develop an interactive children's iphone app. It will not be a game as such, but rather a series of backgrounds with some interactive objects that can be touched to display simple animation or sound.
These I would be striving for the quality that these guys produce
I assume that they would be using Quartz2D rather than embedded jpegs for their design elements?
I was wondering what tools people would recommend for designers to use that can then be imported for use an iPhone app.
I have seen some references to creating SVG in Inkscape but was wondering whether there was any other alternatives for importing graphics into Quartz for use in an iPhone app?
Opacity is a design app, that is capable to output quartzCore source code suitable for iphone or mac.

Can videos be played without controls?

I'm planning on making a game for the iPhone and want to have the background constantly animated. I figured rather than looping a series of images, I'd play a video. Is it possible for me to play a video (with no controls popping up), and have graphics overtop of it (the actual game)? Or would I just be better off with looping images?
(I figured SO would be a better place to ask this than Game Development)
Yes, using AVFoundation, or even the MPMoviePlayerController with the controls property turned off.
You can have anything you like overlaying the video. The performance for that is much better in iOS4 than earlier OS versions.
You can use MPMoviePlayerController and set the control style to none.
MPMoviePlayerController control style and MPMoviePlayerController control style list