Titanium Appcelerator Photo Gallery (Display grid of photos based on list from server) - iphone

I'm having some problems with the Photo Gallery view in Titanium Appcelerator (iPhone app). I don't really have any example code at the moment to share because I'm at a loss for exactly how this is supposed to function.
I just want to call my server for a list of images, and show these images in a grid as thumbnails that can be viewed in full screen, like you would normally expect from a phone photo gallery.
In all the example code I've looked at, it talks about saving photos to the phone. I don't really have to save however many event photos for how ever many tents all on the phone before displaying, do I?
How would I go about looping over a list of URLs to show in a grid, in a standard system way?
Thanks in advance for the help.

var newsFeed = Titanium.Facebook.requestWithGraphPath('me/feed', {}, 'GET', function(e) {
if (e.success) {
var videoObjs = new Array();
var result = (JSON.parse(e.result)).data;
for(var c = 0; c < result.length;c++) {
if(result[c].type == 'video') {
var vid = result[c].source.substring((result[c].source.indexOf("/v/"))+3, (result[c].source.indexOf('?')));
vidInfo = {
} else if (e.error) {
} else {
alert('Unknown response');
var tableData = [];
var colorSet = [
var cellWidth = 240;
var cellHeight = 180;
var xSpacer = 12;
var ySpacer = 20;
var xGrid = 3;
var yGrid = parseInt(videoObjs.length / 3);
thumbProps = {
xSpace : xSpacer,
cellH : cellHeight,
cellW : cellWidth
for (var y=0; y<yGrid; y++) {
var thisRow = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
className: "grid",
layout: "horizontal",
height: cellHeight+(2*ySpacer),
for (var x=0; x<xGrid; x++) {
var index = x + xGrid * y;
var videoObj = videoObjs[index];
var thisView = createPlayerThumb(videoObj, thumbProps);
tableview.data = tableData;
tableview.separatorColor = 'black';
tableview.addEventListener("click", function(e) {
if(e.source.objName) {
Ti.API.info("---> " + e.source.objName+e.source.objIndex + " was clicked!");
That's code I wrote for building an array of youtube thumbnails from a given facebook feed for the iPad. Should be a good start.


css/javascript multiple card flip: reset other cards

So I'm currently using this one: http://jsfiddle.net/nawdpj5j/10/
Now what I need is that when I flip one card (doesn't matter which one) and then flip another one the first one resets/turnes back.
I think I need to add something in here:
var init = function() {
var flippers = document.getElementsByClassName("flip");
for(i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++){
flippers[i].addEventListener( 'click', function(){
var cardID = this.dataset.targetid;
var card = document.getElementById(cardID);
}, false);
Thank you in advance!
You can get an array of all flipped cards and flip them back whenever a card is flipped like so:
var init = function() {
var flippers = document.getElementsByClassName("flip");
for (i = 0; i < flippers.length; i++) {
flippers[i].addEventListener('click', function() {
var cardID = this.dataset.targetid;
var card = document.getElementById(cardID);
var flipped = document.getElementsByClassName('flipped');
for (i = 0; i < flipped.length; i++) {
if (card !== flipped[i]) {
}, false);
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init, false);
Here is a link to a working demo JS FIDDLE

