How to implement Expand/Collapse for a table with Multiple columns - GWT - Google Visualization API - gwt

I have list of Items with parent child relation.
At present I am displaying them in a single table. In each row, fist column starts with number of '-'s indicating the depth.
Now I want show only top level items first and with a '+' button before that.
When the user clicks on the '+' button it should turn to '-' and the children of that particular Item need to be displayed.
So, Please help me how to implement that Expand and Collapse functionality in GWT.
I have my Items in a tree format.
Now I am creating a DataTable and Displaying it using GoogleTableChart
The code as follows:
DataTable data = DataTable.create();
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Item Name ");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.STRING, "Item Id");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Quantity");
data.addColumn(ColumnType.NUMBER, "Price ($)");
int i=0;
int col=0;
Item d=(Item) treeList.preOrderTraversal().get(i);
int level=d.getLevel();
//setting values to DataTable goes here
GoogleTableChart tblChart = new GoogleTableChart();

Here is my solution:
I create Nested VertialPanels for each Item. And put the reference in a map.
Hide/unhide the panels based on clicks.
For root Item take one panel and add all its children.
After adding one child, add all its children to another panel,hide it and add to root panel.
repeat the steps recursively.
before each row place put (+/-) label and add click handler which take item id as parameter.
when these lables are clicked, based on the status we hide/unhide the panels, taken from the map.
Any Better Solution ... ??


How can I get the row, column clicked in gwt table?

I have a flextable that gets populated with data from a database.
I want to get the ROW number of the clicked row.
So far I figured out only how to get the value of a particular cell in a particular row. You have to know the position and hard code it which isn't practical.
String test =flexTable.getFlexCellFormatter().getElement(2, 2).getInnerHTML();
How can I create a ClickHandler to get the selected row?
//flexTable is a FlexTable object. Add a ClickHandler to it.
flexTable.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
//gets the index of the cell you clicked on
int cellIndex = flexTable.getCellForEvent(event).getCellIndex();
//gets the index of the row you clicked on
int rowIndex = flexTable.getCellForEvent(event).getRowIndex();
//print statements below will verify
System.out.println("cellIndex "+cellIndex);
System.out.println("rowIndex "+rowIndex);
//gets the value of the selected cell
String test =flexTable.getFlexCellFormatter().getElement(rowIndex,cellIndex ).getInnerHTML();
The FlexTable supports row spans and column spans, allowing you to layout data in a variety of ways. I think you should use CellTable or a DataGrid or for that matter even a CellList if only single column data is being displayed. To these widgets you can add a selectionhandler to which you can achieve your goal. Refer this it has some pre coded examples.

Smart GWT listgrid, how to expand and row span at the same time

So I have a Smart GWT ListGrid and I want to be able to make the rows expandable and at the same time do a row span on them. Expanding rows which are not merged (by doing row span) works fine, however if I have several rows that are merged the expand icon disappears. My code for expanding and row spanning is this:
lisgrid = new LisGrid()
protected Canvas getExpansionComponent(final ListGridRecord record)
// Add a nested grid to display the remaining requests for the tag
// (after the first N being shown be default).
VLayout layout = new VLayout(5);
final ExtendedListGrid requestGrid = new ExtendedListGrid();
return layout;
listGrid.setMergeCols(new String[] { "requestSummaryTagId", "gca" });
I have overridden the getRowSpan method of the ListGrid to span a cell until the cell right under (same column index and next row index) it has the same value, and I also have a method, setMergeCols, that tells the grid which cells to span across rows. Here is what it looks like. As you can see, the first 2 cells at the bottom span 4 rows, but the expand symbol is missing, while for the rows above (which don't have any row span) the expand symbol is there. Any idea why?

What would be a good way of filtering a GWT CellList using multiple CheckBoxes?

