paperclip image broken in rails 3.1rc4 - plugins

I am using rails 3.1rc4 with paperclip and i cannot upload any image file with. I keep getting this error
Image D:/Users/MOBILE/AppData/Local/Temp/stream20110612-3872-y7hmme-0.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command. I have imagemagic installed. But it works in <= rails 3.0.8rc4.

I'm on Mac and I had the exact same problem after I updated to Mac OS Lion,
in order to fix this error I had to reinstall imagemagick
This might help other Mac OS Lion users:
First make sure to download the latest XCode from the app store (4.1 atm I believe, it's free)
Using Homebrew:
brew uninstall imagemagick
brew update
if you get any errors, clean up files ending in .a or .la with "brew doctor",
then just do
brew install imagemagick
If you are using MacPorts do:
port uninstall imagemagick
port selfupdate
port install imagemagick

I am not sure if this will adress your specific issue but I found this and maybe its related:
It states:
The paperclip:refresh:metadata rake task fails with Rails 3.1 as ActiveRecord no longer supports - you must now use => false) instead.


Can't install Postgres on MacBook M1, Mac OS Monterey 12.4

I have problems installing Postgres on my MacBook M1
The Downloaded Installer is failing (Error in Postprocessing) from and when I try it with "Port" it is not working (it installs, but doesn't install executables like "pg_ctl")
Is there a solution?
(10 years ago I´ve downloaded the source and compiled it)
Nowadays I would suggest same like Calin's comment:
Install using Homebrew
brew install postgresql
As you can see on when searching for formula postgresql it has binaries (Bottle) supporting:
Apple Silicon (M1) on macOS Monterey
See also:
Installing Postgres via Brew (OSX)
Installing Postgres with brew in 2 easy steps – An Integrated World
postgresql not installed but homebrew reports it is

Can't Install latest version of Cocoapods

I'm not sure how, but I managed to install version 1.8.4 of cocoapods. However, I can't update it. I need to update it because the pods for the firebase google sign in require FirebaseAnalytics, and Firebase Analytics requires cocoapods to be 1.10.0. Whenever I try to update it, either by simply sudo gem install cocoapods or sudo gem update cocoapods, I get the following error:
The compiler failed to generate an executable file. (RuntimeError) You have to install development tools first.
This is odd because I do in fact have xcode developer tools installed.
And here are the pods (one of which requires FirebaseAnalytics)
Also see the error message:
This question is similar to several others--I'm asking a new question because the answers to those questions didn't help me and the questions were fairly old, so I doubt I'll get any help there.
I greatly appreciate your help. This problem alone is stopping me from using Firebase's google sign in in my application.
After I re-installed cocoapods with brew I checked my pod version, only to find that it was still 1.8.4. I then ran brew upgrade cocoapods and everything seemingly looked up to date. But I checked the version once more and am still seeing 1.8.4. What is going on here?
EDIT 2: bundle result
I was able to successfully (seemingly) install bundle, but I'm getting errors when I try to use bundle to install / update cocoapods.
EDIT 3: Solution Found?
I tried upgrading cocoapods again with brew, and for some reason it worked this time--even though last time I tried upgrading cocoapods with brew it didn't work. (Did bundle help?) I still have yet to see if this solves my original problem, but cocoapods is now version 1.11.2, the newest version. Thanks for all the help!
I think you are using the latest Xcode. just make sure your system cocoa pods up to date with the latest version. so just try this command in your terminal sudo gem install cocoapods and again try to install.
because firebase requirements in their website
You can also try - install swift package instead of pods it will also work

"Unable to locate GDB" in Trigger Toolkit

I'm attempting to run an iPhone app in the Trigger Toolkit, but I keep getting "Unable to locate GDB" in the console, several seconds after "Connecting to remote debug server" . I've updated xcode, installed gdb separately through homebrew, and am able to run it (gdb) through the command line.
Thanks in advance for any relevant advice!
I'm guessing you're using a pre-v2.0.1 platform version here, and that you've updated to Xcode 5?
I was able to reproduce this error in that configuration. Xcode 5 doesn't support GDB, which we were previously using to communicate with the app running on your device.
If updating to use newer platform versions isn't an option for you, you could use an older installation of Xcode (you can have several versions installed as siblings), and use xcode-select to point us at it, e.g.:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode4.6/

Issues understanding homebrew on my mac running 10.7 os/x

I tried installing postgres on my mac using homebrew.
It's not working.
How do I remove what homebrew put in for me?
How about 'brew list' to see what you installed and 'brew remove [your-program]'? I guess this is all in the brew manpage. And even more info on this page about PostgreSQL on OS X.

JRE 1.5 to 1.6 Issue on Macbook Pro

I'm running Mac OS X 10.5.8 and have been trying over the past couple of hours to upgrade to Java 6. In doing this, I hope to change my Eclipse JRE to 1.6 so I can properly sync with my group's repo.
So far, no dice. I've downloaded every update I could find on Apple's website, and checked Java Preferences over and over. Not only is Java 6 not even there, the window that pops up looks nothing like the one detailed on Apple's website or any of the "upgrade to 1.6" tutorials I've found online.
I am now at a bottleneck: is this an Eclipse problem? I don't think so, since my OS X seems to be pooping itself, but I'm fairly sure there are literally no more updates for me to even try and install. Argh.
The newest way to configure runtimes, or JREs, is using Applications/Utilities/Java The order defined here controls which version is used by browsers.
The command line utility /usr/libexec/java_home will show the current default version. Well-behaved scripts should be using the result of this command over the JAVA_HOME environment variable.
If you did an upgrade you also might have to manually change your JDK pointer.
cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions
sudo rm -fr CurrentJDK
sudo ln -s 1.6 CurrentJDK
If if you try all this and you still only have a 1.5 install, remember that 1.6 is only supported on hardware that is Intel and x64 compatible. This affects some of the first MacBooks that included an Intel chip.