CreateJS swapping display list containers with the use of classes

This is a 2D Jenga game.
So I am currently making a Jenga game in createjs. When users take a block out from the Jenga building they can move it around, ultimately users are suppose to be able to take the piece and move it to the top like a typical Jenga game. The problem is you can take any piece out move it towards the bottom it appears to be in front of the Jenga building, but once you move a block towards the top it goes behind the building. I have a piece class which creates one block looks like this:
var GamepeiceComponent = (function() {
var assets = {};
var offset;
var gamePeice;
var currentX;
var currentY;
var newContainer;
this.makePiece = function(ingredient) {
gamePeice = new createjs.Container();
assets.peice = new createjs.Bitmap(queue.getResult(ingredient));
gamePeice.on('pressmove', handlePieceDrag);
gamePeice.on("pressup", handlePieceUp);
gamePeice.on("mousedown", handleMouseDown);
gamePeice.cursor = 'pointer';
function handleMouseDown(e) {
// Game.block.swapChildren(e.currentTarget, Game.block);
for(var i = 0; i < Game.stage.children.length; i++){
//Game.stage.swapChildren(e.currentTarget, Game.stage.children[i])
offset = {x: e.target.x - e.stageX, y: e.target.y - e.stageY};
function handlePieceDrag(e) {
e.target.x = e.stageX + offset.x;
e.target.y = e.stageY + offset.y;
function handlePieceUp(e) {
e.target.x = 0;
e.target.y = 0;
this.addPiece = function() {
return gamePeice;
return this;
I then have a block class which creates a block using the piece class because it creates 3 pieces per block (just like Jenga) heres what that is:
var GameblockComponent = (function() {
var gameBlock;
this.makeBlock = function(ingredient, yOffset, xOffset) {
gameBlock = new createjs.Container();
for(var i=0;i<3;i++) {
var gamePieces = new GamepeiceComponent();
var makePiece = gamePieces.makePiece(ingredient);
gamePieces.addPiece().y = yOffset * i;
gamePieces.addPiece().x = xOffset * i;
gamePieces.addPiece().on('pieceClicked', handleClick);
function handleClick(e) {
console.log('Game Piece Clicked');
this.addBlock = function() {
return gameBlock;
return this;
Lastly I have a building which organizes all the blocks in order:
var GamebuildingComponent = (function(game) {
var jengaContainer;
var left = ['burger_l', 'cheese_l', 'egg_l', 'ham_l', 'lettuce_l', 'onion_l', 'pickle_l', 'salmon_l', 'sausage_l', 'tomato_l'];
var right = ['burger_r', 'cheese_r', 'egg_r', 'ham_r', 'lettuce_r', 'onion_r', 'pickle_r', 'salmon_r', 'sausage_r', 'tomato_r'];
var bread = ['bread_l', 'bread_r'];
var seed = [];
var offsets = {
xOffsetLeft: 15,
yOffsetLeft: -33,
xPosLeft: 170,
xOffsetRight: 17,
yOffsetRight: 33,
function init() {
jengaContainer = new createjs.Container();
function createBread(yOffset) {
var block = new GameblockComponent();
var breadLeft = block.makeBlock(bread[0], offsets.xOffsetLeft, offsets.yOffsetLeft);
block.addBlock().x = 170;
block.addBlock().y = yOffset;
jengaContainer.addChildAt(block.addBlock(), 0);
// LEFT: left side facing to left
// RIGHT: right side facing to right
function createSubBlock(yOffset) {
for(var i=0;i<5;i++) {
var block = new GameblockComponent();
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*left.length);
// prevents duplicates
while(seed.indexOf(random) > -1) {
var random = Math.floor(Math.random()*left.length);
if(i%2 != 0) {
var ingredient = block.makeBlock(left[random], offsets.xOffsetLeft, offsets.yOffsetLeft);
block.addBlock().x = 170;
} else {
var ingredient = block.makeBlock(right[random], offsets.xOffsetRight, offsets.yOffsetRight);
block.addBlock().x = 105;
block.addBlock().y = 23 * i + yOffset;
jengaContainer.addChildAt(block.addBlock(), 0);
this.addBuilding = function() {
return jengaContainer;
return this;
It all works fine except for when you move a lower piece towards the top the piece goes behind the jenga building, and of course its how the displaylist works, how would I be able to swap the piece correctly and where? I was listing all my child elements that are on the stage and it gave me one child (the jenga building). That child gave me 13 children (each block).
Then I just add the Jenga building to a view, and that view gets called from a controller.
You're probably looking for the setChildIndex method of the Container object.
function handleMouseDown(e) {
Game.block.setChildIndex(e.currentTarget, Game.block.children.length - 1);

