Facebook Invite User, retrieving the data field - facebook

Hi when my application lets a user invite their friends, I would like to append a tracking tag in the data field so that when someone receives that invite, I will be able to retrieve that tracking tag.
My problem is that once I pass the tracking tag, I don't know how to retrieve it when a user clicks on an application request.
My code for the invitation is
method: 'apprequests',
message: 'You should learn more about this awesome game.',
data: UniqTrackIDInvite //a randomly generated number
and on my landing page, where a new user decides to accept my app or not after clicking on the, I would like to have a way to retrieve this

getting the request ids:
$reqIds = explode(',', $_REQUEST['request_ids']);
you may store them in the session to use them later
this is the api call:
public function getInvitationData($reqId){
return $facebook->api('/'.$reqId, 'GET', array('access_token'=>$accessToken));
as the user may be invited by more than one user, he can hav several invites, so make a loop. also use a try/catch block, as a request id, which is already deleted, will throw an exception
foreach($reqIds as $reqId) {
$invite = $application->facebook->getInvitationData($reqId);
$data = explode('.', $invite['data']);
if(sizeof($data) >= 3) list($in, $from, $code)=$data;
// tadaaa
echo $code;


Get the location id of a fan page

I have a fan page with an address.
Also, I can get the location details using the facebook API.
However, to create a new post with a review button I need the location id instead of the details.
I am using the following lines to create a share button:
var data = {
message: 'Hi !',
place: location_id
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', data, function(response) {
if (!response || response.error) {
} else {
And it works if I use a specific location id. But I can't get the location id from a specific page.
Please give me some ideas. Thank you!
I was falling asleep, but I got one idea.
And finally, that idea was the solution:
It is possible to use the fan page id directly in the place parameter. It can be used like a place id.

Exchanging Facebook Auth Code for Access Token using the PHP SDK

I am trying to build a server-to-server auth flow using the Facebook PHP SDK and no Javascript, as outlined here. So far, I have successfully created a LoginUrl that lets the User sign in with Facebook, then redirect back to my App and check the state parameter for CSFR protection.
My Problem is, that I can't seem to get the API-call working that should swap my Auth Code for an access token. I pillaged every similar problem anyone else that Google was able to find had encountered for possible solutions.
Yet the end result was always the same: no access token, no error message that I could evaluate.
Researching the topic yielded the following advice, which I tested:
The URL specified in the App Settings must be a parent folder of $appUrl.
use curl to make the request instead of the SDK function api()
I've been at this for 2 days straight now and really could use some help.
require '../inc/php-sdk/src/facebook.php';
// Setting some config vars
$appId = 'MY_APP_ID';
$secret = 'MY_APP_SECRET';
$appUrl = 'https://MY_DOMAIN/appFolder';
$fbconfig = array('appId'=>$appId, 'secret'=>$secret);
$facebook = new Facebook($fbconfig);
// Log User in with Facebook and come back with Auth Code if not yet done
header('Location: '.$facebook->getLoginUrl());
// process Callback from Facebook User Login
if($_SESSION['login']===1) {
/* CSFR Protection: getLoginUrl() generates a state string and stores it
in "$_SESSION['fb_'.$fbconfig['appId'].'_state']". This checks if it matches the state
obtained via $_GET['state']*/
if (isset($_SESSION['fb_'.$fbconfig['appId'].'_state'])&&isset($_GET['state'])){
// Good Case
if ($_SESSION['fb_'.$fbconfig['appId'].'_state']===$_GET['state']) {
else {
echo 'You may be a victim of CSFR Attacks. Try logging in again.';
// State check O.K., swap Code for Token now
if($_SESSION['login']===2) {
$path = '/oauth/access_token';
$api_params = array (
$access_token = $facebook->api($path, 'GET', $api_params);
The easiest way I found to do this is to extend the Facebook class and expose the protected getAccessTokenFromCode() method:
class MyFacebook extends Facebook {
/** If you simply want to get the token, use this method */
public function getAccessTokenFromCode($code, $redirectUri = null)
return parent::getAccessTokenFromCode($code, $redirectUri);
/** If you would like to get and set (and extend), use this method instead */
public function setAccessTokenFromCode($code)
$token = parent::getAccessTokenFromCode($code);
if (empty($token)) {
return false;
if (!$this->setExtendedAccessToken()) {
return false;
return $this->getAccessToken();
I also included a variation on the convenience method I use to set the access token, since I don't actually need a public "get" method in my own code.

How to get the post of the user using javascript sdk

I am creating my first facebook app using javascript sdk. In that i can able to post to the user's wall using(FB.api('me/feed', 'post', )).
Now what I need is, when the user accessing my app, it has to show (or list) the post of that user. The code is
FB.api('/me/posts', function(response) {
for (var i=0, l=response.length; i<l; i++) {
var post = response[i];
alert('The value of post is:'+post);
if (post.message) {
alert('Message: ' + post.message);
} else if (post.attachment && post.attachment.name) {
alert('Attachment: ' + post.attachment.name);
But it is not working. If I remove l=response.length and change the condition as i<5 it is going inside the loop but it gives the value of post is undefined.
I didn't get why it is returning as undefined. It returns same for post.message also.
I am getting the access_token of the user also.
If I want to get the post of my user what code i have to use. Can anyone help me in this.
Thanks in advance
You can use the Facebook Graph API Explorer to better understand what data you will be receiving. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
You should have l=response.data.length and var post = response.data[i];. Also, some posts will not have a "message", but will have a "story" instead (mainly posts like "Joe Smith and Tom Someone are now friends."). Make sure you also have the appropriate permissions (e.g. user_status) for the information you're trying to receive.

