Facebook get number of sent requests and accepted request - facebook

i need to make a page that will have a request dialog for a facebook page or a facebook app.
I need to get the number of friends the user sent the request to and at the end of the day the number of request that got accpeted from the specific user.
The scenario is for giving awards , the user that sent the most request to freinds gets an award and the user that had the most requests accepted also gets an award.
I dont know if the seccond is possible , but i think it should be , couse games on FB give u points for sent request and also u get new missions when friends accept your request , so there mut be a way.
I will record the number of invites sent.
Return Data
A comma-separated list of the request_ids that were created. To learn who the requests were sent to, you should loop through the information for each request object identified by a request id.
method: 'apprequests',
title:'Suggest '+fbAppName+' to your friends',
message: 'I thought you would dig this app!',
data: 'gameID=96'
}, onInviteFriend);
//jquery required for ajax function
onInviteFriend = function(response) {
if (response && response.request_ids) {
var idsLength = response.request_ids.length;
var idList = "";
var data = {};
var ajaxSettings = {};
for (var i = 0; i < idsLength; i++){
idList += response.request_ids[i];
if (i < idsLength-1){
idList += ",";
if (idsLength > 0){
data.idList = idList;
ajaxSettings = {
type: "GET",
url: sketchnpass.root+"/ajax/log-invite-sent/",
data: data,
success: sketchnpass.onSaveInvites
//was published
} else {
//was not published
i think using the code above i can get the number of sent requests.
But when some1 accepts the request how will i know that happened , does the accepted request send the user to my app along with some data?

The Facebook requests dialog documentation basically walks you through how to do this.
When requests are sent, request_ids is returned as return data so you would want to log this information in your system to track who sent how many requests.
To track accepted invitations, the documentation says that this url is called: http://apps.facebook.com/[app_name]/?request_ids=012345678910 so you would just need to parse the request id and look that request id up in your system and mark it as accepted.


Facebook Graph API Ad Report Run - Message: Unsupported get request

I'm making an async batch request with 50 report post request on it.
The first batch request returns me the Report Ids
1st Step
dynamic report_ids = await fb.PostTaskAsync(new
batch = batch,
access_token = token
Next I'm getting the reports info, to get the async status to see if they are ready to be downloaded.
2st Step
var tListBatchInfo = new List<DataTypes.Request.Batch>();
foreach (var report in report_ids)
if (report != null)
tListBatchInfo.Add(new DataTypes.Request.Batch
name = !ReferenceEquals(report.report_run_id, null) ? report.report_run_id.ToString() : report.id,
method = "GET",
relative_url = !ReferenceEquals(report.report_run_id, null) ? report.report_run_id.ToString() : report.id,
dynamic reports_info = await fb.PostTaskAsync(new
//dynamic results = fb.Post(new
batch = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tListBatchInfo),
access_token = token
Some of the ids generated in the first step are returning this error, once I call them in the second step
Message: Unsupported get request. Object with ID '6057XXXXXX'
does not exist, cannot be loaded due to missing permissions, or does
not support this operation. Please read the Graph API documentation at
I know the id is correct because I can see it in using facebook api explorer. What am I doing wrong?
This may be caused by Facebook's replication lag. That typically happens when your POST request is routed to server A, returning report ID, but query to that ID gets routed to server B, which doesn't know about the report existence yet.
If you try to query the ID later and it works, then it's the lag. Official FB advice for this is to simply wait a bit longer before querying the report.

how to update an subscription without id in mail chimp rest api

I really like the new Mail Chimp REST API - it is easy to create subscriptions by PUT and those can be updated using the subscription id.
But I would like to update a subscription simply using the email address, because I do not want to save any new Mail Chimp Id in my Middle-ware application, as long as the email should be sufficient as identifier?
To update a List Member the API is:
but I would prefer a simpler way:
is something like this possible?
The subscriber's ID is the MD5 hash of their email address. Since you would have to make a function call to URL Encode the email address for your second way, using the first way is just as easy.
See this help document on managing subscribers for more details.
More specifics on updating a subscriber via MailChimp's REST API.
// node/javascript specific, but pretty basic PUT request to MailChimp API endpoint
// dependencies (npm)
var request = require('request'),
url = require('url'),
crypto = require('crypto');
// variables
var datacenter = "yourMailChimpDatacenter", // something like 'us11' (after '-' in api key)
listId = "yourMailChimpListId",
email = "subscriberEmailAddress",
apiKey = "yourMailChimpApiKey";
// mailchimp options
var options = {
url: url.parse('https://'+datacenter+'.api.mailchimp.com/3.0/lists/'+listId+'/members/'+crypto.createHash('md5').update(email).digest('hex')),
headers: {
'Authorization': 'authId '+apiKey // any string works for auth id
json: true,
body: {
email_address: email,
status_if_new: 'pending', // pending if new subscriber -> sends 'confirm your subscription' email
status: 'subscribed',
merge_fields: {
FNAME: "subscriberFirstName",
LNAME: "subscriberLastName"
interests: {
MailChimpListGroupId: true // if you're using groups within your list
// perform update
request.put(options, function(err, response, body) {
if (err) {
// handle error
} else {
console.log('subscriber added to mailchimp list');

