"Unable to locate GDB" in Trigger Toolkit - iphone

I'm attempting to run an iPhone app in the Trigger Toolkit, but I keep getting "Unable to locate GDB" in the console, several seconds after "Connecting to remote debug server" . I've updated xcode, installed gdb separately through homebrew, and am able to run it (gdb) through the command line.
Thanks in advance for any relevant advice!

I'm guessing you're using a pre-v2.0.1 platform version here, and that you've updated to Xcode 5?
I was able to reproduce this error in that configuration. Xcode 5 doesn't support GDB, which we were previously using to communicate with the app running on your device.
If updating to use newer platform versions isn't an option for you, you could use an older installation of Xcode (you can have several versions installed as siblings), and use xcode-select to point us at it, e.g.:
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode4.6/Xcode.app


Eclipse cant be opened on mac m1

I have installed eclipse aarch64 based on my mac m1.
it was working fine. later i stopped using it for few days but i was just opening and closing it just to make sure it is not crashing as it used to happen with x64 version.
Now even with aarch it is crashing.
As soon as i open it via launch pad it says 'The apllication 'Eclipse'can't be opened.
Here are the details of eclipse and jdk version that i am currently using.
Eclipse: eclipse-java-2021-12-R-macosx-cocoa-aarch64
Jdk: jdk-17_macos-aarch64_bin
I've just had the same problem on the second launch of Eclipse from a fresh installation. The solution was to re-sign the app with an ad-hoc signature:
sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/Eclipse.app

Flutter Doctor gives Bad Cpu Type in executable

I'm using Mac mini , MacOs monterey and m1 chip. When trying to setup flutter, it is giving error.
command: flutter doctor
o/p: /Users/admin/Desktop/flutter/bin/internal/shared.sh: line 229: /Users/admin/Desktop/flutter/bin/cache/dart-sdk/bin/dart: Bad CPU type in executable
I have tried below command but it is also not working,
Terminal command: sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Terminal output:
By using the agreetolicense option, you are agreeing that you have run this tool with the license only option and have read and agreed to the terms.
If you do not agree, press CTRL-C and cancel this process immediately.
Rosetta 2 update is not available
you have to install rosetta first. In your terminal type:
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
I got this error on MacOs VMware
and finaly I realized that i was downloaded the flutter sdk for arm Architecture, but i need this for x64 (intel) Architecture.
run "softwareupdate --install-rosetta" in the terminal
On macOs accidentally I downloaded arm architecture than x64 version.
Download proper version as per the system requirements.
My mistake was that , I had installed flutter sdk before installing the Rosetta. So that's why it was giving the above error. So, to resolve this, I removed the flutter sdk and installed rosetta first then again installed flutter and it worked properly.

DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly

So I tried implementing Facebook Login and followed all the steps accordingly. After having errors with FBSDKcorekit/FBSDKcorekit.h' file not found, I decided to pivot over to working on other components.
Lo' and behold, I have this error giving me trouble now. I followed along with this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAXVKapP5cM&t=458s where I used the react-native install react-native-fbsdk and react-native link react-native-fbsdk commands in my terminal.
If it helps, I'm getting the following compile error in my terminal:
The following build commands failed:
CompileC /Users/someUser/desiredProject/ios/build/Build/Intermediates/RCTFBSDK.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/RCTFBSDK.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/RCTFBSDKGraphRequestManager.o RCTFBSDK/core/RCTFBSDKGraphRequestManager.m normal x86_64 objective-c com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0.compiler
(1 failure)
I'm not sure if it was the tinkering around with the react-native-fbsdk or making links to it that caused this error. Note my project was working before I was trying to implement Facebook Login and using the link command.
What's going on here?
Thanks in advance for your time and patience.
edit: Also I did not implement any of the Facebook login code yet since I couldn't get a successful build on Xcode.
#kdizzle Make sure you have the right packager running in the terminal, sometimes you may have a packager associated with another react native project running, this happens because when you stop running an xcode RN project, it doesn't stop the packager in the terminal, and when you start/open another RN project in xcode, it simply checks if a packager is running, doesn't check if it's associated with the current project. So make sure you stop all of the packager instances in the terminal and then open the RN project again.
This may happen when upgrading a project to a newer version of react-native. To fix it,
Stop your packager.
Quit your iOS/android simulator.
Reinstall your modules: rm -rf node_modules && npm install
Restart your packager and simulator, e.g. react-native run-ios
I had this issue and it happened when I changed Hardware within the simulator. To fix it I had to kill the packager and run 'react-native run-ios' again. It didn't happen all the time but when it did this fixed it for me!
Another use is in a Brownfield App. Check your iOS and/or Android react-native versions. If they don't match exactly you will see this error screen too.
For example: I had a react native instance running 0.45.1 while Android had 0.45.0 installed. The solution for me was to make sure everything was running the same version.
None of the above answers have worked for me, so I researched the 'react-native' options a little and ended up:
Deleting the iOS and android folders from the app directory altogether
Running 'react-native eject'
Re-running 'react-native run-ios'
After that the iPhone emulator seemed to have no problem with the app.
This problem would appear when React Native libraries in ios project can not found.
I happend to meet this problem when i update my react-native version from 0.42 to 0.44, and cause that a file named RCTConvert+Map disappear in 0.44, so i update my pod.
command: pod update

Eclipse Segfault (OSX)

I'm trying to start eclipse but it crashes after the splash screen and before workspace selection.
This is version: eclipse-java-indigo-SR2-macosx-cocoa-x86_64 on Mac OSX 10.6.8
Launching the eclipse application or executing the alias from a shell ./eclipse (or Eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS/eclipse) results in a segfault.
$ ./eclipse
Invalid memory access of location 0x10 rip=0x7fff84ea3164
Segmentation fault
However, it runs successfully as the super user
$ sudo ./eclipse
This is fine for now, but running eclipse under sudo does not seem like a good idea.
To make this stranger still, this installation of eclipse worked fine a few months ago and I can't remember changing anything relevant.
Any ideas?
Before taking the more drastic step of re-installing Java on Mac OS X [not always so simple :( .. ], I just reinstalled Eclipse and ADT - and it worked fine after that.
In my case, I got this error trying to start Eclipse
Segmentation fault: 11
.. it appeared in my Eclipse ADT setup after I updated the Android SDK for Google Play Services, and then tried to run Installation of update from "Check For Updates". Restarting the computer did not help.
I would try re-installing Java. The Apple installer might thwart you, but this can help get past it.
I'd suggest getting the Java Developer package from Apple, as it includes Javadoc and source for the core libraries.

paperclip image broken in rails 3.1rc4

I am using rails 3.1rc4 with paperclip and i cannot upload any image file with. I keep getting this error
Image D:/Users/MOBILE/AppData/Local/Temp/stream20110612-3872-y7hmme-0.jpg is not recognized by the 'identify' command. I have imagemagic installed. But it works in <= rails 3.0.8rc4.
I'm on Mac and I had the exact same problem after I updated to Mac OS Lion,
in order to fix this error I had to reinstall imagemagick
This might help other Mac OS Lion users:
First make sure to download the latest XCode from the app store (4.1 atm I believe, it's free)
Using Homebrew:
brew uninstall imagemagick
brew update
if you get any errors, clean up files ending in .a or .la with "brew doctor",
then just do
brew install imagemagick
If you are using MacPorts do:
port uninstall imagemagick
port selfupdate
port install imagemagick
I am not sure if this will adress your specific issue but I found this and maybe its related:
It states:
The paperclip:refresh:metadata rake task fails with Rails 3.1 as ActiveRecord no longer supports instance.save(false) - you must now use instance.save(:validate => false) instead.