Facebook Logout in iPhone Application - iphone

I have integrated the facebook in to my application, From the FB i will be getting the userid and the name of the user and passing it to my own service that will do the validation and allows the respective user to get in to the system. I have got the userid and username from the FB and passed it my service that will do the validation,it allows the user to enter in to app, but my problem is once i logged in , how can i log out from the FB ?
Please let me know your ideas.

If you are using the new facebook sdk, then us
[facebook logout:delegate]
Being facebook your Facebook object,and delegate an FBSessionDelegate.
If all goes well your delegate will be called on -(void)fbDidLogout;

That depends on which library you use to connect to facebook.
But I guess that you have a FBSession class that has a logout method...
That logout method also calls deleteFacebookCookies that you could also directly call depending on your needs...
Hope that helps.

If you are using old facebook sdk,then use this code for logout.make FBSession class object and code like this. [FBSessionclassobject logout];
it will delete all FacebookCookies.


facebook login give me already authorized this app without automatic returning to the app

My app should implement login with facebook but I have noticed that every time I want to login the facebook tell me you are already authorize this app , the question if I already authorized the app the facebook should return automatically without pressing the okey button as I saw in other applications ?
see the attached image
I fixed my problem by doing the following steps :
1- login to your facebook as admin to your app.
2- go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/YOUR_FACEBOOK_APP_ID/summary.
3- go to settings > basic > Native IOS app
4- set the Configured for iOS SSO: to enabled
In iOS/Android the FBAccessToken's expiration time is up to 60 days. When you do FBLogin in your app you get the access token. once you get the token you should not do login again(otherwise you will be prompted already authorized this app since your app has already been given an access token earlier which is not expired ). You should reuse the unexpired access token.
Like this :
if FBSDKAccessToken.currentAccessToken() != nil {
//OR call the *FBGraphRequest*
Note: for in-App browser login (SVC: Safari View Controller)
see more:
You need to make sure that your app has the proper URL Prefix in your Build Settings. Also make sure that the URL Prefix matches your Facebook ID/URL Prefix in the Facebook developer app.
Edit: Your issue is probably that the access_token is expiring so it's have to re-ask for permissions.
This will happen if your application did not request offline_access permissions. In the newer SDK offline_access is deprecated and you now have to extend the access_token.
See this link: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/ios/build/#extend_token
As this Question is already answered , but i would like to add another helpful answer for Swift 3.0 :
While using FB Login in Swift , i having issue and i previously did this way:
let fbLoginManager : FBSDKLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
fbLoginManager.loginBehavior = .systemAccount
As this uses , System account to check user is authorized for login or not . Unless you logout and login through different user , application shows same "Already authorized" message in place of Fresh login . So i used this way and this trick does the work :
let fbLoginManager : FBSDKLoginManager = FBSDKLoginManager()
fbLoginManager.loginBehavior = .web.
This show Login Screen after logout.
Hope this helps to solve this issue.
Feel free to comment . Thanks.
You should check if there is a current session before logging in with FBSDKLoginManager. Do not use [loginManager logout] before logging in.
if ([FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken])
NSLog(#"Token is available : %#",[[FBSDKAccessToken currentAccessToken]tokenString]);
// Now get details using graphpath.
} else {
// login with permissions using FBSDKLoginManager and get details using graphpath in completion
There is a open bug at facebook.com
But the bug only appears at android, ios works fine.
(btw. same behavior in the foursquare and spotify android app - check it out)
Run your iOS FB application into device not simulator it works fine, and didn't shows the already authorized screen.
Thank you.

