Which signal does a GtkTreeview emit on column edit? - gtk

Which signal does a GtkTreeView emit when an editable column is edited? I want to catch edits with a callback function.

I catch edits in my treeview with the following code (c++):
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &YourClass::onEditingStarted));
And the callback is:
void YourClass::onEditingStarted(Gtk::CellEditable* editable, const Glib::ustring& path) {
// here I'll connect an event to catch when the edition ends
// YourClass::onEditingEnded has no parameters
sigc::mem_fun(*this, &YourClass::onEditingEnded));


SetText method not setting value in Modify Listener

i have a requirement where the Text value should modify and set the modified value.
The Text Value is file path selected by the user.
txtPath.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() {
public void modifyText(ModifyEvent e) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Text text= (Text)e.widget;
File fi= new File(text.getText());
Iam getting an error in setting the value.
If user Selected path is "C:\test\folder\sample.xml"
The modify text path should be set with new value as "C:\test\folder"
A modify event is triggered whenever the value changes--meaning for every keypress in the text field, and also by the setText() which you are calling. You probably want to listen for the focus lost event rather than the modify event.

Stop window from closing in tinyMCE in onSubmit function

I am trying to add some validation logic to the code plugin for tinyMCE.
It seems, however, that when a window's onSubmit function is called, the window closes by default.
The onSubmit function currently looks like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
What I would like to do is add some validation logic to the plugin to prevent tinyMCE from reformatting invalid html and, rather, display a message that the html is invalid. Essentially, something like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(e.data.code);
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
However, it seems that the onSubmit function closes the text editor window regardless. I was wondering if there is a way to stop it from doing this. I have scoured the documentation which leaves much to be explained and have looked at other plugins as examples. The closest I can find is the searchandreplce plugin. The 'Find' button calls the onSubmit function, but it seems to stay open if the 'find' text field is blank. However, the logic behind it seems very different from what I can use in the Code plugin as it is.
Can anyone who is familiar with the tinyMCE API give me any ideas on how to prevent the window from closing when onSubmit is called? Or do I have to go another route?
As per this question the way to cancel an event is to return false;. This will keep the popup open. Your code would then become:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(e.data.code);
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
return false;
I figured it out finally. All you need to do is add e.preventDefault(); at the start of the onSubmit function and the window will not close. The documentation was no help, but looking at the searchandreplace plugin as an example lead me to the answer. What I have now is like this:
onSubmit: function (e) {
// We get a lovely "Wrong document" error in IE 11 if we
// don't move the focus to the editor before creating an undo
var isCodeValid = true;
//check if code valid
isCodeValid = ValidateCode(e.data.code);
if (isCodeValid) {
//if code valid, send to tinyMCE to let it do it's thing
editor.undoManager.transact(function () {
else {
//if code invalid, display error message and keep text editor window open
tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.alert("Your HTML is invalid. Please check your code and try submitting again.");
e.PreventDefault() seems to stop the default behavior of the onSubmit function.

How to don't validate form with Ajax buttons

I have a problem with validation on form actually sub-form.
In my website I have some kind of table and "Add row" button (BlockingAjaxSubmitLink).
When I try add let say 2 rows, I get validation error (because row in this table has Required=True parameter) and I can't add another row. I tried use simple AjaxLink but it doesn't have reference to form in onClick method and when I complete some rows and click "Add row" this data get lost.
I want to enable validation only after "save" button click.
Any idea how to deal with this problem?
I do something like you want using an AjaxLink.
My AjaxLink:
private AjaxLink addNewRow = new AjaxLink("addNewRow") {
public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
MyEntityObject newTableRowObject = new MyEntityObject(irrelevantParameter);
entityObjectTableService.createNewRowInDB(newTableRowObject );
In this code the listViewContainer is a WebMarkupContainer which contains a ListView holding the table rows.
When i click this AjaxLink a new object representing a row in my table is added to the database and then the container containing the ListView is being refreshed refreshing the ListView and the new empty object is being fetched from the DB and shown as a new row in my table at the end.
Depending on your structure maybe you are looking after disabling validation using setDefaultFormProcessing(true); - http://ci.apache.org/projects/wicket/apidocs/6.x/org/apache/wicket/markup/html/form/AbstractSubmitLink.html#setDefaultFormProcessing%28boolean%29
For now I write some kind of hack
First I set
and next
BlockingAjaxSubmitLink<Object> addKnowledgeLink = new BlockingAjaxSubmitLink<Object>(
"link_knowledge_add") {
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
/* some code */
and my hack...
public void process(IFormSubmitter object){
if (!isEnabledInHierarchy() || !isVisibleInHierarchy())
// run validation
/*if (hasError())
// mark all children as invalid
// let subclass handle error
// mark all children as valid
// before updating, call the interception method for clients
// Update model using form data
// validate model objects after input values have been bound
if (hasError())
// Form has no error
and I ovveride one method
protected void onError(){
I know it is ugly solution but I couldn't figure out anything better..
And I couldn't shutdown feedback messages

How to catch click on QMenuBar

I want to catch the click on my QMenuBar that is in QMainWindow, so I have subclassed QMenuBar and I have overrided the mousePressEvent function, but now when I click on menu, the submenus doesn't display them.
An idea ?
In the end of your mousePressEvent function you should pass the event to the base class, which will do its own operations on mouse click:
void MyMenu::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
// do your stuff
Here you can read about the Qt Event System.

gtkentry focus behaviour

Is there any existing mechanism for a GtkEntry to simply position the cursor at the end of the text when focused, rather than selecting its contents to be overwritten by the next key? It seems odd to have to add a signal handler to do something this basic, but I can't find anything in the properties.
Edit: The signal handler doesn't work; whatever I do the default behaviour gets triggered after my handler runs. Here's my gtkd code; note that I am appending some text in the focus-in-event handler, and the appended text gets selected as well:
class NoteView : Entry
this(string text) {
if (text) {
addOnFocusIn(delegate bool(GdkEventFocus* f, Widget w) {
// clear selection
selectRegion(0, 0);
// test to see whether the appended text gets selected too
// don't let any other handlers run
return 1;
}, ConnectFlags.AFTER);
The addOnFocusIn method is in the gtkd Gtk.Widget api; it calls g_signal_connect_data internally, which should in theory be honouring the G_CONNECT_AFTER flag I'm passing it, but doesn't seem to be.
Edit2: Solved - the grab-focus handler was doing the text selection, and being handled after focus-in-event
Turns out GtkEntry was selecting the text on the grab-focus signal, not focus-in-event. Working code:
class NoteView : Entry
this(string text) {
if (text) {
addOnGrabFocus(delegate void(Widget w) {
selectRegion(0, 0);
}, ConnectFlags.AFTER);
Can't find anything in the docs.
I guess they figured that diverging from the default behavior is that uncommon that they just let people do it with signals, rather than provide a property for it.
Consider creating a subclass of GtkEntry that exhibits the behavior you require.