Post on Friends' Wall(s) via Facebook Actionscript 3 SDK

I'm absolutely new to programming and just managed to learn the basics of ActionScript 3. Now, I would like to learn how to post on my Friends' Walls via the as3 SDK using the UI class (taken from a nice Tutorial):
This is how I post on my own Wall:
protected function newsFeed ():void
// define your caption text
var theCaption:String = "CaptionText";
// define the descrition text
var theDescription:String = "Text for game Achievement";
// We need to follow the FB docs to tell it what sort of input we are sending to FB
// We are trying to set the 'feed'
var methodInput:String = 'feed';
var thePicture:String = "mylink/picture.png";
var theLink:String = "mylink";
var theName:String = "Name of FB Status Setter";
// Create an object that we'll call 'data' and fill it with the actual data we're sending to Facebook
var data:Object = {
Facebook.ui(methodInput, data, onUICallback);
protected function onUICallback(result:Object):void
// do something
This works perfectly fine. I know that I have to integrate the parameter "to" somewhere. But I don't know where and how. Sorry I'm very very new to this. This is from Facebook Docs
from: The ID or username of the user posting the message. If this is unspecified, it defaults to the current user. If specified, it must be the ID of the user or of a page >that the user administers.
to: The ID or username of the profile that this story will be published to. If this >is unspecified, it defaults to the the value of from.
Hopefully someone can help me out.
Best Regards,
P.S.: Is there a way to post only one friend's wall and another way to post on several friends' walls?
I believe you want to use Facebook.api() rather than 'ui'. According to the documentation for the AS3 FB API, 'ui' just opens the share dialog. If you want to create a post on a friends wall, then you'll want to use 'api'.
I haven't tested this in Flash, but I think you can set the method as /PROFILE_ID/feed ... of course replacing "PROFILE_ID" with the FB uid of the friend. Then, include the arguments; message, picture, link, name, caption, description and source in your data object.
So your code would look something like:
var method:String = "/friend_id/feed";
var data:Object = {};
data.message = "Your message";
data.picture = "http://www.google.com/kittens.jpg";
data.link = "http://www.mysite.com/link";
data.caption = "Your caption";
data.description = "Your description";
data.source = "http://www.mysite.com/video.swf";//(optional) source is a video or Flash SWF
Facebook.api(method, yourCallback, data, "POST");
function yourCallback(result:Object, fail:Object):void {
if (result) {
} else if (fail) {
If you have multiple friends, you could probably just put the uid's in an array and loop through the method above. The AS3 API has a batch request method that I haven't tried, but you can check out the Documentation.
Facebook has some pretty helpful tools that are somewhat hidden.
Checkout their Debugger and their Graph API Explorer
Hope that's helpful.

Facebook get number of sent requests and accepted request

i need to make a page that will have a request dialog for a facebook page or a facebook app.
I need to get the number of friends the user sent the request to and at the end of the day the number of request that got accpeted from the specific user.
The scenario is for giving awards , the user that sent the most request to freinds gets an award and the user that had the most requests accepted also gets an award.
I dont know if the seccond is possible , but i think it should be , couse games on FB give u points for sent request and also u get new missions when friends accept your request , so there mut be a way.
I will record the number of invites sent.
Return Data
A comma-separated list of the request_ids that were created. To learn who the requests were sent to, you should loop through the information for each request object identified by a request id.
method: 'apprequests',
title:'Suggest '+fbAppName+' to your friends',
message: 'I thought you would dig this app!',
data: 'gameID=96'
}, onInviteFriend);
//jquery required for ajax function
onInviteFriend = function(response) {
if (response && response.request_ids) {
var idsLength = response.request_ids.length;
var idList = "";
var data = {};
var ajaxSettings = {};
for (var i = 0; i < idsLength; i++){
idList += response.request_ids[i];
if (i < idsLength-1){
idList += ",";
if (idsLength > 0){
data.idList = idList;
ajaxSettings = {
type: "GET",
url: sketchnpass.root+"/ajax/log-invite-sent/",
data: data,
success: sketchnpass.onSaveInvites
//was published
} else {
//was not published
i think using the code above i can get the number of sent requests.
But when some1 accepts the request how will i know that happened , does the accepted request send the user to my app along with some data?
The Facebook requests dialog documentation basically walks you through how to do this.
When requests are sent, request_ids is returned as return data so you would want to log this information in your system to track who sent how many requests.
To track accepted invitations, the documentation says that this url is called: http://apps.facebook.com/[app_name]/?request_ids=012345678910 so you would just need to parse the request id and look that request id up in your system and mark it as accepted.