How to find the #fragment in a URL in Lift - scala

I'm pretty new to Lift, and one of the things I've been trying to find is how to, in the context of a snippet, find the '#' in the current page's URL. So if a user visits then I would like to extract "stuff" from that. I've been googling and searching the API docs and have yet to find anything for this.

I don't think the part behind the # ever gets sent to the server in the first place.
That's what wikipedia has to say about it:
In URIs a hashmark # introduces the
optional fragment near the end of the
URL. The generic RFC 3986 syntax for
URIs also allows an optional query
part introduced by a question mark ?.
In URIs with a query and a fragment
the fragment follows the query. Query
parts depend on the URI scheme and are
evaluated by the server — e.g., http:
supports queries unlike ftp:.
Fragments depend on the document MIME
type and are evaluated by the client
(Web-browser). Clients are not
supposed to send URI-fragments to
servers when they retrieve a document,
and without help from a local
application (see below) fragments do
not participate in HTTP redirections.

I don't think the part behind the #
ever gets sent to the server in the
first place.
You are correct, sir. That is the entire point of the hash.
Dylan, you could do something from the Javascript side:
$.ajax( { data : { fragment : window.location.hash ...


What is the "Restful" way to command a server?

I have a REST endpoint to create an application configuration as such
POST /applications
With a body
"appName" : "my-new-app"
I returns a newly created application configuration:
"appName": "my-new-app",
"appId": "2ed17ff700664dad9bb32e400d39dc68",
"apiKey": "$2a$10$",
"masterKey": "$2a$10$XVDH9F3Ix4lx2LdxeJ4ZOeSZLR1hVSXk2We/DqQahyOFFY6nOfbHS",
"dateCreated": "2021-03-28T11:00:07.340+00:00",
"dateUpdated": "2021-03-28T11:00:07.340+00:00"
Note: The keys are auto-generated in the server and not passed from the client.
My question here is, what's the RESTful way to command the server to reset the keys for example:
PUT /applications/my-new-app/update_keys is not noun-based and thus, not restful, also passing a command as query parameter does not also seem to be restful since this is not a GET method rather it's a PUT (update) method.
Here's one way to send a command that is as much as possible RESTful:
POST /application/:appName/actions
Example Payload:
"actions" : [
"action" : "name_of_command",
"arguments" : {
"arg1" : "param1"
"action" : "reset_keys",
"arguments" : {
Actions would be nouns that are part of the endpoint, and the server will process actions that are submitted (or posted) within the endpoint. And an array of actions would be best suited to allow multiple actions to be sent. And each action having arguments would also be desirable for future actions that would need arguments.
what's the RESTful way to command the server to reset the keys for example:
How would you do it with a web site?
You would be looking at some web page like /www/applications/my-new-app; within the data or the metadata you would find a link. Following that link would bring you to a form; the form would have input controls describing what fields you need to provide to send the message, in addition to any "hidden" inputs. When you click the submit button, your user agent would collect your inputs, construct from them the appropriate message body, then use the form metadata to determine what request method and uri to use.
The client never has to guess what URI to use, because the server is providing links to guide the way.
Hypertext is at the heart of the uniform interface
REST is defined by four interface constraints: identification of resources; manipulation of resources through representations; self-descriptive messages; and, hypermedia as the engine of application state.
Because the server is providing the URI for each of the links, you've got some freedom ot choose which resource "handles" which message.
One interesting way to resolve this to look at HTTP's rules for cache invalidation. The short version is that successful unsafe requests (PATCH/POST/PUT) invalidate the representations of the target-uri.
In other words, we take advantage of cache-invalidation by sending the command to the resource that we are trying to change.
So, assuming that retrieving the representation of the app occurred via a request like:
GET /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Then we would ask the server to change that resource by sending a request with that same target-uri. Something analogous to:
POST /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: text/plain
Please rotate the keys
Form submissions on the web are usually a representation of key/value pairs, so a more likely spelling would be:
POST /applications/my-new-app HTTP/x.y
Content-Type: applications/x-www-form-urlencoded
Your form that describes this request my have an "action" input control, that accepts text from the client, or more likely in this case action would be a hidden control with a pre-defined value.
Note: if we have multiple actions that should invalidate the /applications/my-new-app representations, we would probably use POST for all of them, and resolve the ambiguity at the server based on the request-body (if our routing framework gives us the degree of control we need, we can use that - but more common would be to have a single POST handler for each Content-Type, and parse the request body "by hand".
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.” -- Fielding 2009
PUT /applications/my-new-app/update_keys is not noun-based and thus, not restful,
That's not true: REST doesn't care what spelling conventions you use for your resource identifiers. For example
These all work fine, just like every other resource on the web.
You absolutely can design your resource model so that editing the update_keys document also modifies the my-new-app document.
The potential difficulty is that general purpose components are not going to know what is going on. HTTP PUT means "update the representation of the target resource", and every general purpose component knows that; the origin server is allowed to modify other resources as a consequence of the changes to the "update-keys" resource.
But we don't have a great language for communicating the general purpose components all of the side effects that may have happened. Without some special magic, previously cached copies of my-new-app, with the original, unrotated, keys, will be left lying around. So the client may be left with a stale copy of the document that describes the app.
(An example of "some special magic" would be Linked Cache Invalidation, which affords describing caching relationships between resources using web linking. Unforunately, LCI has not been adopted as a standard, and you won't find the described link relations in the IANA registry.)

