How to Stop "Auto Input Suggestion" in Android Emulator in Android 2.1 "permanently" - android-emulator

When I am running my app in Android Emulator and then on providing input through keyboard it displays the auto text in japanese or english and also the fullstop '.' doesn't work.
I made a solution by going through settings->Language&Keyboard option and then disabled the japanese as well as auto keyboard suggestion. But it is only temporary because when running my application another time would auto checked the emulator settings->Language&Keyboard->auto suggestion.
Can anyone give me permanent solution for that.
Thanks in Advance..
I am running my App through Eclipse.

One Thing we can do in our Activity that on selecting Edit Text press Escape Button to avoid Android KeyBoard and then long press the mouse left button on that Edit Text. So it will show the Context Menu to Select the input Type, then select Android Text input will solve our problem...


How to change the keyboard input in vscode in chromebook?

I am working on Chromebook today and I can't find how to change the keyboard language in vscode in Chromebook.
Changing keyboard input language in other apps works fine but not in vscode and obsidian.
I hope I can get through somewhere. Thanks in advance.

Error: Not applicable for the "main.dart" configuration

I cannot run my code on any emulator in Android studio... I have been despritely trying to solve this issue. the section is greyed out at the top and when I press play nothing happens. Any suggestions? Btw I have tried almost everything i've seen on the internet for this issue, I assume it has to do with [Run > edit configurations]
click here for reference image
Next time on opening studio click on the dropdown devic menu on the left side of "main.dart" then click on your emulator. If your emulator doesn't show up then click "refresh" and then click on yur AVD in the drop down.
After that click on the green play button then wait for a while for it to compile.
Hope this helps you, if you still don't understand drop a comment I'll send images.

Removing description window (Flutter) in VSCODE

While using Flutter in VSCODE, the description window continues to hide what I have coded. Because of this, I have no choice but to click ESC continuously. How can I remove this from settings? Help..

viscose not showing connected device at the bottom

I'm sure there was a place for selecting device...if connected, it show phone like SM960 , or iPhone .
but suddenly, I can't see this also I can't run code from play button on vscode. (start without debugging)
what happened?
Close the VSCode and again open VSCode as Admin. Than it will show the connected Devices.
The vscode flutter pluggin must be used with vscode oppened as admin.
Make sure to use
ctrl+ shift +p
to select device
It is Easy Just right click on The vs code Bottom Bar. You will Get a list of Item then Click on Flutter devices,

Why can't write in Android Studio (flutter)

I installed flutter in Android, but there is a problem showing a black mark preventing me from writing or deleting.As image:
enter image description here
It only appears if you choose to build a flutter app.Do not come if I choose Java android.
Also if you click on the insert button in my keyboard it will disappear, but if I move to a different page, it will come back.
Does anyone know how I can solve this problem?
Press 0 from Numpad which is usually the right side of the keyboard (Not from the Alphanumeric section).