About the man usage - manpage

man 3p printf
man 3 printf
The above two man page gives different info of printf.
What's different for man 3 and man 3p?

$ man -k printf | grep '^printf'
printf (1) - format and print data
printf (1posix) - write formatted output
printf (3) - formatted output conversion
printf (3posix) - print formatted output
You have probably installed the manpages-posix and manpages-posix-dev packages on your system, as I have. This also gives you the POSIX-prepared manpages, which is an excellent way to determine if you're relying on behavior specific to your system or standardized behavior.

I believe you can find the answer to this yourself with:
man man
But what is happening is your system defines 3 and 3p as separate sections. This is generally used for "package" man pages, e.g. for the POSIX package.


proper shell term/TERM value for windows in XQuartz?

I'm looking for the proper setting for $term/$TERM for use in windows in XQuartz. Neither xterm nor vt100 work well. They do display plain text okay, but they have trouble when I try to use some non-plain text.
man pages usually display okay, but sometimes they have problems. (Unfortunately, I can't think of a good bad example at the moment.)
Right now, I'm seeing this when I try to display POD. Here's some simple pod and some perldoc runs with different $term settings:
iolaire(100)> cat podtest
#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
B<podtest> - podtest for pod output on shell
B<podtest> is pod test.
iolaire(101)> set term=vt100
iolaire(102)> perldoc podtest
2ESC[1mpodtest2ESC[0m - podtest for pod output on shell
2ESC[1mpodtest2ESC[0m is pod test.
iolaire(103)> set term=xterm
iolaire(104)> perldoc podtest
iolaire(105)> perldoc podtest | cat -v
^[[1mpodtest^[[0m - podtest for pod output on shell
^[[1mpodtest^[[0m is pod test.
I have had the same problem in tcsh and in bash.
Perldoc used to work fine on xterms on OSX. A few years ago this behavior started and I've finally gotten fed up with it and am trying to get it working again. (Perldoc, some man pages, and um, a few other things in which I've seen this problem.)
Thanks so much for the help!
versions: XQuartz 2.7.11; OSX 10.13.4; Perl v5.26.2; Perldoc v3.28
short: the problem is likely in how your pager (e.g., less) is being invoked.
long: perldoc uses hard-coded escapes via Pod::Text::Color and in turn Term::ANSIColor, e.g.,
# Make level two headings bold.
sub cmd_head2 {
my ($self, $attrs, $text) = #_;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$self->SUPER::cmd_head2 ($attrs, colored ($text, 'bold'));
# Fix the various formatting codes.
sub cmd_b { return colored ($_[2], 'bold') }
sub cmd_f { return colored ($_[2], 'cyan') }
sub cmd_i { return colored ($_[2], 'yellow') }
# Output any included code in green.
sub output_code {
my ($self, $code) = #_;
$code = colored ($code, 'green');
$self->output ($code);
and since all of the moving parts are buried away within the perl library, there's not much that you could have done to break this. Unlike a few other perl modules, this one appears to ignore the value for TERM.
On the other hand, perldoc uses for pager. It's manual page says
"perldoc" will use, in order of preference, the pager defined in
"PERLDOC_PAGER", "MANPAGER", or "PAGER" before trying to find a pager
on its own. ("MANPAGER" is not used if "perldoc" was told to display
plain text or unformatted pod.)
If you happened to set PAGER to less, then it will use that value. But less will display escape characters as shown in your example unless you add an option to the command, e.g., -R. Doing that to PAGER is likely to interfere with other applications, so perldoc looks first for its own variable PERLDOC_PAGER.

