proper shell term/TERM value for windows in XQuartz? - xquartz

I'm looking for the proper setting for $term/$TERM for use in windows in XQuartz. Neither xterm nor vt100 work well. They do display plain text okay, but they have trouble when I try to use some non-plain text.
man pages usually display okay, but sometimes they have problems. (Unfortunately, I can't think of a good bad example at the moment.)
Right now, I'm seeing this when I try to display POD. Here's some simple pod and some perldoc runs with different $term settings:
iolaire(100)> cat podtest
#!/usr/bin/env perl
=head1 NAME
B<podtest> - podtest for pod output on shell
B<podtest> is pod test.
iolaire(101)> set term=vt100
iolaire(102)> perldoc podtest
2ESC[1mpodtest2ESC[0m - podtest for pod output on shell
2ESC[1mpodtest2ESC[0m is pod test.
iolaire(103)> set term=xterm
iolaire(104)> perldoc podtest
iolaire(105)> perldoc podtest | cat -v
^[[1mpodtest^[[0m - podtest for pod output on shell
^[[1mpodtest^[[0m is pod test.
I have had the same problem in tcsh and in bash.
Perldoc used to work fine on xterms on OSX. A few years ago this behavior started and I've finally gotten fed up with it and am trying to get it working again. (Perldoc, some man pages, and um, a few other things in which I've seen this problem.)
Thanks so much for the help!
versions: XQuartz 2.7.11; OSX 10.13.4; Perl v5.26.2; Perldoc v3.28

short: the problem is likely in how your pager (e.g., less) is being invoked.
long: perldoc uses hard-coded escapes via Pod::Text::Color and in turn Term::ANSIColor, e.g.,
# Make level two headings bold.
sub cmd_head2 {
my ($self, $attrs, $text) = #_;
$text =~ s/\s+$//;
$self->SUPER::cmd_head2 ($attrs, colored ($text, 'bold'));
# Fix the various formatting codes.
sub cmd_b { return colored ($_[2], 'bold') }
sub cmd_f { return colored ($_[2], 'cyan') }
sub cmd_i { return colored ($_[2], 'yellow') }
# Output any included code in green.
sub output_code {
my ($self, $code) = #_;
$code = colored ($code, 'green');
$self->output ($code);
and since all of the moving parts are buried away within the perl library, there's not much that you could have done to break this. Unlike a few other perl modules, this one appears to ignore the value for TERM.
On the other hand, perldoc uses for pager. It's manual page says
"perldoc" will use, in order of preference, the pager defined in
"PERLDOC_PAGER", "MANPAGER", or "PAGER" before trying to find a pager
on its own. ("MANPAGER" is not used if "perldoc" was told to display
plain text or unformatted pod.)
If you happened to set PAGER to less, then it will use that value. But less will display escape characters as shown in your example unless you add an option to the command, e.g., -R. Doing that to PAGER is likely to interfere with other applications, so perldoc looks first for its own variable PERLDOC_PAGER.


Interpreting & modifying Perl one-liner?

I have the following Perl 'one-liner' script (found it online, so not mine):
perl -lsne '
/$today.* \[([0-9.]+)\]:.+dovecot_(?:login|plain):([^\s]+).* for (.*)/
and $sender{$2}{r}+=scalar (split / /,$3)
and $sender{$2}{i}{$1}=1;
foreach $sender(keys %sender){
printf"Recip=%05d Hosts=%03d Auth=%s\n",
scalar (keys %{$sender{$sender}{i}}),
' -- -today=$(date +%F) /var/log/exim_mainlog | sort
I've been trying to understand its innards, because I would like to modify it to re-use its functionality.
Some questions I got:
What does the flag -lsne does? (From what I know, it's got to be, at least, 3 different flags in one)
Where does $sender gets its value from?