flickr photobar - get description

I implemented this jquery http://tympanus.net/Tutorials/FlickrPhotobarGallery/ and I can capture setname and title but I need to get description too, so I would like to know if this is possible.
Hope someone can help me, thanks in advance!
$(function() {
var api_key = '######';
var user_id = '####';
Square,Thumbnail,Small,Medium or Original for the large image size you want to load!
var large_image_size = 'Medium';
the current Set id / the current Photo id
var photo_set_id,photo_id;
var current = -1;
var continueNavigation = false;
flickr API Call to get List of Sets
var sets_service = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?&method=flickr.photosets.getList' + '&api_key=' + api_key;
var sets_url = sets_service + '&user_id=' + user_id + '&format=json&jsoncallback=?';
flickr API Call to get List of Photos from a Set
var photos_service = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?&method=flickr.photosets.getPhotos' + '&api_key=' + api_key;
flickr API Call to get List of Sizes of a Photo
var large_photo_service = 'http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?&method=flickr.photos.getSizes' + '&api_key=' + api_key;
elements caching...
var $setsContainer = $('#sets').find('ul');
var $photosContainer = $('#images').find('ul');
var $photopreview = $('#flickr_photopreview');
var $flickrOverlay = $('#flickr_overlay');
var $loadingStatus = $('#flickr_toggle').find('.loading_small');
var ul_width,spacefit,fit;
add: LoadSets();
/* start: open Flickr Photostream */
if sets not loaded, load them
minimize the main bar, and minimize the photos bar.
next time we maximize, the view will be on the sets
Loads the User Photo Sets
function LoadSets(){
if(data.stat != 'fail') {
var sets_count = data.photosets.photoset.length;
adapt ul width based on number of results
ul_width = sets_count * 105 + 105;
$setsContainer.css('width',ul_width + 'px');
for(var i = 0; i < sets_count; ++i){
var photoset = data.photosets.photoset[i];
var primary = photoset.primary;
var secret = photoset.secret;
var server = photoset.server;
var farm = photoset.farm;
source for the small thumbnail
var photoUrl = 'http://farm'+farm+'.static.flickr.com/'+server+'/'+primary+'_'+secret+'_s.jpg';
var $elem = $('<li />');
var $link = $('<a class="toLoad" href="#" />');
save the info of the set in the li element,
we will use it later
'primary' :primary,
'secret' :secret,
'server' :server,
'farm' :farm,
'photoUrl' :photoUrl,
'setName' :photoset.title._content,
'id' :photoset.id
var $this = $(this);
save the current Set id in the photo_set_id variable
and load the photos of that Set
photo_set_id = $this.data('id');
now we load the images
(the ones in the viewport)
loads the images of the sets that are in the viewport
function LoadSetsImages(){
var toLoad = $('.toLoad:in-viewport').size();
if(toLoad > 0)
var images_loaded = 0;
var $space = $setsContainer.find('.toLoad:first');
var $img = $('<img style="display:none;" />').load(function(){
if(images_loaded == toLoad){
if(images_loaded == toLoad){
var $set_name = $('<span />',{'html':$space.data('setName')});
Loads the Set's Photos
function LoadPhotos(){
var photos_url = photos_service + '&photoset_id=' + photo_set_id + '&media=photos&format=json&jsoncallback=?';
if(data.stat != 'fail') {
var photo_count = data.photoset.photo.length;
adapt ul width based on number of results
var photo_count_total = photo_count + $photosContainer.children('li').length;
ul_width = photo_count_total * 105 + 105;
$photosContainer.css('width',ul_width + 'px');
for(var i = 0; i < photo_count; ++i){
var photo = data.photoset.photo[i];
var photoid = photo.id;
var secret = photo.secret;
var server = photo.server;
var farm = photo.farm;
var photoUrl = 'http://farm'+farm+'.static.flickr.com/'+server+'/'+photoid+'_'+secret+'_s.jpg';
var $elem = $('<li />');
var $link = $('<a class="toLoad" href="#" />');
'photoid' :photoid,
'secret' :secret,
'server' :server,
'farm' :farm,
'photoUrl' :photoUrl,
'photo_title' :photo.title
var $this = $(this);
current = $this.parent().index();
photo_id = $this.data('photoid');
loads the images of the set's
photos that are in the viewport
function LoadPhotosImages(){
var toLoad = $('.toLoad:in-viewport').size();
if(toLoad > 0)
var images_loaded = 0;
var $space = $photosContainer.find('.toLoad:first');
var $img = $('<img style="display:none;" />').load(function(){
if(images_loaded == toLoad){
if we were navigating through the large images set:
continueNavigation = false;
var $thumb = $photosContainer.find('li:nth-child(' + parseInt(current + 1) + ')').find('img');
photo_id = $thumb.attr('alt');
if(images_loaded == toLoad){
if we were navigating through the large images set:
continueNavigation = false;
