How to change the keyboard input in vscode in chromebook? - visual-studio-code

I am working on Chromebook today and I can't find how to change the keyboard language in vscode in Chromebook.
Changing keyboard input language in other apps works fine but not in vscode and obsidian.
I hope I can get through somewhere. Thanks in advance.


Visual Studio Code Jupyter Notebooks: Keyboard shortcuts not working

I am trying to get the integrated Jupyter environment up and running for my VSCode installation. I have the Jupyter extension enabled and can edit and run Python and Markdown cells without issue. However, none of the default keyboard shortcuts work when I am in edit mode. For example, in the below screenshot, I am trying to advance to the next cell using 'Ctrl+Alt+]' but nothing happens when I am in the editor. I believe the criteria for using the shortcut in the "when" column are met which is why I am confused. Am I not in the right context for the shortcut, or am I missing something?
I tried all the stated keyboard shortcuts, making my own keyboard shortcut, reinstalling the extension, looking for similar issues online. This issue does not appear to exist in the same form here.

How to format the code with keyboard shortcut?

How can I format the code with keyboard shortcut
I usualy used Ctrl S in dart files
but in some files dont work , and i see youtuber make it easy in keyboard but no one say how.
In Visual Studio Code enable Format On Save setting

Is it possible to have autocomplete in a notebook in Google Colab?

By autocomplete I mean having something like Intellisense in VS Code by which I can see available functions or members in a particular library?
Yup. Press control space (or command space, on a Mac) and autocomplete suggestions will appear.
If you navigate to Settings... and then uncheck "Automatically trigger code completions":'ll then be able to use tab-to-complete like in a conventional Jupyter notebook. From the Keyboard Shortcuts page of the Colaboratory app:
I'm on a macbook pro, Option+ Esc performs autocomplete for me.
Ctrl+Space (works on Mac as well), but I have to run the cell once:
If you have only one language on your macbook then you can press Ctrl + space for Mac, as well as for Windows.
Works like magic, see the image below:
If you have more than one language you are switching between languages using Ctrl + space, you need to use option+esc
On Windows it work the same way as with Ctrl+Space if you press Tab. Not sure about Mac, however.
you can check for what keyboard shortcut works for you in the settings in the keyboard shortcuts inside of the tools tab.

How to Stop "Auto Input Suggestion" in Android Emulator in Android 2.1 "permanently"

When I am running my app in Android Emulator and then on providing input through keyboard it displays the auto text in japanese or english and also the fullstop '.' doesn't work.
I made a solution by going through settings->Language&Keyboard option and then disabled the japanese as well as auto keyboard suggestion. But it is only temporary because when running my application another time would auto checked the emulator settings->Language&Keyboard->auto suggestion.
Can anyone give me permanent solution for that.
Thanks in Advance..
I am running my App through Eclipse.
One Thing we can do in our Activity that on selecting Edit Text press Escape Button to avoid Android KeyBoard and then long press the mouse left button on that Edit Text. So it will show the Context Menu to Select the input Type, then select Android Text input will solve our problem...

netbeans editor loses focus on editor and gives it to the menubar

I am newbie of using Netbeans and i have Netbeans 6.5 on XP. So, here is my problem: when i am working on Netbeans and switch to an another task and then come back later, editor of the Netbeans losts the focus and the menubar gains it. I don't want to press ALT key again to re-focus on the editor. I made some search on help contents of the Netbeans and google and i couldn't find any solution. Have any of you got an idea to solve this problem? By the way, i am sorry about my unfluent English. Have a nice day!
Try Ctrl-0. It should set the focus to the editor window. There are several focus-related keyboard shortcuts. Look through the Window menu for the shortcuts to the different windows.
What you're looking for is this thread. I ended up using a different look-and-feel, but updating your JDK might just help, too.