What about that (?:login|plain) segment, are they 'variables'? (I get that's ReGex, I'm just not familiarized with it)
What I'm trying to achieve:
Get the number of emails sent by each user in a SMTP relay periodically (cron job)
If there's an irregular number of emails (say, 500 in a 1-hour timespan), do something (like shutting of the service, or send a notification)
Why I'm trying to achieve this:
Lately, someone has been using my SMTP server to send spam, so I would like to monitor email activity so they stop abusing the SMTP relay resources. (Security-related suggestions are always welcomed, but out of topic for this question. Trying to focus on the script for now)
What I'm NOT trying to achieve:
To get the script done by third-parties. (Just try and point me in the right direction, maybe an example)
So, any suggestions, guidance,and friendly comments are welcomed. I understand this may be an out-of-topic question, yet I've been struggling with this for almost a week and my background with Perl is null.
Thanks in advance.
What does the flag -lsne does? (From what I know, it's got to be, at least, 3 different flags in one)
-l causes lines of input read in to be auto-chomped, and lines of
output printed out to have "\n" auto-appended
-s enables switch
parsing. This is what creates the variable $today, because a
command-line switch of --today=$(date +%F) was passed.
-n surrounds the entire "one-liner" in a while (<>) { ... } loop.
Effectively reading every line from standard input and running the
body of the one liner on that line
-e is the switch that tells
perl to execute the following code from the command line, rather
than running a file containing Perl code
Where does $sender gets its value from?
I suspect you are confusing $sender with %sender. The code uses $sender{$2}{r} without explicitly mentioning %sender. This is a function of Perl called "auto-vivification". Basically, because we used $sender{$2}{r}, perl automatically created a variable %sender, and added a key whose name is whatever is in $2, and set the value of that key in %sender to be a reference to a new hash. It then set that new hash to have a key 'r' and a value of scalar (split / /,$3)
What about that (?:login|plain) segment, are they 'variables'? (I get that's ReGex, I'm just not familiarized with it)
It's saying that this portion of the regular expression will match either 'login' or 'plain'. The ?: at the beginning tells Perl that these parentheses are used only for clustering, not capturing. In other words, the result of this portion of the pattern match will not be stored in the $1, $2, $3, etc variables.
-MO=Deparse is your friend for understanding one-liners (and one liners that wrap into five lines on your terminal):
$ perl -MO=Deparse -lsne '/$today.* \[([0-9.]+)\]:.+dovecot_( ...
BEGIN { $/ = "\n"; $\ = "\n"; }
while ( defined($_ = <ARGV>) ) {
chomp $_;
$sender{$2}{'i'}{$1} = 1 if
/$today.* \[([0-9.]+)\]:.+dovecot_(?:login|plain):([^\s]+).* for (.*)/
and $sender{$2}{'r'} += scalar split(/ /, $3, 0);
sub END {
foreach $sender (keys %sender) {
printf "Recip=%05d Hosts=%03d Auth=%s\n",
scalar keys %{$sender{$sender}{'i'};}, $sender;
-e syntax OK
[newlines and indentation added for clarity]
What does the flag -lsne does? (From what I know, it's got to be, at least, 3 different flags in one)
You can access a summary of the available perl command line options by running '~$ perl -h' in the terminal. Below are filtered out the specific command line options you were asking about.
~$ perl -h|perl -ne 'print if /^\s+(-l|-s|-n|-e)/'
-e program one line of program (several -e's allowed, omit programfile)
-l[octal] enable line ending processing, specifies line terminator
-n assume "while (<>) { ... }" loop around program
-s enable rudimentary parsing for switches after programfile
Two examples of the '-s' command line option in use.
~$ perl -se 'print "Todays date is $today\n"' -- -today=`date +%F`
Todays date is 2016-10-17
~$ perl -se 'print "The sky is $color.\n"' -- -color='blue'
The sky is blue.
For detailed explanations of those command line options read the online documentation below.
Or run the command below from your terminal.
~$ perldoc perlrun
Unrelated to the questions of the OP, I'm aware that this is not a complete answer (added as much as I was able to at the moment), so if this post/answer violates any SO rules, the moderators should remove it. Thx.