Customizing plays fbconnect module

When i'm trying to log in to facebook with button from fbconnect module, I am getting nullpointer at this line:
String email = data.get("email").getAsString();
where data is JsonObject. So I checked this json response from facebook, and found that has many data, but email isn't included.
I suppose i have to change something in fbconnect module, like change request, to get more data from facebook, can somebody tell me where and how ?
Im talking about play framework ofc.
You need the email extended permission to access the email field for a user - ensure you have this by calling /me/permissions with your access token - it'll show you the permissions your access token has
Add the email scope tag to your fbconnect button:
#{fbconnect.button label:'Login using your facebook account.', scope:'email'/}

facebook-ios-sdk logout question

I have seen a lot of questions here regarding the Facebook Graph API but I still haven't find a solution for simple 'login'/'logout' operations using it. Looks like the Single Sign-On style is causing more confusion than benefits.
I'd like to know if it is possible have the following situation:
Enter in the app (no accessToken/expirationDate created).
Perform a login using SSO by calling authorize:delegate: method (application goes background and the login is made in the 'global' scope (Facebook App/Mobile Safari), asking for the user credentials.
Enter back in the app (now logged in, both accessToken and expirationDate are saved to NSUserDefaults).
Perform a logout by calling the logout: method (now logged out, both accessToken and expirationDate are removed from NSUserDefaults)
Attempt to perform a login again, with exactly the same steps done in 2.
I realize that when I call logout:, I do really log out from Facebook (accessToken is invalidated) from my App scope, not from the global scope (Facebook App/Mobile Safari). In 5.) when I try to log in again, the application goes to background and the login attempt is made again in Facebook App/Mobile Safari as usual, however I'm getting a screen saying that I'm already logged in:
You have already authorized .... Press "Okay" to continue.
Logged in as ... (Not You?).
It's a strange behavior for the user that has just logged out in my App.
My question is:
"Can I really log out from facebook (I mean 'global' scope) from inside my App? This would affect other apps using the facebook credentials too. However, if I can't to do this, how can I avoid the 'strange behavior' describe above?
I feel your pain! I spent the better part of a day working on this issue. I have discovered that when you use SSO and the call:
Called from your code:
[facebook logout:self];
Facebook API method:
- (void)logout:(id<FBSessionDelegate>)delegate {
self.sessionDelegate = delegate;
[_accessToken release];
_accessToken = nil;
[_expirationDate release];
_expirationDate = nil;
NSHTTPCookieStorage* cookies = [NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage];
NSArray* facebookCookies = [cookies cookiesForURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://login.facebook.com"]];
for (NSHTTPCookie* cookie in facebookCookies) {
[cookies deleteCookie:cookie];
if ([self.sessionDelegate respondsToSelector:#selector(fbDidLogout)]) {
[_sessionDelegate fbDidLogout];
The facebook API does invalidate the access token and expirationdate variables and attempts to delete the mobile Safari cookies, but for some reason, probably Apple's fault the cookies are not really deleted. So when you attempt to login in the next time your mobile Safari will see the cookie and it says:
"You have already authorized .... Press "Okay" to continue. Logged in as ... (Not You?)."
Until either Facebook finds a fix or Apple fixes their broken API we must bypass SSO through Safari. Below are the changes I made to Facebook.m in order to force the old login dialog. If you used these changes they may not work forever but it is my guess that they will work for a very long time. Also to be sure this worked with the most recent facebook API I updated to the latest as of this post (Nov 2011 build).
Called from your code:
[facebook authorize:permissions];
Facebook API method:
- (void)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions {
self.permissions = permissions;
// [self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:YES];
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:NO safariAuth:NO];
If this helps you please up rate this thread and my post to help others find it.
I'm afraid the answer is no, you can't do this.
Your application is in a sandbox, and can't write outside, where global cookies are (for mobile safari) and Facebook app settings (in Facebook app preferences/cookies I think)
You can only warn your user to logout outside of your app...
...Or you can just not use facebook api SSO, but in app login webform, like I do for other reasons.
If you choose that option this pull request might save you some time ;)
Hii ,
its not possible , the reason is for Single Sign On (SSO) is not to make user login everytime, he logouts , instead if the user logs in anyone of FB enabled apps - it will use that to login again - This is because the device is mostly used by single person in this case only one user can login in Facebook.
you can't control any app outside of your app - for Example - if u login with Gmail & when you open google.com you can see your username there is currently logged In which has SSO,
In new SDK of Facebook, you can set login button loginBehaviour property
Below code in swift ...
let fbButton = FBSDKLoginButton()
fbButton.loginBehavior = .Web
Answer already done, but I just want to clarify it. May be it saved somebody's time.
Go to Facebook.m and change line
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:YES];
[self authorizeWithFBAppAuth:YES safariAuth:NO];
It will cause login window appear inside the app. Logout will work perfect. In other words, it will work as it used to in older versions of OS.
in addition to kishnan94 answer. the objective c version is ;
if you want a modal to open up and ask for facebook credentials seperately from Safari or Facebook app, just use the latest facebook sdk and set the login behaviour
FBSDKLoginManager *login = [[FBSDKLoginManager alloc] init];
[login setLoginBehavior:FBSDKLoginBehaviorWeb];
this will make the logout process more convenient and less confusing for users without using safari or facebook app accounts.
It seems that this is a bug of Facebook SDK. In a case of the Facebook app is installed on device, access_token is renewed. In other hand, access_token and expirationDate could not be changed. :((

