How do I prevent multiple columns on SWT Vertical ToolBar? - eclipse

I'm creating a vertical SWT ToolBar:
ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar( parent, SWT.RIGHT | SWT.VERTICAL );
And then adding items to it:
for ( MyObject myObject: myObjects ) {
ToolItem toolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.NONE );
toolItem.setText( myObject.getLabel() );
toolItem.setImage( myObject.getImage() );
The toolbar is created correctly, but as some labels are too long, there are some cases in which new items are created on a second column, in front of the previous item.
So, instead of getting a toolbar that looks like
Item with a very long label
Tiny item
Little item
I get a toolbar that looks like
Item with a very long label
Tiny item Little item
If the long label is long enough, a third column will appear.
Does anyone know if there's a way to prevent the creation of a new column on the toolbar?
Thank you.


How to align bottom a PdfPCell spaning across more than one page?

I'm using iTextSharp version I have a PdfPTable with two columns (1 row).
There is a lot of content in right cell so it spans across whole page and reaches next page.
In the left cell I only want to put some small PdfPTable at its bottom. To do it I use cell.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM; on the left cell of topmost table. This works well if the row is not bigger than a page.
If the row reaches next page, then the content of the left cell is indeed aligned to bottom, but to bottom of first page. So the right cell's content still continues on the next page, but the left cell is empty there (I tested with background color that it spans to next page also).
I tried setting KeepTogether on the inner table but it doesn't have any effect. I also thought about doing it with CellEvent but I couldn't find so far how to position IElement (not only Image or text) absolutely in the cell.
Is it a bug or designed behavior, that the content is aligned to the bottom of the first page the cell occupies? Is there a workaround or some better way to put content at the bottom of the cell no matter where it ends?
I've finally solved the issue with following workaround.
I created a CellEvent that gets PdfPTable and shifts it upwards as much as its content takes:
class BottomFix : IPdfPCellEvent
private readonly PdfPTable _content;
public BottomFix(PdfPTable content)
_content = content;
public void CellLayout(PdfPCell cell, Rectangle position, PdfContentByte[] canvases)
_content?.WriteSelectedRows(0, -1, position.Left, position.Top + _content.TotalHeight, canvases[PdfPTable.BACKGROUNDCANVAS]);
Then to my original two-row table I added second row, and I add there a cell of height equal to 0, where instead of putting content into, I use this CellEvent. The original left cell is left empty, so the content of next row is pushed onto it and it looks as it was originally there. I don't have borders in this table so they are not an issue, but it can also be solved by setting border of this 1px cell to none.
var cell = new PdfPCell();
var table = new PdfPTable(1) { /* some content etc... */ };
cell.FixedHeight = 0;
cell.CellEvent = new BottomFix(table);
// such prepared cell goes to top level table, second row, left column

Context menu gets clipped on the right side

I show a context menu on right click but for every second click the right side of the menu gets clipped (about 1 to 2 character width) The basics that I can put here:
void initialise(Handler eventHandler) {
addMenuItem(eventHandler, "New", new NewAction(shell),false);
addMenuItem(eventHandler, "Edit", new EditAction(shell),false);
menuItems.add(new SeparatorMenuItem());
... more items
void addMenuItem(Handler eventHandler, String text, Action action, boolean isCheck) {
MenuItem it = isCheck ? new CheckMenuItem() : new MenuItem();
menu = new ContextMenu();
What I've figured out is that it happens on every second right click and although the menu occupy the same rectangle, the drawn part is shifted by 12 pixels, giving the appearance that it's been clipped
You need to set the effect style to null in the code or the css file

How to implement Expand/Collapse for a table with Multiple columns - GWT - Google Visualization API

I have list of Items with parent child relation.
At present I am displaying them in a single table. In each row, fist column starts with number of '-'s indicating the depth.
Now I want show only top level items first and with a '+' button before that.
When the user clicks on the '+' button it should turn to '-' and the children of that particular Item need to be displayed.
So, Please help me how to implement that Expand and Collapse functionality in GWT.
I have my Items in a tree format.
Now I am creating a DataTable and Displaying it using GoogleTableChart
The code as follows:
DataTable data = DataTable.create();
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Item Name ");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Item Id");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Quantity");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Price ($)");
int i=0;
int col=0;
Item d=(Item) treeList.preOrderTraversal().get(i);
int level=d.getLevel();
//setting values to DataTable goes here
GoogleTableChart tblChart = new GoogleTableChart();
Here is my solution:
I create Nested VertialPanels for each Item. And put the reference in a map.
Hide/unhide the panels based on clicks.
For root Item take one panel and add all its children.
After adding one child, add all its children to another panel,hide it and add to root panel.
repeat the steps recursively.
before each row place put (+/-) label and add click handler which take item id as parameter.
when these lables are clicked, based on the status we hide/unhide the panels, taken from the map.
Any Better Solution ... ??

Menu or MenuButton with separate click handler

I'm looking for a widget like this.
Clicking "View" and triangle (drop down icon) need to perform two different functions.
Clicking the triangle opening the menu.
I tried creating 2 buttons to emulate, but the 2 buttons have extra space in between them.
How can I eliminate the space between buttons or, is there a convenient way to accomplish this?
thank you all!!
An IconMenuButton (which is a sub class of IconButton) will provide what you need.
Menu menu = new Menu();
MenuItem newItem = new MenuItem("New");
MenuItem openItem = new MenuItem("Open");
MenuItem saveItem = new MenuItem("Save");
MenuItem saveAsItem = new MenuItem("Save As");
menu.setItems(newItem, openItem, saveItem, saveAsItem);
IconMenuButton menuButton = new IconMenuButton("View", menu);
Also check SmartGWT samples I've given in my comment and RibbonBar sample.

GWT: How do I create a TabsLayoutPanel with horizontal scroll bars?

I'm using GWT 2.4. I'm trying to create a tabs panel that has multiple tabs, so many that sometimes they exceed the allotted horizontal boundaries. How can I make a horizontal scroll bar appear? Here is how I'm creating my tabs panel now ...
tabsPanel = new TabLayoutPanel(BAR_HEIGHT_IN_EM, Style.Unit.EM);
final List<ScrollPanel> tabs = new ArrayList<ScrollPanel>();
for (final Node tabNode : documentNode.getChildren()) {
// Get the tab's child widgets and add them
// into the tab panel.
final ScrollPanel childpanel = new ScrollPanel();
tabsPanel.add(childpanel, tabName);
} // for
As you can see, I tried width="100%", but no scroll panels appear that allow me to see the excess tabs.
Thanks, - Dave
There is no built in way to do this with the TabLayoutPanel, but looking at it's code it is possible to do this:
SimplePanel tab = (SimplePanel) getTabWidget(0).getParent();
FlowPanel tabBar = (FlowPanel) tab.getParent();
LayoutPanel container = (LayoutPanel) tabBar.getParent();
Element tabBarContainerLayer = container.getWidgetContainerElement(tabBar);
DISCLAIMER: untested