How to create a simple graph just showing two lines in iphone - iphone

I want to create a simple graph which will get the values and shows the graph like below image shown
I have also create other graphs using pie chart class but how to make this simple graph to show two line with like this

You can create a bar (or column) chart for iPhone using SciChart.
There is an example showing Objective-C and Swift code] to generate a column chart here:
There's a quick tutorial on how to add series to an iOS/iPhone/iPad chart here, as well as source code for the tutorial on github.
Disclosure: I am the tech lead of the SciChart project

A commonly used Cocoa "native" charting library is Core Plot.. Whilst I've yet to personally use it, it seems to be quite popular and is under active development.
You can check out the PowerPlot library. It is a powerful choice for native charts on iOS, here are a two sample bar graphs:
The Images Like
Using PowerPlot, the code needed to generate these two graphs is available here (upper chart) and here (lower chart).

Possible duplicate of Bar Graphs in iOS app this thread.
On the provided link there are a lot of frameworks which you can use. For drawing simple graphs there are simpler frameworks than CorePlot.

You can check this Quartz-2d Tutorial.


Charts with DevExpress / DevExtreme

Hi I'm searching for a good chart plugin for my web-application, which can solve some of my requirements. To date, I've tested follow chart plugins:
Kendo UI
Angular Charts
The plugin highcharts solves all of my requirements, but it's really expensive. The others don't solve all of my requirements, so I have to search another one. The solution of a hand-made chart needs a lot of time and that means for our company, it's also expensive. Now I've found the framework DevExpress. Before I invest a lot of time to test it, I would like to inform myself, if it's possible to make charts with DevExpress with this requirements:
Any number of y-axes with various values
Events (detect if clicked for example)
Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)
Integrate it as HTML in custome code
Supports JSON
Mixed line-style (for example, a part of a line in the chart is solid, another is dotted, but it's the same line)
Responsive Design
My results with highcharts:
Any number of y-axes with various value types:
Mixed linetypes in same line (blue line):
Special chart constalations:
This special requirements are for the healthcare, because they have some weird and special charts they need for checking medical results. So it's simply complicate, to find a good plugin. If there is someone who has a knowledge with DevExpress and charts and can answer me I would be thankfull.
Any number of y-axes with various values
DevExtreme has Multiple Axes Demo
Events (detect if clicked for example)
DevExtreme Charts have handlers for events. Here is a demo illustrates onPointClick
Costume style with css (I think I saw it on their website)
See it in Appearance Customization Article & Customize Points and Labels demo
Supports JSON
Remote Data Source Using an Ajax Query Demo
Responsive Design
DevExtreme Charts looks good on phones, tablets and desktops (Mobile & Web)
You can see more in Widgets Gallery Demo & Documentation

How to create chart application in iphone

I'm assigned with new task for creating chart application in iphone like.,(BarChart,PieChart,etc..,).But,i have no idea for chart application in iphone.Please anyone help me out to guide me to start chart application in iphone.If any of the frameworks or API used for this kind of chart application means please explain that also.
Give a shot to:
Core-Plot Framework
To get it working, read here.
You can also see the accepted answer of this SO question.
For a little bar-chart tutorial go here.
There is also:
s7graphview less features but It's an option.
If you can rely on the web, although it's a far from optimal solution, you can embed a UIWebView in your application, and use the Google Graph Visualization API or you can use a UIWebView with an HTML5 graph library lake rgraph. Look here for a jQuery based solution. Filament Group made also this one.
At the and some sample code from Apple (Accelerometer Graph).
A commonly used Cocoa "native" charting library is core-plot. Whilst I've yet to personally use it, it seems to be quite popular and is under active development.
Here you go, but next time please use the search function first:
Cocoa Graphing/Plotting Framework that Works on iPhoneOS
A popular one is core plot.

Is there a good iPhone pie chart library which will produce good look 3d pie charts?

I can't find a library which will produce good looking 3d pie charts for the iphone?
I had a look at the core plot wiki and their pie didn't look that good...
There's an open-source class called BNPieChart available in the moriarty library which can produce pie charts like this:
And also much smaller versions of course. There's a post about it here.
Besides NBPieChart proposed above, have a look at XYPieChart it is a really good open source pie chart that looks very nice, are extremely simple, and contains animation for adding slices. Look at the screenshot of the demo project included:
There's also Fusion Charts, which is now HTML5.
Core Plot has been recommended in other postings here on stackoverflow. It supports many standard data visualizations, including pie charts.
The Google Chart API is pretty good/popular. You will need a network connection though.
If you want iOS native charting library you should check ShinobyControls.
If you want web-based, and also amazingly good charting library, maybe HighCharts is the way to go.

Advice for building simple bar chart, but with custom styling

I have some data that is displayed in a bar chart, using Google's Visualization API. Was simple enough until designers redesigned it... Now it appears to be something that is beyond what Google can help me with.
Given the attached mockup (and note the finer details like reflection and gradients!)- how would you go about building it? Using some existing graphing libraries? Homebrew from the ground up?
Thanks for any advice.
If you need to adhere to the custom design requirements as depicted in the image above, I would build a charting application using a more generalized graphics library such as Rapheal.
While it doesn't provide a simple API for plugging data into a chart, it does provide the ability to build a chart with the following:
a variety of shapes (i.e. the bars)
embedded images (i.e. the background)
You can change the visual effect using CSS.
Ofcourse you can use chuckx recommendation of Rapheal which is a SVG based Javascript Library. It can accept JSON values so say if you have JSON from Google API you could feed in directly.
Option 2 : HTML Canvas. There are lot of HTML 5 canvas libraries like Kinect, fabric.js powerful javascript canvas libraries

iPhone Web App charting/graphing libraries

I am chewing through a specification for an iPhone Web App (NOT native). The request implies a lot of general charting functionality, mostly line chart and bar charts. On the implementation side of things, it means a lot of re-formatting of existing web content using an iPhone Web App framework (most likely JQTouch).
Given the capabilities of the device browser, is there a specific charting library you'd recommend, which runs acceptably on the mobile Safari with reasonable overhead?
We are interested in the following charting functionality:
Line and bar series
Legend display on chart area or outside
Dynamic series support (e.g. show/hide series)
Dynamic series creation in JS
I have looked at Flot so far.
The free and excellent Google Chart Tools lets you create both static image charts and interactive (javascript) charts.
They look quite nice:
There are several jQuery based plugins for that (including Flot):
And the Filament Group has a nice one as well:
I've used the latter though we eventually scrapped it when we realized we only needed bar graphs and it was easier to just roll-our-own simple implementation using a bit of jQuery animation and some divs.