Working in Google Web Toolkit (GWT) I am using a CellList to render the details of a list of Tariffs (using a CompositeCell to show a CheckBoxCell next to a custom cell of my own).
I want to filter the list by tariff length (12, 18, 24, 36 months etc). I would like to render a checkbox for each tariff length at the top of the list, and update the dataProvider as necessary when users uncheck and recheck a box.
I do not know in advance the set of tariff lengths, they will be extracted from the result set when the page is rendered. There could just be two (requiring two checkboxes), but possibly there could be 10 (requiring 10 checkboxes) - I only want to render a checkbox for each as needed.
So somehow I need to associate an int value with each checkbox, and then pass that int to a function that updates the list by removing all tariffs that match. I'm just not sure how to add the handler for the checkboxes and how to get the value for that particular box.
This is what I'm thinking:
// panel to hold boxes
private Panel contractLengthPanel = new HorizontalPanel();
// create a set of the terms, by looping the result set
Set<String> contractTerms = new HashSet<String>();
for(ElecTariff tariff : tariffs)
// loop that set, creating a CheckBox for each value
for(String term : contractTerms)
CheckBox box = new CheckBox(term + " Months");
// set all boxes with the same name, and a unique id
box.getElement().setAttribute("name", "termBoxes");
box.getElement().setAttribute("id", "termBox" + term);
Now I'm not sure if I'm along the right lines here, but now I have each box as part of the same group (they have the same name) I would like to use that to add a handler that is called when a box is checked or unchecked, passing the box id (which contains the tariff length) to that function.
I hope this wasn't too confusingly written. Help appreciated.
There really is nothing like a "group of checkboxes" in HTML, and neither there is in GWT. There are kind of "groups of radiobuttons" though, but it's only about having their checked state mutually exclusive, it doesn't change anything to the way you work with them from code.
You have to listen to changes on each and every checkbox.
What you can do though is to use the same event handler for all your checkboxes; something like:
ValueChangeHandler<Boolean> handler = new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) {
CheckBox box = (CheckBox) event.getSource();
String id = box.getFormValue();
boolean checked = box.getValue();
(note: I used getFormValue() rather than getElement().getId(); I believe it's a better choice: it's specifically made to associate a value with the checkbox)

How do I prevent multiple columns on SWT Vertical ToolBar?

I'm creating a vertical SWT ToolBar:
ToolBar toolBar = new ToolBar( parent, SWT.RIGHT | SWT.VERTICAL );
And then adding items to it:
for ( MyObject myObject: myObjects ) {
ToolItem toolItem = new ToolItem( toolBar, SWT.NONE );
toolItem.setText( myObject.getLabel() );
toolItem.setImage( myObject.getImage() );
The toolbar is created correctly, but as some labels are too long, there are some cases in which new items are created on a second column, in front of the previous item.
So, instead of getting a toolbar that looks like
Item with a very long label
Tiny item
Little item
I get a toolbar that looks like
Item with a very long label
Tiny item Little item
If the long label is long enough, a third column will appear.
Does anyone know if there's a way to prevent the creation of a new column on the toolbar?
Thank you.

How to do single row expansion with CellTable?

I'm trying to use the new GWT CellTable widget but my table needs to support one row expansion, i.e. there is a zippy on the left of a row and when it's clicked, the row should expand to provide more detail information and this row should span across all columns. Is it possible to achieve this with the CellTable? How do I add a row that spans all columns between other rows dynamically?
Any help will be appreciated!
GWT 2.5 will add a CellTableBuilder with the exact goal of allowing this kind of things.
You can find a live example at!CwCustomDataGrid (click on the "show friends" cells)
Can you not make the additional row invisible using getRowElement(int row) and using DOM methods to set display 'none' when rendered and as blank when the button, to show it, is hit.
I am working on the solution too and my plan for now is to use CSS classes + manual styles manipulation to make it look as I need. Not sure if I be able to merry it with GWT though:
I took a different approach to solve this same problem.
The basic concept is using dom elements to add and remove rows based on an event. The following code is an abstract extension of CellTable. You'll want to call this method from your event that gets fired from the click to expand a row.
public abstract class ActionCellTable<T> extends CellTable<T> {
protected abstract void addActionsColumn();
Integer previousSelectedRow = null;
public void displayRowDetail(int selectedRow, Element e){
//Get the tbody of the Cell Table
//Assumption that we want the first (only?) tbody.
Element tbody = this.getElement().getElementsByTagName("tbody").getItem(0);
//Get all the trs in the body
NodeList<Element> trs = tbody.getElementsByTagName("tr");
//remove previously selected view, if there was one
//If the current is further down the list then the current your index will be one off.
if(previousSelectedRow==null || selectedRow != previousSelectedRow){// if the are equal we don't want to do anything else
Element td = Document.get().createTDElement();
td.setAttribute("colspan", Integer.toString(trs.getItem(selectedRow).getChildNodes().getLength()));
Element tr = Document.get().createTRElement();
tbody.insertAfter(tr, trs.getItem(selectedRow));
} else {
previousSelectedRow is used to track which item is "expanded", this could probably be achieved using classes or IDs. If needed I can elaborate more on the CellTable, events, views, and activities.