Perl open file from command line with wildcard

I am executing my script this way:
./ -f files*
I looked at some other threads (like How can I open a file in Perl using a wildcard in the directory name?)
If i hard code the file name like it is written in this thread I get my desired result. If I take it from the command line it does not.
My options subroutine should save all the files I get this way in an array.
my #file;
sub Options{
my $i=0;
foreach my $opt (#ARGV){
switch ($opt){
case "-f" {
### This part does not work:
#file= glob $ARGV[$i];
print Dumper("$ARGV[$i]"); #$VAR1 = 'files';
print Dumper(#file); #$VAR1 = 'files';
It seems the execution is interpreted in advance and the wildcard (*) is dropped in the process.
Desired result: All files beginning with files are saved in an array, after execution from the command line.
I hope you get my problem. If not feel free to ask.
Thank you.
Well, first I'd suggest using a module to do args on command line:
Getopt::Long for example.
But otherwise your problem is simpler - your shell is expanding the 'file*' before perl gets it. (shell glob is getting there first).
If you do this with:
-f 'file*'
then it'll work properly. You should be able to see this - for example - if you just:
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper \#ARGV;
I expect you'll see a much longer list than you thought.
However, I'd also point out - perl has a really nice feature you may be able to use (depending what you're doing with your files).
You can use <>, which automatically opens and reads all files specified on command line (in order).
Since your shell is already expanding the glob files* into a list of filenames, that's what the Perl program gets.
$ perl -E 'say #ARGV' files*
There's no need to do that in Perl, if your shell can do it for you. If all you want is the filenames in an array, you already have #ARGV which contains those.

Executing bash script, read its output and create html with Perl

I have a bash script which produces different integer values. When I run that script, the output looks like this:
This script runs on a Solaris server. In order to provide other users in the network with these values, I decided to write a Perl script which can:
run the bash file
read its output
build a tiny html page with a table in which the bash values are stored
Thats a hard job for me because I have almost no experience with Perl. I know I can use system to execute unix commands (and bash files) but I cannot get the output. I also heared about qx which sounds very useful for my case.
But I must admit I have no clue how do start... Could you give me a few hints how to solve that?
With a question like this it's a little hard to know where to begin.
The qx to which you are referring is a feature of Perl. The "q*" or "Quote and Quote-like Operators" are documented in the Perl "operators" man page (normally you'd use man perlop to read that on systems with a conventional installation of Perl).
Specifically qx is the "quoted-execution of a command" ... which is essentially an alternative form of the ` (back tick or "command substitution") operator in Perl.
In other words if you execute a command like:
perl -e '$foo = qx{ls}; print "\n###\n$foo\n###\n";'
... on a system with Perl installed then it should run Perl, which should evaluate (-e) the expression you've provided (quoted). In other words we're writing a small program right on the command line. This program starts by creating a variable whose contents will be a "scalar" (which is Perl terminology for a string or number). We're assigning (the =, or assignment, operator) the output which is captured by executing the ls command back to this variable ($foo). After that we're printing the contents of our variable (whatever the ls command would have printed) with ### lines preceding and following those contents..
A quirk of Perl's qx operator (and the various other q* operators) is that it allows you to delimit the command with just about any characters you like. For example perl -e '$bar = qx/pwd/;' would capture the output of the pwd command. When you use any of the characters that are normally used as delimiters around text parentheses, braces, brackets, etc) then the qx command will look for the appropriate matching delimiter. If you use any other punctuation (or non-alpha-numeric character?) then that same character will be the terminating delimiter as well. This later behavior is similar to, and was inspired by, a feature in "substitution" command from the old sed utility and ed line editors; while the matching of parentheses, braces, etc. are a Perl novelty.
So that's the basics of how to capture your shell script's output. To print the numbers in an HTML table you'd have to split the captured output into separate lines (saving them into a list or array) then print your HTML prologue (the <table> and <th> (header) tags, and so on) ... them loop over a series of <tr> rows, interpolating your numbers into <td>> (table data) containers) and then finally print your HTML epilogue (with the closing tags).
