How to add the different types of graph and charts in my iphone app via using any other api not core-plot? - iphone

I am using core-plot but i need to use any other api?
please help me by tell the name of different api's which i can use for add some graphf and chart in my app.
Also need how to customize the look of these graph E.g. add images in bar graphs 2d pie chart to 3d pie chat etc.
note:if the Question is not according to the rules please tell me in comments or Edit it.

you can use google's chart api -


How can we make a pie chart using dygraph

I would like to create pie chart using dygraph library. On the main site, i could't find the way to create pie chart
dygraphs is a library for creating line charts. You can't use it to create pie charts. There are many other JavaScript visualization libraries out there that will meet your needs better, for example the Google Visualization API or HighCharts.
It is possible to create pie charts using dygraphs using plotter plugin.
See the below link for the same-

GWT Chart library - ability to blow-up components inside the chart

I have a specific requirement for my GWT charting library. I need a library that supports a variety of graphs (bar, line, pie) and should have the ability to handle events from inside a chart (like clicking on a bar inside the bar graph - this would allow me to show extra information as a popup when its clicked).
I know that conventional wisdom states that its not possible without using Flash/Flex or a third-party embedded component but I am assuming that there would be a HTML5 charting library that would allow me to do it. I have tried to search but unsuccessfully. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I am not a fan of FusionCharts. They have fancy charts but missed the market trend towards HTML5 and allowed Highchart to pick up charting market.
A good way to analyze is to pick up Fusion Charts competition as starting point and then list out your parameters.The below link is heavy duty marketing. Use it only to know what Fusion Chart' competitors are.
The rest of the content on the above link is more of marketing bs.
Google Charts support all that, AFAIK.
Or is that answer too obvious ?
And there is a GWT wrapper available.

How to create a simple graph just showing two lines in iphone

I want to create a simple graph which will get the values and shows the graph like below image shown
I have also create other graphs using pie chart class but how to make this simple graph to show two line with like this
You can create a bar (or column) chart for iPhone using SciChart.
There is an example showing Objective-C and Swift code] to generate a column chart here:
There's a quick tutorial on how to add series to an iOS/iPhone/iPad chart here, as well as source code for the tutorial on github.
Disclosure: I am the tech lead of the SciChart project
A commonly used Cocoa "native" charting library is Core Plot.. Whilst I've yet to personally use it, it seems to be quite popular and is under active development.
You can check out the PowerPlot library. It is a powerful choice for native charts on iOS, here are a two sample bar graphs:
The Images Like
Using PowerPlot, the code needed to generate these two graphs is available here (upper chart) and here (lower chart).
Possible duplicate of Bar Graphs in iOS app this thread.
On the provided link there are a lot of frameworks which you can use. For drawing simple graphs there are simpler frameworks than CorePlot.
You can check this Quartz-2d Tutorial.

creating Graphs and charts in iphone application?

I saw a couple of applications in the itunes store with stunning visuals, how is it possible to create those graphs and charts. I know these things can also be created using Java script, is javascript used to create them ?
You're looking for Core Plot.
you can draw chart's of your choice there is one API is available in Google for that using that API you van show your chart in UIWebView here I am providing the URL for that.That Url Required different kind of parameter for that.,378799000000,421849000000&chxs=1N*cUSD&chxr=a&chds=a&chco=50b1c7,EBB671,DE091A&chbh=25,5,25&chxt=x,y,x,x&chxl=0:|2006|2008|2010|2:||5+Year+%+Sales+Growth++33%||3:||3+Year+%+Sales+Growth++11%||&chdl=Sales+Growth&chtt=Revenue+Trend&chts=000000,12,c
For More Detail please refer this URL:

Advice for building simple bar chart, but with custom styling

I have some data that is displayed in a bar chart, using Google's Visualization API. Was simple enough until designers redesigned it... Now it appears to be something that is beyond what Google can help me with.
Given the attached mockup (and note the finer details like reflection and gradients!)- how would you go about building it? Using some existing graphing libraries? Homebrew from the ground up?
Thanks for any advice.
If you need to adhere to the custom design requirements as depicted in the image above, I would build a charting application using a more generalized graphics library such as Rapheal.
While it doesn't provide a simple API for plugging data into a chart, it does provide the ability to build a chart with the following:
a variety of shapes (i.e. the bars)
embedded images (i.e. the background)
You can change the visual effect using CSS.
Ofcourse you can use chuckx recommendation of Rapheal which is a SVG based Javascript Library. It can accept JSON values so say if you have JSON from Google API you could feed in directly.
Option 2 : HTML Canvas. There are lot of HTML 5 canvas libraries like Kinect, fabric.js powerful javascript canvas libraries