How do I like a Facebook AppID through IPhone Application?

I am developing a iPhone application in which I want to simply 'Like' my own Facebook AppID.
For Facebook integration I am using FBConnect and Graph API (https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk/blob/master/README.mdown).
After researching, I found that I was supposed to use the following method, which I attempted to implement in the "DemoAppViewController.m" of the sample code when the 'publishStream' button was selected:
NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; //Use an empty dictionary
[_facebook requestWithGraphPath:#"https://graph.facebook.com/163221793740496/likes"
andParams:(NSMutableDictionary *)params
andDelegate:(id <FBRequestDelegate>)self];
However, my FBRequest.m 'responseString' indicates: {"error":{"type":"GraphMethodException","message":"Unsupported post request."}}
What am I doing wrong and how can I make this work?
From what I understand, all I need to do is attach my accessToken to https://graph.facebook.com/163221793740496/likes. What exactly does that mean, and how is it accomplished?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. - In case there was any confusion, my post was in reference to having a user sign into Facebook with their account login via a fb like button in the application. After the user allowed the appropriate permissions, my app would 'like' the AppID with the user's account.
You can't programmatically like a page on Facebook. It would be enthusiastically abused.

Facebook Connect on iPhone question

When you use facebook connect on the iPhone do you have to use the supplied login button and login screen built into the framework? The reason I ask is because I'm also using twitter and I would like to have the same user experience when they log in to user as they have when they log in to facebook. So I can either replicate the login screen facebook connect uses for twitter or just not use the facebook connect login screen all together.
Login button: no. Login screen: yes. I added FB Connect integration to my FriendFeed app for iPhone, Stir, and skipped the login button. Instead, a user can choose a "Share on Facebook" button on a UIActionSheet and the app either displays a login screen or automatically posts a link depending on whether the user is authenticated.
Here's a code snippet for you. If the session is successfully resumed, then a method on your FBSession object's delegate will be called.
if (![fbSession resume]) {
FBLoginDialog* dialog = [[[FBLoginDialog alloc] initWithSession:fbSession] autorelease];
[dialog show];
- (void)session:(FBSession*)session didLogin:(FBUID)uid {
NSLog(#"Hooray, I'm logged in to Facebook!");
Apologies for being a little vague in my example above. To be honest, I find FBConnect to be a bit of a mystery and tried my best to implement it and get away from it as quickly as possible in my app. Let me know if you need more information and I'll put together a more-concrete answer.
Per the request below:
You can get an FBSession object with FBSession's +sessionForApplication:secret:delegate class method. You call -resume on the session object. If it returns YES, it'll immediately call your delegate's -session:didLogin: method, which is where you should put your FB-dependent actions. If it does not successfully -resume, then you need to create an FBLoginDialog, as seen in the code snippet above. Make sense? Let me know if you need more info