For that you'll want to read up on the Perl print function and about "interpolation" in Perl. That's a fairly complex topic.
This is all extremely crude and there are tools around which allow you to approach the generation of HTML at a much higher level. It's also rather dubious that you want to wrap the execution of your shell script in a Perl script since it seems likely that you could modify the shell script to directly output HTML (perhaps as an option controlled by a command line switch or environment variable) or that you could re-write the shell script in Perl. This could potentially eliminate the extra work of parsing the output (splitting it into lines and separating the values out of those lines into an array because you can capture the data directly into the array (or possibly print out your HTML rows) directly as you are generating them (however your existing shell script is doing that).
To capture the output of your bash file, you can use the backtick operator:
use strict;
my $e = `ls`;
print $e;
Many, many thanks to you! With your great help. I was able to build a perl script which does a big part of the job.
This is what I have created so far:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use CGI qw(:standard);
#some variables
my $message = "please wait, loading data...\n";
#First build the web page
print header;
print start_html('Hello World');
print "<H1>we need love, peace and harmony</H1>\n";
print "<p>$message</p>\n";
#Establish a pipeline between the bash and my script.
my $bash_command = '/love/peace/harmony/./lovepeace.bash';
open(my $pipe, '-|', $bash_command) or die $!;
while (my $line = <$pipe>){
# Do something with each line.
print "<p>$line</p>\n";
#job done, now refresh page?
print end_html;
When I call that .pl script in my browser, everything works nice :-) But a few questions are still on my mind:
When I call this website, it is busy loading the values from the pipe. Since there are about 10 Values its rather
quick (2-4 seconds) But if I have 100+ Values the user has to wait a while. Since I cannot have a progress bar, I
should give an information to the user. Like:
"Loading data, please wait..."
And when the job is done, this message should say: "Job done" or something similar.
But how do I realize if the process is finnished?
can I reload the page if the job is done ?
Is there any chance of using my own stylesheet wihtin this perl-CGI
Why only perl:
you can use awk for that in side your shell script itself.
I have done this earlier.
if you have the out put values in a variable then use the below method:
print "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><GenTransactionHandler xmlns:xsi=\"\"><EntityToPublish>\n<Entitytype=\"C\" typeDesc=\"Subscriber level\"><TargetApplCode>UHUNLD</TargetApplCode><TrxName>GET_SUBSCR_DATA</TrxName>"
{for(i=1;i<NF+1;i++) printf("<value>%d</value>\n",$i)}
print "</Entity>\n</EntityToPublish></GenTransactionHandler>"}' >XML_SUB_NUM`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`.xml
in $SUBSCRIBERS the values should eb tab separated.

What does the '`' character do in Perl?

I was using Perl to read through each line of a file. I used a command line tool to call a service, and I noticed some interesting functionality that I can't figure out how to search for. To the variable $cmd I assigned the command that invokes the service. If I refer to $cmd later in the code it prints out the command line argument, but if I refer to it as `$cmd`, however, it gives the output from running the service.
What is the explanation for this?
It works just like backquotes in the shell, which is why it is called that. See sh(1) for details. It captures the standard output alone, and nothing else. It sets the $? variable to the 16-bit wait status word.
This is all explained in the perlop(1) manpage:
A string which is (possibly) interpolated and then
executed as a system command with /bin/sh or its
equivalent. Shell wildcards, pipes, and redirections
will be honored. The collected standard output of the
command is returned; standard error is unaffected. In
scalar context, it comes back as a single (potentially
multi-line) string, or undef if the command failed.
In list context, returns a list of lines (however
you’ve defined lines with $/ or
$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR), or the empty list if the
command failed.