How to get the post of the user using javascript sdk

I am creating my first facebook app using javascript sdk. In that i can able to post to the user's wall using(FB.api('me/feed', 'post', )).
Now what I need is, when the user accessing my app, it has to show (or list) the post of that user. The code is
FB.api('/me/posts', function(response) {
for (var i=0, l=response.length; i<l; i++) {
var post = response[i];
alert('The value of post is:'+post);
if (post.message) {
alert('Message: ' + post.message);
} else if (post.attachment && post.attachment.name) {
alert('Attachment: ' + post.attachment.name);
But it is not working. If I remove l=response.length and change the condition as i<5 it is going inside the loop but it gives the value of post is undefined.
I didn't get why it is returning as undefined. It returns same for post.message also.
I am getting the access_token of the user also.
If I want to get the post of my user what code i have to use. Can anyone help me in this.
Thanks in advance
You can use the Facebook Graph API Explorer to better understand what data you will be receiving. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/
You should have l=response.data.length and var post = response.data[i];. Also, some posts will not have a "message", but will have a "story" instead (mainly posts like "Joe Smith and Tom Someone are now friends."). Make sure you also have the appropriate permissions (e.g. user_status) for the information you're trying to receive.

Facebook Invite User, retrieving the data field

Hi when my application lets a user invite their friends, I would like to append a tracking tag in the data field so that when someone receives that invite, I will be able to retrieve that tracking tag.
My problem is that once I pass the tracking tag, I don't know how to retrieve it when a user clicks on an application request.
My code for the invitation is
method: 'apprequests',
message: 'You should learn more about this awesome game.',
data: UniqTrackIDInvite //a randomly generated number
and on my landing page, where a new user decides to accept my app or not after clicking on the, I would like to have a way to retrieve this
getting the request ids:
$reqIds = explode(',', $_REQUEST['request_ids']);
you may store them in the session to use them later
this is the api call:
public function getInvitationData($reqId){
return $facebook->api('/'.$reqId, 'GET', array('access_token'=>$accessToken));
as the user may be invited by more than one user, he can hav several invites, so make a loop. also use a try/catch block, as a request id, which is already deleted, will throw an exception
foreach($reqIds as $reqId) {
$invite = $application->facebook->getInvitationData($reqId);
$data = explode('.', $invite['data']);
if(sizeof($data) >= 3) list($in, $from, $code)=$data;
// tadaaa
echo $code;

FaceBook API: Get the Request Object for a request Id - logged into the account that sent the request. Using the "Requests Dialog" API

I am using the "Requests Dialog" to create Facebook requests. Inorder to get the user that the requests were sent to I need to access the Request object using the graph API. I have tried most of the permissions settings that seemed appropriate (read_requests and user_about_me) to get the request object, but instead I get a false in the response. Am I using the wrong permissions?
I am able to access the request object using the graph API from the account that the request was sent to.
Return Data - A comma-separated list
of the request_ids that were created.
To learn who the requests were sent
to, you should loop through the
information for each request object
identified by a request id.
I've been asking myself this question a while ago:
How to retrieve all the requests sent by me?
The answer: you can't!
You have two options:
Store the request_id returned when the user sent the request, so you can later access them and get the data you need
Knowing the receiver!
Proof of the above, you can check the friend_request table. The indexable field is the uid_to field!
This is if you want it in know Iframe mode as you don't need Iframe mode any more
function sendRequest() {
method: 'apprequests',
title: 'Invite friends to join you',
message: 'Come play with me.'
function (res) {
if (res && res.request_ids) {
var requests = res.request_ids.join(',');
{ request_ids: requests },
function (resp) { });
return false;
If you want to find out the user ids of the people you just sent a request to. Then this code is what you need:
var request = {
message: msg,
method: 'apprequests',
title: 'Select some of your friends'
FB.ui(request, function (data) {
if (data && data.request_ids) {
// Get the uid of the person(s) who was/were invited
var uids = new Array();
FB.api("/?ids=" + data.request_ids.join(), function(data2) {
for (i = 0; i<data.request_ids.length; i++) {
uids[i] = data2[data.request_ids[i]]['to']['id'];
# do something with uids here
Don't know if this helps, but here's how I handle it.
function sendRequest() {
display: 'iframe',
method: 'apprequests',
title: 'Invite friends to join you',
message: 'Come play with me.'
function (res) {
if (res && res.request_ids) {
var requests = res.request_ids.join(',');
{ request_ids: requests },
function (resp) { });
return false;
Server side (FBRequest.ashx):
// get operation and data
var ids = HttpContext.Current.Request["request_ids"];
// if we have data
if(ids != null) {
// make batch graph request for request details
var requestIds = ids.Split(',').Select(i => long.Parse(i)).ToList();
var fbApp = new FacebookWebClient([AppId],[AppSecret]);
dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
parameters.ids = ids;
dynamic requests = fbApp.Get(parameters);
// cycle through graph results and do stuff
dynamic req = null;
for(int i=0;i<requestIds.Count;i++) {
try {
req = requests[requestIds[i].ToString()];
// do stuff with request, save to DB, etc.
} catch (Exception ex) {
// error in finding request, continue...
You can access the list of user id's as part of the return data
method: 'apprequest',
message: 'Use this thing',
}, function(result){
//a list of ids are in here