How to pack a variable into an HTTP GET request in socket.send() - Python 2.7

First off thanks for reading!
Second off YES I have tried to find the answer! :) Perhaps I haven't found it because I'm not using the right words to describe my problem, but it's been about 4 hours that I've been trying to figure it out now and I'm getting a little loopy trying to piece it together on my own.
I am very new to programming. Python is my first language. I am on my third Python course. I have an assignment to use the socket library (not urllib library - I know how to do that) to make a socket and use GET to receive information. The problem is that the program needs to take raw input for the URL in question.
I have everything else the way I want it, but I need to know the syntax that I'm supposed to be using INSIDE my "GET" request in order for the HTTP message to include the requested document path.
I have tried (obviously not all together lol):
mysock.send('GET (url) HTTP/1.0\n\n')
mysock.send( ('GET (url) HTTP:/1.0\n\n'))
mysock.send(('GET (url) HTTP:/1.0\n\n'))
mysock.send("GET (url) HTTP/1.0\n\n")
mysock.send( ("'GET' (url) HTTP:/1.0\n\n"))
mysock.send(("'GET' (url) 'HTTP:/1.0\n\n'"))
basically every other configuration of the above (, ((, ( (, ', '' combinations listed above.
I have also tried:
-Creating a string using the 'url' variable first, and then including it inside mysock.send(string)
-Again with the "string-first" theory, but this time I used %r to refer to my user input (so 'GET %r HTTP/1.0\n\n' % url basically)
I've read questions here, other programming websites, the whole chapter in the book and the whole lectures/notes online, I've read articles on the socket library and the .send(), and of course articles on GET requests... but I'm clearly missing something. It seems most don't use socket library when they can use urllib and I don't blame them!!
Thank you again...
Someone from the university posted back to me that the url variable can concatenated with the GET syntax and assigned to a string variable which can then be called with .send(concatenatedvariable) - I had mentioned trying that but had missed that GET requires a space after the word 'GET' so of course concatenating didn't include a space and that blew it. In case anyone else wants to know :)
FYI: A fully quallified URL is only allowed in HTTP/1.1 requests. It is not the norm, though, as HTTP/1.1 requires setting the Host header. The relevant piece of reading would've been RFC 7230, sec. 3.1.1 and possibly RFC 3986. The syntax of the parameters is largely borrowed from the CGI format. It is in no way enforced, however. In a nutshell, everything put together would look like this on the wire:
GET /path?param1=value1&param2=value2 HTTP/1.1
As a final note: The line delimiter in HTTP is CRLF (\r\n). For robustness, a simple linefeed is acceptable as well but not recommended.

How to use URI as a REST resource?

I am building a RESTful API for retrieving and storing comments in threads.
A comment thread is identified by an arbitrary URI -- usually this is the URL of the web page where the comment thread is related to. This design is very similar to what Disqus uses with their system.
This way, on every web page, querying the related comment thread doesn't require storing any additional data at the client -- all that is needed is the canonical URL to the page in question.
My current implementation attempts to make an URI work as a resource by encoding the URI as a string as follows:
However, before dispatching it to my application, the request URI always gets decoded by my server to
This isn't working because the decoded resource name now has path delimiters and a query string in it causing routing in my API to get confused (my routing configuration assumes the request path contains /comments/ followed by a string).
I could double-encode them or using some other encoding scheme than URI encode, but then that would add complexity to the clients, which I'm trying to avoid.
I have two specific questions:
Is my URI design something I should continue working with or is there a better (best?) practice for doing what I'm trying to do?
I'm serving API requests with a Go process implemented using Martini 'microframework'. Is there something Go or Martini specific that I should do to make the URI-encoded resource names to stay encoded?
Perhaps a way to hint to the routing subsystem that the resource name is not just a string but a URL-encoded string?
I don't know about your url scheme for your application, but single % encoded values are valid in a url in place of the chars they represent, and should be decoded by the server, what you are seeing is what I would expect. If you need to pass url reserved characters as a value and not have them decoded as part of the url, you will need to double % encode them. It's a fairly common practice, the complexity added to the client & server will not be that much, and a short comment will do rightly.
In short, If you need to pass url chars, double % encode them, it's fine.