Function name inside parentheses in Perl one liner

I'm working on a Perl one liner tutorial and there are one liners like this:
ls -lAF | perl -e 'while (<>) {next if /^[dt]/; print +(split)[8] . " size: " . +(split)[4] . "\n"}'
You see the function name split has been inside parentheses. Documentation about this use of functions is hard to find on Google so I couldn't find any information on it. Could somebody explain it? Thank you.
It probably doesn't help that the use of split is defaulting everything - it's splitting $_ by spaces and returning a list of values.
The (...)[8] is called a list slice, and it filters out all but the 9th value returned by split. The preceding plus is there to prevent Perl from misparsing the brackets as being part of a function call. Which also means you don't need it on the second instance.
So print +(split)[8]; is basically a very succinct way of writing
my #results=split(/ /,$_);
print $results[8];
The example you've included is performing the split twice so it might be more efficient to do the more verbose version as you can get $results[4] from the above without any extra effort.
Or because you can put a list of indexes inside the [], you could do the split once and use printf to format the output like this
printf "%s size: %s\n", (split)[8,4];
In my opinion you should be avoiding this author's advice, both for the reasons laid out in my comments on your question, and because they don't appear to know their topic at all well.
The original "one-liner" was this
ls -lAF | perl -e 'while (<>) {next if /^[dt]/; print +(split)[8] . " size: " . +(split)[4] . "\n"}'
This could be written much more succinctly by using the -n and -a options, giving this
ls -lAF | perl -wane 'print $F[8] size: $F[4]\n" unless /^[dt]/'
Even without the "luxury" of these options you could write
ls -lAF | perl -e '/^[dt]/ or printf "%s size: %s\n", (split)[8,4] while <>'
I recommend that you go and read the Camel Book several times over the next few years. That is the best way to learn the language that I have found.
Most installations of Perl include a full set of documentation, accessible using the perldoc command.
You need to read the Slices section of perldoc perldata which makes very clear this use of slicing.

Prevent perl from printing a newline

I have this simple command:
printf TEST | perl -nle 'print lc'
Which prints:
I want:
...without the newline. I tried perl's printf but that removes all newlines, and I'd like to keep existing one's in place. Plus, that wouldn't work for my second example that doesn't even use print in it:
printf "BOB'S BIG BOY" | perl -ple 's/([^\s.,-]+)/\u\L$1/g'
Which prints:
Bob's Big Boy
...with that annoying newline as well. I'm hoping for a magical switch like --no-newline but I'm guessing it's something more involved.
EDIT: I've changed my use of echo in the examples to printf to clarify the problem. A few commenters were correct in stating that my problem wouldn't actually be fixed as it was written.
You simply have to remove the -l switch, see perldoc perlrun
enables automatic line-ending processing. It has two separate
effects. First, it automatically chomps $/ (the input record
separator) when used with -n or -p. Second, it assigns $\ (the output
record separator) to have the value of octnum so that any print
statements will have that separator added back on. If octnum is
omitted, sets $\ to the current value of $/.

How can I sprintf a big number in Perl?