var $thumb = $photosContainer.find('li:nth-child(' + parseInt(current + 1) + ')').find('img');
photo_id = $thumb.attr('alt');
var $photo_title = $('<span/>',{'html':$space.data('photo_title')});
loads the main image
function LoadLargePhoto(){
var $theThumb = $photosContainer.find('li:nth-child(' + parseInt(current + 1) + ')').find('img');
var photo_title = $theThumb.parent().data('photo_title');
var $loading = $photopreview.find('.loading');
var large_photo_url = large_photo_service + '&photo_id=' + photo_id + '&format=json&jsoncallback=?';
if(data.stat != 'fail') {
var count_sizes = data.sizes.size.length;
var largest_photo_src;
for(var i = 0; i < count_sizes; ++i){
if(data.sizes.size[i].label == large_image_size)
largest_photo_src = data.sizes.size[i].source;
$('<img />').load(function(){
var $this = $(this);
resize the image to fit in the browser's window
/*just to make sure theres no image:*/
close the Large Image View
removes the large image from the DOM
function removeLargeImage(){
events to navigate through the Large Images
get the next one
var $link = $photosContainer.find('li:nth-child(' + parseInt(current + 1) + ')');
var $thumb = $link.find('img');
if the next image is not loaded,
we need to scroll the photos container
and just then continue with the navigation
if(!$thumb.length && $link.length){
continueNavigation = true;
else if(!$thumb.length && !$link.length){
photo_id = $thumb.attr('alt');
get the previous one
var $link = $photosContainer.find('li:nth-child(' + parseInt(current) + ')');
var $thumb = $link.find('img');
if the previous image is not in the viewport,
we need to scroll the photos container
and just then continue with the navigation
if(!$thumb.length && !$link.length){
if(!$thumb.is(':in-viewport') && $link.length){
photo_id = $thumb.attr('alt');
events to navigate through the sets / photos containers
var scrollAllow = true;
$('#sets,#images').find('.next').bind('click',function(e) {
var target_id = $(e.target).parent().attr('id');
var $theContainer;
if(target_id == 'sets')
$theContainer = $setsContainer;
else if(target_id == 'images')
$theContainer = $photosContainer;
scrollAllow = false;
spacefit = $(window).width() -44;
fit = Math.floor(spacefit / 105);
var left = parseFloat($theContainer.css('left'),10);
var moveleft = left - (fit*105);
if(ul_width - Math.abs(left) < $(window).width()){
scrollAllow = true;
scrollAllow = true;
if(target_id == 'sets')
else if(target_id == 'images')
$('#sets,#images').find('.prev').bind('click',function(e) {
var target_id = $(e.target).parent().attr('id');
var $theContainer;
if(target_id == 'sets')
$theContainer = $setsContainer;
else if(target_id == 'images')
$theContainer = $photosContainer;
scrollAllow = false;
spacefit = $(window).width() -44;
fit = Math.floor(spacefit / 105);
var left = parseFloat($theContainer.css('left'),10);
var moveleft = left + (fit*105);
if(left >= 0){
scrollAllow = true;
scrollAllow = true;
when cliking "Back to Sets"
minimize photos bar
when resizing the window, resize the main image
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
var $theLargeImage = $photopreview.find('img');
resizes the main image based on the windows sizes
function resize($image){
var widthMargin = 10
var heightMargin = 60;
var windowH = $(window).height()-heightMargin;
var windowW = $(window).width()-widthMargin;
var theImage = new Image();
theImage.src = $image.attr("src");
var imgwidth = theImage.width;
var imgheight = theImage.height;
if((imgwidth > windowW)||(imgheight > windowH)){
if(imgwidth > imgheight){
var newwidth = windowW;
var ratio = imgwidth / windowW;
var newheight = imgheight / ratio;
theImage.height = newheight;
theImage.width = newwidth;
var newnewheight= windowH;
var newratio = newheight/windowH;
var newnewwidth = newwidth/newratio;
theImage.width = newnewwidth;
theImage.height = newnewheight;
var newheight = windowH;
var ratio = imgheight / windowH;
var newwidth = imgwidth / ratio;
theImage.height = newheight;
theImage.width= newwidth;
var newnewwidth = windowW;
var newratio = newwidth/windowW;
var newnewheight =newheight/newratio;
theImage.height = newnewheight;
theImage.width= newnewwidth;
If you want the description of a set you can call flickr.photosets.getInfo.
On an unrelated note, you can save an API call to flickr.photos.getSizes for each photo in the set by passing in an extras parameter specifying all of the urls you'd like to get back when calling flickr.photosets.getPhotos. For any size identifier (sq, t, m, l, o, etc.), just pass in an extra of url_(identifier) (so, url_o would have the response contain the original url if it was available). This is documented here: http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.photosets.getPhotos.html