Because backticks do not affect standard error: use
shell file descriptor syntax (assuming the shell
supports this) if you care to address this. To
capture a command’s STDERR and STDOUT merged together:
$output = `cmd 2>&1`;
To capture a command’s STDOUT but discard its STDERR:
$output = `cmd 2>/dev/null`;
To capture a command’s STDERR but discard its STDOUT
(ordering is important here):
$output = `cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null`;
To exchange a command’s STDOUT and STDERR in order to
capture the STDERR but leave its STDOUT to come out
the old STDERR:
$output = `cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-`;
To read both a command’s STDOUT and its STDERR
separately, it’s easiest to redirect them separately
to files, and then read from those files when the
program is done:
system("program args 1>program.stdout 2>program.stderr");
The STDIN filehandle used by the command is inherited
from Perl’s STDIN. For example:
open(BLAM, "blam") || die "$0: can't open blam: $!";
open (STDIN, "<&BLAM") || die "$0: can't dup BLAM: $!";
print `sort`;
will print the sorted contents of the file blam.
Using single-quote as the delimiter protects the command
from Perl’s double-quote interpolation, passing the contents on
to the shell instead:
$perl_info = qx(ps $$); # that's Perl's $$
$shell_info = qx'ps $$'; # that's the new shell's $$
How that string gets evaluated is entirely subject to
the command interpreter on your system. On most
platforms, you will have to protect shell
metacharacters if you want them treated literally.
This is in practice difficult to do, as it’s unclear
which characters need escaping, or how. See perlsec for a
clean and safe example of a manual fork and exec
to emulate backticks safely.
On some platforms (notably DOS-like ones), the shell
may not be capable of dealing with multiline commands,
so putting newlines in the string may not get you what
you want. You may be able to evaluate multiple
commands in a single line by separating them with the
command separator character, if your shell supports
that (e.g. ; on many Unix shells; & on the Windows
NT CMD.COM shell).
Beginning with v5.6.0, Perl attempts to flush all
files opened for output before starting the child
process, but this may not be supported on some
platforms (see perlport(1)). To be safe, you may need to
set $| ($AUTOFLUSH in English) or call the
autoflush method of IO::Handle on any open
Beware that some command shells may place restrictions
on the length of the command line. You must ensure
your strings don’t exceed this limit after any
necessary interpolations. See the platform-specific
release notes for more details about your particular
Using this operator can lead to programs that are
difficult to port, because the shell commands called
vary between systems, and may in fact not be present
at all. As one example, the type command under the
POSIX shell is very different from the type command
under DOS. That doesn't mean you should go out of
your way to avoid backticks when they’re the right way
to get something done. Perl was made to be a glue
language, and one of the things it glues together is
commands. Just understand what you’re getting
yourself into.
See I/O Operators for more discussion.
Here’s a simple example of using backticks to get the exit status of the first element in a pipeline:
$device = q(/dev/rmt8);
$dd_noise = q(^[0-9]+\+[0-9]+ records (in|out)$);
$status = `exec 3>&1; ((dd if=$device ibs=64k 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- 4>&-; echo $? >&4) | egrep -v "$dd_noise" 1>&2 3>&- 4>&-) 4>&1`;
Well ok then, so maybe that wasn’t that simple an example. :) But this one is.
I’d like to recommend the Capture::Tiny CPAN module as a simpler way to manage the output from external commands that you would normally run using backquotes. It has advantages and disadvantages, but I feel that for many people, the advantages outweigh any arguable disadvantageL
The advantage is that you get to do all this without requiring deep knowledge of arcane mysteries of file-descriptor redirection the way the previous example did.
The disadvantage is it’s yet another non-core dependency — something else you have to install from CPAN.
That’s really not bad for what you get.
Here’s an example of how easy it is:
Capture::Tiny - Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS, or external programs
use Capture::Tiny qw/capture tee capture_merged tee_merged/;
($stdout, $stderr) = capture {
# your code here
($stdout, $stderr) = tee {
# your code here
$merged = capture_merged {
# your code here
$merged = tee_merged {
# your code here
Capture::Tiny provides a simple, portable way to capture anything sent to STDOUT or STDERR, regardless of whether it comes from Perl, from XS code
or from an external program. Optionally, output can be teed so that it is captured while being passed through to the original handles. Yes, it
even works on Windows. Stop guessing which of a dozen capturing modules to use in any particular situation and just use this one.