On a Windows 32-bit platform I have to read some numbers that, this was unexpected, can have values as big as 99,999,999,999, but no more. Trying to sprintf("%011d", $myNum) them outputs an overflow: -2147483648.
I cannot use the BigInt module because in this case I should deeply change the code. I cannot manage the format as string, sprintf("%011s", $numero), because the minus sign is incorrectly handled.
How can I manage this? Could pack/unpack be of some help?
Try formatting it as a float with no fraction part:
$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.6.1 built for sun4-solaris
$ perl -e 'printf "%011d\n", 99999999999'
$ perl -e 'printf "%011.0f\n", 99999999999'
Yes, one of Perl's numeric blind spots is formatting; Perl automatically handles representing numbers as integers or floats pretty well, but then coerces them into
one or the other when the printf numeric formats are used, even when that isn't
appropriate. And printf doesn't really handle BigInts at all (except by treating
them as strings and converting that to a number, with loss of precision).
Using %s instead of %d with any number you aren't sure will be in an appropriate
range is a good workaround, except as you note for negative numbers. To handle
those, you are going to have to write some Perl code.
Floats can work, up to a point.
perl -e "printf qq{%.0f\n}, 999999999999999"
But only up to a point
perl -e "printf qq{%.0f\n}, 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
Bignum doesn't help here.
perl -e "use bignum ; printf qq{%.0f\n}, 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
The problem is printf. (Do you really need printf?)
Could print work?
perl -e "use bignum;print 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999"
Having said all of that, the nice thing about perl is it's always an option to roll your own.
my $in = ...;
my $out = "";
my $chunk=$in & 0xf;
$in >>= 4;
$out = sprintf("%x",$chunk).$out;
print "0x$out\n";
I'm no Perl expert, and maybe I'm missing some sort of automatic handling of bignums here, but isn't this simply a case of integer overflow? A 32-bit integer can't hold numbers that are as big as 99,999,999,999.
Anyway, I get the same result with Perl v5.8.8 on my 32-bit Linux machine, and it seems that printf with "%d" doesn't handle larger numbers.
I think your copy of Perl must be broken, this is from CygWin's version (5.10):
pax$ perl -e 'printf("%011d\n", 99999999999);'
pax$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.10.0 built for cygwin-thread-multi-64int
(with 6 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
Copyright 1987-2007, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.
What version are you running (output of perl -v)?
You may have to get a 64-bit enabled version of Perl [and possibly a new 64-bit production machine] (note the "cygwin-thread-multi-64int" in my output). That will at least avoid the need for changing the code.
I'm stating this on the basis that you don't want to change the code greatly (i.e., you fear breaking things). The solution of new hardware, whilst a little expensive, will almost certainly not require you to change the software at all. It depends on your priorities.
Another possibility is that Perl itself may be storing the number correctly but just displaying it wrong due to a printf() foible. In that case, you may want to try:
$million = 1000000;
$bignum = 99999999999;
$firstbit = int($bignum / $million);
$secondbit = $bignum - $firstbit * million;
printf ("%d%06d\n",$firstbit,$secondbit);
Put that in a function and call the function to return a string, such as:
sub big_honkin_number($) {
$million = 1_000_000;
$bignum = shift;
$firstbit = int($bignum / $million);
$secondbit = $bignum - $firstbit * $million;
return sprintf("%d%06d\n", $firstbit, $secondbit);
printf ("%s", big_honkin_number (99_999_999_999));
Note that I tested this but on the 64-bit platform - you'll need to do your own test on 32-bit but you can use whatever scaling factor you want (including more than two segments if need be).
Update: That big_honkin_number() trick works fine on a 32-bit Perl so it looks like it is just the printf() functions that are stuffing you up:
pax#pax-desktop:~$ perl -v
This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi
Copyright 1987-2006, Larry Wall
Perl may be copied only under the terms of either the Artistic License or the
GNU General Public License, which may be found in the Perl 5 source kit.
Complete documentation for Perl, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man perl" or "perldoc perl". If you have access to the
Internet, point your browser at http://www.perl.org/, the Perl Home Page.
pax#pax-desktop:~$ perl qq.pl

How can I print source line number in Perl?

Is it possible to get the current source line number in Perl?
The equivalent in C++ is __LINE__.
The __LINE__ literal is documented in the Special Literals section of the perldata man page.
print "File: ", __FILE__, " Line: ", __LINE__, "\n";
Note there's a gotcha with
$ perl -e'warn("foo")'
foo at -e line 1.
If it ends with a newline it won't print the line number
$ perl -e'warn("foo\n")'
This is documented in perldoc -f die, but is perhaps easy to miss in the perldoc -f warn section's reference to die.
This prints out the line where you are, and also the "stack" (list of lines from the calling programs (scripts/modules/etc) that lead to the place you are now)
while(my #where=caller($frame++)) { print "$frame:" . join(",",#where) . "\n"; }
"use Carp" and play with the various routines and you also get a stack - not sure if this way is better or worse than the "caller" method suggested by cnd. I have used the LINE and FILE variables (and probably other similar variables) in C and Perl to show where I got in the code and other information when debugging but have seen little value outside a debug environment.