Problem with OAuth, POST with parameters

I'm using Jon Crosby's open source Objective-C OAuth library for some basic http authentication that does not deal with tokens, only consumer key and consumer secret. My code works great for GET, GET with parameters in the URL, and POST. When I issue a POST request that has parameters in the URL, though, the request fails authorization. I'm trying to figure out why.
The server is using Apache Commons OAuth, so I'd like to compare my base string with that library. Here's a contrived example and the base string and signature produced by my library. Can anyone see what the problem is?
consumer key: abcdef
consumer secret: ghijkl
POST request:
my base string: POST&
This data produces the following OAuth header authorization:
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="abcdef",
And apparently my signature is wrong. The problem has to either be in the construction of the base string, in the way that the HMAC-SHA1 function is implemented (using Apple's CCHmac from CommonHMAC.h, so hopefully this isn't it), or with my Base64Transcoder, which is open source c. 2003 by Jonathan Wight/Toxic Software. I primarily suspect the base string, since the requests work for GET and POST and only fail with POST with URL parameters as above.
Can someone with lots of OAuth experience spot the problem above? Something else that would be very useful is the base string that is produced by Apache Commons OAuth in their authentication. Thanks.
As per RFC 5849 section, the OAuth base string URI does not include the query string or fragment. If either the client or the server does not remove the query parameters from the base string URI and add them to the normalized OAuth parameter list, the signatures won't match. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell which side is making this mistake. But it's easy to determine this is the problem: If it always works without query parameters but always fails with query parameters, you can be pretty sure that one side or the other is generating the wrong base string. (Be sure that it always happens though... intermittent errors would be something else. Similarly, if it never works with or without a query string, that would also be something else.) The other possibility is that normalization was done incorrectly — the parameter list must be sorted and percent encoded sequences must be upper-cased. If it's not normalized correctly on both sides, that will also cause a base string mismatch, and thus a signature mismatch.
you can build and check visually your request at this URL:
Open the boxes denoted by [+] signs and fill in your values, that way you may be able to see if the problem is at your code, or at the provider side.

RESTful, efficient way to query List.contains(element)?

/images: list of all images
/images/{imageId}: specific image
/feed/{feedId}: potentially huge list of some images (not all of them)
How would you query if a particular feed contains a particular image without downloading the full list? Put another way, how would you check whether a resource state contains a component without downloading the entire state? The first thought that comes to mind is:
Alias /images/{imageId} to /feed/{feedId}/images/{imageId}
Clients would then issue HTTP GET against /feed/{feedId}/images/{id} to check for its existence. The downside I see with this approach is that it forces me to hard-code logic into the client for breaking down an image URI to its proprietary id, something that REST frowns upon. Ideally I should be using the opaque image URI. Another option is:
Issue HTTP GET against /feed/{feedId}?contains={imageURI} to check for existence
but that feels a lot closer to RPC than I'd like. Any ideas?
What's wrong with this?
HEAD /images/id
It's unclear what "feed" means, but assuming it contains resources, it'd be the same:
HEAD /feed/id
It's tricky to say without seeing some examples to provide context.
But you could just have clients call HEAD /feed/images/{imageURI} (assuming that you might need to encode the imageURI). The server would respond with the usual HEAD response, or with a 404 error if the resource doesn't exist. You'd need to code some logic on the server to understand the imageURI.
Then the client either uses the image meta info in the head, or gracefully handles the 404 error and does something else (depending on the application I guess)
There's nothing "un-RESTful" about:
It returns the subset as specified. The resource, /feed/{feedid}, is a list resource containing a list of images. How is the resource returned with the contains query any different?
The URI is unique, and returns the appropriate state from the application. Can't say anything about the caching semantics of the request, but they're identical to whatever the caching semantics are of the original /feed/{feedid}, it simply a subset.
Finally, there's nothing that says that there even exists a /feed/{feedid}/image/{imageURL}. If you want to work with the sub-resources at that level, then fine, but you're not required to. The list coming back will likely just be a list of direct image URLS, so where's the link describing the /feed/{feedid}/image/{imageURL} relationship? You were going to embed that in the payload, correct?
How about setting up a ImageQuery resource:
# Create a new query from form data where you could constrain results for a given feed.
# May or may not redirect to /image_queries/query_id.
POST /image_queries/
# Optional - view query results containing URIs to query resources.
GET /image_queries/query_id
This video demonstrates the idea using Rails.