get values from XML file in my Titanium Project

I am having the following .xml which i used in my android project.now,am trying to create the same in iPhone using titanium.Can some one tell me how to get this values from the xml file and show them in a table view.? if i give MainCategories the 3 values in it should appear in the table view.Also can some one tell me is there any other better option to achieve this?or can we use plist??thank you.
<string-array name="MainCategories">
<string-array name="Acceleration_array">
<item>meter/sq sec</item>
<item>km/sq sec</item>
<item>mile/sq sec</item>
<item>yard/sq sec</item>
<string-array name="Angle_array">
Try This.
var result = [];
var fileName = 'arrays1.xml'; //save xml file
var tableView = Ti.UI.createTableView({ data : result, width : '100%', height : '100%' });
function readXML(fileName)
var file = Ti.Filesystem.getFile(Ti.Filesystem.resourcesDirectory, fileName);
var xmltext = file.read().text;
var doc = Ti.XML.parseString(xmltext);
var parentNodeLength = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('string-array').length;
for (var i = 0; i < parentNodeLength; i++) {
var attrValue = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('string-array').item(i).attributes.getNamedItem('name').nodeValue;
if (attrValue === 'Angle_array') {
var parentNode = doc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('string-array').item(i);
var subNodeLength = parentNode.getElementsByTagName('item').length;
for (var j = 0; j < subNodeLength; j++) {
var title = parentNode.getElementsByTagName('item').item(j).text;
var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({
height : 110
var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({
height : Ti.UI.SIZE,
width : Ti.UI.SIZE,
text : title
i am not familiar with titanium but maybe this should help you out:
var result = this.responseText;
var xml = Ti.XML.parseString(result);
var params = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("member");
var name = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("name");
var value = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("string");
var data = [];
for (var i=0;i<params.item.length;i++) {
Ti.API.log('Param '+i+': Name: '+n.item(i).text);
Ti.API.log('Param '+i+': Value: '+v.item(i).text);
// Add to array
copied from this link
for displaying it in uitableview, save your values in nsarray and display your array in tableview. here is a tutorial for UITableView.

Google maps api v2 get polygon coordinate

I am a bit of a beginner at google maps api. I managed to let the user to draw a polygon on the map and then I want to get the coordinates on the drew polygon.
I have used the following segment of code but it gave me the following error Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'getPath'
this is the code that I used
function startShape() {
document.getElementById('lat').disabled = true;
document.getElementById('lng').disabled = true;
var polygon = new GPolygon([],"ff0000", 2, 0.7,"ff0000",0.2);
startDrawing(polygon, "Shape " + (++shapeCounter_), function() {
var cell = this;
var area = polygon.getArea();
cell.innerHTML = (Math.round(area / 10000) / 100) + "km<sup>2</sup>";
function startDrawing(poly, name, onUpdate) {
poly.enableEditing({onEvent: "mouseover"});
poly.disableEditing({onEvent: "mouseout"});
GEvent.addListener(poly, "endline", function() {
//var cells = addFeatureEntry(name, color);
//GEvent.bind(poly, "lineupdated", cells.desc, onUpdate);
GEvent.addListener(poly, "click", function(latlng, index) {
if (typeof index == "number") {
function showcoor (poly) {
GEvent.addListener(poly, "endline", function() {
GEvent.addListener(poly, "click", function() {
var str;
var vertices = this.getPath();
for (var i =0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
var xy = vertices.getAt(i);
str += xy.lat() +"," + xy.lng()+"<br />";
alert (str);
There is no getPath method on the GPolygon object. See the GPolygon reference.
Instead, you'll need to use getVertexCount() and getVertex(i).
for (var i = 0, I = this.getVertexCount(); i < I; ++i) {
var xy = this.getVertex(i);
str += xy.lat() + ', ' + xy.lng() + '<br />';