IntelliJ auto-completion preferences - autocomplete

... is there a way to change the color of the library name shown next to suggestion when using javascript auto completion? For instance right now I'll have something like : 'css jQuery(jquery-1.6.js)' and jQuery(jquery-1.6.js) is displayed in light gray on light green-ish background. Is there a way to change that to a different font/color for the lib name?

It's not possible right now. Submitting request would help to get it implemented in the future.


How to setting up EditBox

Im trying to set up EditBox in LiClipse for python but nothing I do makes it work. I feel like I've tried everything but maybe I missed something. Can anyone who was able to set it up explain how they did it?
I'm trying to get it to look like this:
I did some messing around and I found the answer! You need to select the category to the right that is associated with your language (or whatever category you want to store the layout in) and press the add button on the bottom left to add the file type. Simply type in your file type (for example if using the language C in script Test.c type *.c) and press OK, then from there your all set! You can customize the format in the categories tabs above to make yours look unique or more suited for your needs. Hope this helped anyone else confused about setting up EditBox :)
Image of solution:<- Click b/c I cant post pictures yet lol
My Suggestion For a Good Configuration (Using LiClipse Dark Theme): <- Click Me :D

Change hover color over sidebar elements in 1.11?

In the new version 1.11 we are able to customize VS using workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations config, but still I can't manage to change the hover color in file tree of the sidebar, take a look:
I have been looking for patterns like background or hover but I can't find it, I don't even know if it's implemented as this is experimental. Do you know if there is a config to change this an its name?
"list.hoverBackground": "#424d66",
"list.hoverForeground": "#ff6a00",
After looking around in the file which contains the theme constants I don't believe it's currently possible at this stage.
Hopefully in a future release support for this will be added.

Eclipse plugin: Place custom icon in Java Editor

I'm new to eclipse but I want to prototype something. The APIs are a bit of a maze. I would like to programmatically place (and then move/remove) an icon on a given line in the editor, preferably in the margins.
Here's an example:
Does anyone have an idea, or a good strategy for implementing something that?
Take a look at the following extension point org.eclipse.ui.workbench.texteditor.rulerColumns

How do I customize the welcome screen in Emacs

So how would I go about customizing the welcome screen? I know about initial-buffer-choice, but I'd like to customize the original one as a part of theme (I'm working on a Tron theme, and wanted to have all bits of it perfect!).
I don't want to change the text, but I have an alternative design for the logo :) It's not really a replacement, and I'm not going to put a different logo instead, it's just a minor remake to go with the color theme.
EDIT: below is what I've got so far :)
And the larger image:
Sorry for making you wait. Here we go: If you find a language mode where the theme misbehaves, I will try to fix it. I think I tried it once on a text terminal, rather than X-window Emacs, but I don't remember how it was. So, that may be a problem. Also, some modes may come with their own faces. I tried to set some (like ECB), but these may not be complete / I'm not aware of all the possible faces. But, again, request for improvements are welcome.
To change splash image, set fancy-splash-image.
To change text and color, set fancy-startup-text and fancy-about-text.

Eclipse Plugin - Change Editor Tab color depending of file path

I'm trying to change the editor tab color depending of the file path.
Because I'm working on an mvc infrastructure, and well, we often get the same file name in 3 different folders.
(Liste is french for List)
And well I was wondering if it is possible to change the tab color? I did not find what I wanted on Google + Eclipse API, So here I am, posting.
Anyway, help on this would be really appreciated!
Thank you!
I don't think that's possible, because there is no way to change the color of CTabItem. You can however change the font of the CTabItem or the icon. You need to create custom MultiPageEditorPart and override the addPage() methods and handle the creation of CTabItems