Administration console of OpenAM cannot be reached - jboss

I have trouble reaching the Administration console of the OpenAM server for a second time after a restart of the JBoss applicationserver on Windows 2008 Server R2 Datacenter.
I deploy OpenAM 9.5.2 (the opensso.war file) in the JBoss-4.2.3GA 'deploy' folder of its default profile.
I point my Internet Explorer 8 browser to:
The page appears to create a Default or Custom Configuration for the OpenAM server
I successfully complete the wizard for creating a Custom Configuration
A pop-up with a 'Proceed to login' link appears after completing the configuration
I click this link and I can access the Admin console
Here is the thing:
When I restart JBoss and try to browse to the Admin console URL manually for a second time:
It will instead go to the page again to create a Default or Custom Configuration:
And therefore I cannot access the Admin console anymore.
I verified that the URL: is correct by opening
a second tab in IE8 before the restart of JBoss.

Been looking at doing this myself - this may provide the solution

Indeed that will work. I discovered that you can alternatively add in your run.bat of JBoss: your configuration directory


Too many redirects issue in local host (IIS,ColdFusion 2018)

I am setting up ColdFusion 2018 Application server with IIS 10. But getting too many redirects issue.
I have tried from square one.. Below are the things I did.
Installed CF 2018 developer
Configure IIS (Windows 10) with CF 2018 using wsconfig.
Created a simple “index.cfm” and tried to access. This page contains just cfset and cfoutput.
got 404 error.
updated “enable 32-bit applications” to false in IIS application pool
404 error resolved, but getting “Too Many redirects issue”
enabled developer tools in IE and checked.
getting 302 status code and it seems index.cfm is redirecting to itself.
Not sure what to do now? Is there anything I missed in setting up IIS with CF 2018 server?
You can resolve this error by making sure that the two required components of IIS are installed on your system. Namely:
ISAPI Extensions
IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility.
First, start the program called Windows Features. You will find Windows Features under Control Panel –> Programs and Features.
When the Windows Features starts, navigate through the features hierarchy under Internet Information Services and select the two features:
(a) ISAPI extensions and
(b) IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility.
Configuring IIS for ColdFusion:
You will have to run the Web Server Configuration Tool that comes with ColdFusion to configure IIS so that all .CFM files are mapped to be handled by ColdFusion.
The following text is directly from the ColdFusion installation guide:
1)Start the Web Server Configuration Tool by selecting Start > Programs > Adobe > ColdFusion 9 > Web Server Configuration Tool.
2)Click Add.
3)In the Server pop-up menu, select the host name and the server or cluster name to configure. In the ColdFusion server configuration, the server name is always coldfusion. Clustering support is not available on the server configuration.
Note: The server or cluster does not have to reside on the web server computer.
4)In the Web Server Properties area, select IIS and specify the website. For IIS, you typically specify All.
5)Select the Configure web server for ColdFusion applications option, and click OK.
Note: Omitting the previous step causes your web server to serve ColdFusion source code.
6)Copy the CFIDE and cfdocs directories from cf_root/wwwroot to your web server root directory. In addition, copy your application’s CFM pages from cf_root/wwwroot to your web server root directory. In the multiserver configuration, these files are under the jrun_root/servers/cfusion/cfusion-ear/cfusion-war directory.
if you face too many redirects then just enable 32-bit applications to true.
refer this link:

Wildfly: Management user vs Application user

I downloaded Wildfly (wildfly-13.0.0.Final) and I want to configure it. I start standalone.bat in the bin folder of JBOSS_HOME directory (I use Windows platform).
I go to management console: localhost:8080 -> Administration Console. I see this
Your WildFly Application Server is running.
However you have not yet added any users to be able to access the admin console.
To add a new user execute the add-user.bat script within the bin folder of your WildFly installation and enter the requested information.
I run add-user.bat and it asks me what kind of user I would like to add.
I need a user to have permissions to deploy, redeploy applications. For example, for Apache Tomcat I can consifure tomcat-users.xml file and add users there (, so when I log into console as that user, I can deploy applications.
You need to add a Management user with the add-user.bat, whose credentials you will be able to log in the web admin with.
You could direclty add the user to the file in the configuration directory of your standalone or domain, but the entry must be of the form <username>:DIGEST-MD5(<username>:ManagementRealm:<password>), which the add-user.bat script will handle for you.
You don't need any particular role unless you set up RoleBasedAccessControl.
Applicative users are used by applications with frameworks such as JAAS and are interfaced through the "default" security-domain, which refers to the ApplicationRealm containing those users.
As I read
Management user is used to enter the web console. Here you can deploy app, make settings, add resources (JPA config for example). Application users do not have access to the web console. They can be used for example to authenticate services. For example to invoke remove EJB bean, you need application user credentials to access the remove server.

How to access Jboss Manager/Admin portal

I am new to jboss, what is the url and configuration settings you need to have to access Jboss's Manager/Admin portal
It depends on which version of jboss you are using.
for example, on JBOSS 5, you have to go to
Add the user at -JBOSS_HOME-\server\ -Server_Name-\conf\props\
On JBOSS version >= 6:
Add management user with add-user.bat located in bin folder
The url to access the JBoss Management Console is usually http://your_host:9990. Be careful that the console works only on localhost unless you edit your standalone.xml.
Before accessing the console you need to create a management user with the console script (or .bat) in your bin directory.
Hope this helps!
See this for more information:

ibm worklight console asking for credentials

I'm trying to run my first worklight application. after building it when i'm trying to start the worklight console from eclipse the work light console page opens and is asking me from userid and password. I tried the demo and my current windows credentials. Both dint work.
Apart from installing worklight in eclipse are we supposed to configure anything else? or do we have any default username and password for the console?
Check your user registry in your server.xml file (on Liberty profile) or your repository configuration on WAS. On a clean install on a liberty profile instance, try admin/admin.

Jboss 4.3 EAP in Eclipse asks credentials on server startup

I am using eclipse Galileo and I am trying to start my JBoss 4.3 EAP.
When I start JBOSS from command line it runs fine. But when I start it from eclipse I get
the following pop up and my application is not deployed
your server is repsonding to jmx queries with a security exception.
you can try entering new credentials below or you can double click on your server and verify the host, jndi port, username and password are accurate.
you can also click ignore below to begin working with your server but deploying to and stopping the server may not function properly
My jboss from command line and my Eclipse both use the same jre
In JBoss EAP by default the JMX Console has turn on security domain and you need provide proper user and password to login in. But the default user is disabled .
You can turn in on by editing the $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/conf/props/ (for default profile).
You can just uncomment the admin user or add your own (in that case also edit file).