Eclipse Plugin - Change Editor Tab color depending of file path - eclipse

I'm trying to change the editor tab color depending of the file path.
Because I'm working on an mvc infrastructure, and well, we often get the same file name in 3 different folders.
(Liste is french for List)
And well I was wondering if it is possible to change the tab color? I did not find what I wanted on Google + Eclipse API, So here I am, posting.
Anyway, help on this would be really appreciated!
Thank you!

I don't think that's possible, because there is no way to change the color of CTabItem. You can however change the font of the CTabItem or the icon. You need to create custom MultiPageEditorPart and override the addPage() methods and handle the creation of CTabItems


Change hover color over sidebar elements in 1.11?

In the new version 1.11 we are able to customize VS using workbench.experimental.colorCustomizations config, but still I can't manage to change the hover color in file tree of the sidebar, take a look:
I have been looking for patterns like background or hover but I can't find it, I don't even know if it's implemented as this is experimental. Do you know if there is a config to change this an its name?
"list.hoverBackground": "#424d66",
"list.hoverForeground": "#ff6a00",
After looking around in the file which contains the theme constants I don't believe it's currently possible at this stage.
Hopefully in a future release support for this will be added.

Change width of Eclipse filename tabs

In Eclipse, is it possible to adjust the width of the filename tabs across the top of the open file? At the moment each tab shows only the first 12 characters of a filename. As java class names are usually quite long, this isn't enough to distinguish the files eg:
Sorry but I think this is not possible out of the box. Maybe there are plugins that can achieve this but I'm not aware of any standard eclipse setting serving this purpose.
I know that eclipse tries to display as much as possible of each file's name but if you open too many files at the same time, the part control has to trim the size of the part taps in order to display some more.
If you find the corresponding setting or a plugin for the intended behavior, please let me know ;)

How to configure Texlipse so that it yields .pdf by defaut, instead of .dvi?

The question is in the title. It should be silly. But... I really don't see how!
The following are my building paths. Can anyone help ? The goal is to use pdf4eclipse and have a side-by-side view inside eclipse.
You can change the output format in properties of your Latex project:
This has to be done on every Latex project. AFAIR there is no general settings that would allow to change this for all current and new projects.

IntelliJ auto-completion preferences

... is there a way to change the color of the library name shown next to suggestion when using javascript auto completion? For instance right now I'll have something like : 'css jQuery(jquery-1.6.js)' and jQuery(jquery-1.6.js) is displayed in light gray on light green-ish background. Is there a way to change that to a different font/color for the lib name?
It's not possible right now. Submitting request would help to get it implemented in the future.

Eclipse PDT Differentiating file name tabs for MVC?

When working with MVC in Eclipse you might often have a model, view, and controller all with the same name open at the same time. When looking at each of the file tabs, you won't always know which is which and have to click through them, which can be quite a hassle sometimes. I've heard of being able to color code files based on the path in some editors. For example, tabs with path model could be set as green, path controller set as yellow, etc. Is this possible in Eclipse, or is there a plugin for something like this? If not, what do you do to more easily differentiate between the tabs? I've heard of people always opening a MVC set in a certain order. So you'll know the leftmost tab is the controller, the right most is the view, etc. However, that must also mean you need to open all 3 files each time. Any better tips or tricks?
Another thing about the file tabs that can be annoying is that when you have more files that can't fit in one line, eclipse pushes off to an arrow which you have to click to see the rest. It seems to be random which tabs get pushed off there, maybe the least used ones, I have no idea... This coupled with the problem above gets kind of annoying. I was trying to find a way to disable this and just show tabs that can't fit in one line to show up on a second line, but surprisingly couldn't find such an option (then again you also can't wordwrap without a plugin).
Hopefully there are some solutions to these two problems. Thanks.
Maybe this can be helpful
With the latest version of Eclipse (Kepler 4.3.1, build M20130911-1000) when two or more files with the same base name are opened, tab will show also the parent directory name.