There, isn’t that a whole lot easier?
The back-quote in Perl does much the same as the back-quote in shell - it runs a command and captures the standard output.
See also qx//.
I think the backtick lets you run commands and store their output in a variable:
$listing=`ls -1 /tmp/`;

When is the right time (and the wrong time) to use backticks?

Many beginning programmers write code like this:
sub copy_file ($$) {
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
`cp $from $to`;
Is this bad, and why? Should backticks ever be used? If so, how?
A few people have already mentioned that you should only use backticks when:
You need to capture (or supress) the output.
There exists no built-in function or Perl module to do the same task, or you have a good reason not to use the module or built-in.
You sanitise your input.
You check the return value.
Unfortunately, things like checking the return value properly can be quite challenging. Did it die to a signal? Did it run to completion, but return a funny exit status? The standard ways of trying to interpret $? are just awful.
I'd recommend using the IPC::System::Simple module's capture() and system() functions rather than backticks. The capture() function works just like backticks, except that:
It provides detailed diagnostics if the command doesn't start, is killed by a signal, or returns an unexpected exit value.
It provides detailed diagnostics if passed tainted data.
It provides an easy mechanism for specifying acceptable exit values.
It allows you to call backticks without the shell, if you want to.
It provides reliable mechanisms for avoiding the shell, even if you use a single argument.
The commands also work consistently across operating systems and Perl versions, unlike Perl's built-in system() which may not check for tainted data when called with multiple arguments on older versions of Perl (eg, 5.6.0 with multiple arguments), or which may call the shell anyway under Windows.
As an example, the following code snippet will save the results of a call to perldoc into a scalar, avoids the shell, and throws an exception if the page cannot be found (since perldoc returns 1).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capture);
# Make sure we're called with command-line arguments.
#ARGV or die "Usage: $0 arguments\n";
my $documentation = capture('perldoc', #ARGV);
IPC::System::Simple is pure Perl, works on 5.6.0 and above, and doesn't have any dependencies that wouldn't normally come with your Perl distribution. (On Windows it depends upon a Win32:: module that comes with both ActiveState and Strawberry Perl).
Disclaimer: I'm the author of IPC::System::Simple, so I may show some bias.
The rule is simple: never use backticks if you can find a built-in to do the same job, or if their is a robust module on the CPAN which will do it for you. Backticks often rely on unportable code and even if you untaint the variables, you can still open yourself up to a lot of security holes.
Never use backticks with user data unless you have very tightly specified what is allowed (not what is disallowed -- you'll miss things)! This is very, very dangerous.
Backticks should be used if and only if you need to capture the output of a command. Otherwise, system() should be used. And, of course, if there's a Perl function or CPAN module that does the job, this should be used instead of either.
In either case, two things are strongly encouraged:
First, sanitize all inputs: Use Taint mode (-T) if the code is exposed to possible untrusted input. Even if it's not, make sure to handle (or prevent) funky characters like space or the three kinds of quote.
Second, check the return code to make sure the command succeeded. Here is an example of how to do so:
my $cmd = "./ foo bar";
my $output = `$cmd`;
if ($?) {
die "Error running [$cmd]";
Another way to capture stdout(in addition to pid and exit code) is to use IPC::Open3 possibily negating the use of both system and backticks.
Use backticks when you want to collect the output from the command.
Otherwise system() is a better choice, especially if you don't need to invoke a shell to handle metacharacters or command parsing. You can avoid that by passing a list to system(), eg system('cp', 'foo', 'bar') (however you'd probably do better to use a module for that particular example :))
In Perl, there's always more than one way to do anything you want. The primary point of backticks is to get the standard output of the shell command into a Perl variable. (In your example, anything that the cp command prints will be returned to the caller.) The downside of using backticks in your example is you don't check the shell command's return value; cp could fail and you wouldn't notice. You can use this with the special Perl variable $?. When I want to execute a shell command, I tend to use system:
system("cp $from $to") == 0
or die "Unable to copy $from to $to!";
(Also observe that this will fail on filenames with embedded spaces, but I presume that's not the point of the question.)
Here's a contrived example of where backticks might be useful:
my $user = `whoami`;
chomp $user;
print "Hello, $user!\n";
For more complicated cases, you can also use open as a pipe:
open WHO, "who|"
or die "who failed";
while(<WHO>) {
# Do something with each line
close WHO;
From the "perlop" manpage:
That doesn't mean you should go out of
your way to avoid backticks when
they're the right way to get something
done. Perl was made to be a glue
language, and one of the things it
glues together is commands. Just
understand what you're getting
yourself into.
For the case you are showing using the File::Copy module is probably best. However, to answer your question, whenever I need to run a system command I typically rely on IPC::Run3. It provides a lot of functionality such as collecting the return code and the standard and error output.
Whatever you do, as well as sanitising input and checking the return value of your code, make sure you call any external programs with their explicit, full path. e.g. say
my $user = `/bin/whoami`;
my $result = `/bin/cp $from $to`;
Saying just "whoami" or "cp" runs the risk of accidentally running a command other than what you intended, if the user's path changes - which is a security vulnerability that a malicious attacker could attempt to exploit.
Your example's bad because there are perl builtins to do that which are portable and usually more efficient than the backtick alternative.
They should be used only when there's no Perl builtin (or module) alternative. This is both for backticks and system() calls. Backticks are intended for capturing output of the executed command.
Backticks are only supposed to be used when you want to capture output. Using them here "looks silly." It's going to clue anyone looking at your code into the fact that you aren't very familiar with Perl.
Use backticks if you want to capture output.
Use system if you want to run a command. One advantage you'll gain is the ability to check the return status.
Use modules where possible for portability. In this case, File::Copy fits the bill.
In general, it's best to use system instead of backticks because:
system encourages the caller to check the return code of the command.
system allows "indirect object" notation, which is more secure and adds flexibility.
Backticks are culturally tied to shell scripting, which might not be common among readers of the code.
Backticks use minimal syntax for what can be a heavy command.
One reason users might be temped to use backticks instead of system is to hide STDOUT from the user. This is more easily and flexibly accomplished by redirecting the STDOUT stream:
my $cmd = 'command > /dev/null';
system($cmd) == 0 or die "system $cmd failed: $?"
Further, getting rid of STDERR is easily accomplished:
my $cmd = 'command 2> error_file.txt > /dev/null';
In situations where it makes sense to use backticks, I prefer to use the qx{} in order to emphasize that there is a heavy-weight command occurring.
On the other hand, having Another Way to Do It can really help. Sometimes you just need to see what a command prints to STDOUT. Backticks, when used as in shell scripts are just the right tool for the job.
Perl has a split personality. On the one hand it is a great scripting language that can replace the use of a shell. In this kind of one-off I-watching-the-outcome use, backticks are convenient.
When used a programming language, backticks are to be avoided. This is a lack of error
checking and, if the separate program backticks execute can be avoided, efficiency is
Aside from the above, the system function should be used when the command's output is not being used.
Backticks are for amateurs. The bullet-proof solution is a "Safe Pipe Open" (see "man perlipc"). You exec your command in another process, which allows you to first futz with STDERR, setuid, etc. Advantages: it does not rely on the shell to parse #ARGV, unlike open("$cmd $args|"), which is unreliable. You can redirect STDERR and change user priviliges without changing the behavior of your main program. This is more verbose than backticks but you can wrap it in your own function like run_cmd($cmd,#args);
sub run_cmd {
my $cmd = shift #_;
my #args = #_;
my $fh; # file handle
my $pid = open($fh, '-|');
defined($pid) or die "Could not fork";
if ($pid == 0) {
open STDERR, '>/dev/null';
# setuid() if necessary
exec ($cmd, #args) or exit 1;
wait; # may want to time out here?
if ($? >> 8) { die "Error running $cmd: [$?]"; }
while (<$fh>) {
# Have fun with the output of $cmd
close $fh;