How to access scanner device using wifi in iphone application (same as wifi printer)? - iphone

I want to access scanner device in my iphone app via wifi just like printer (as we do for UIPrinterInteractionController)
there are already several apps available on itunes like iPrint&Scan etc.
Please help me out, I get stuck on this.

use UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols

check this one

check External accessory framework it will be useful


how to get ios devices' information nearby with Bluetooth

How could I set the ios devices' (iphone & ipad) bluetooth visible for other ios devices when turn the bluetooth on?
I just want to get and show all the ios devices' name (MFI devices include) nearby in my app when all devices' bluetooth on, and I also want to get devices' deviceID.
I have succed using GameKit.framework to connect two ios devices by using bluetooth, but this requires the two devices run that app together.
Could some one provide me suggest on how to implement it? Thank you very much!
i my self have not worked on it, i know its not good to give link here.But hope these links will get u to start on your-self:
happy to help
I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Setting a device's bluetooth on is not enough. A device needs to be advertising for peers to detected it. I think this might be related to what you are trying to do:
I tried this tutorial and it was very helpful. It uses Multipeer Connectivity to advertise and browse for peers around. It also displays the deviceID of devices around you.

iOS bluetooth without GameKit

I already know that using GameKit, I can only connect to other iOS devices running the same app.
But I want to connect to a Parallaz EasyBluetooth chip to send and receive commands, so I need a different solution. I suppose there are some libraries for jailbroken devices, but I don't know any. Can you give me some names or hints to look for?
Is this maby what you need?

iphone and bluetooth device

could i connect my nokia phone to iphone using the following Object..?
i mean (GameKit)
note that here not two iPhone but it is one iPhone other one is only one Bluetooth device..
thanks and regards
Could you be a little bit more specific about what your purpose is?
Are you trying to create a cross-platform game or simply transferring data between the devices?
Though the documentation clearly states that:
The GKPeerPickerController class
provides a standard user interface to
allow an iPhone to discover and
connect to another iPhone.
So I don't think this is the right way to go.

How to display a list of Wifi-Networks in an iPhone app?

I found some private (undocumented) APIs but Apple does not allow apps to use private frameworks. So does anyone know how to do this using Apple official packages?
like: when youtube app prompts you to the push notification: "Select a Wi-fi network"
Thanks in advance.
If you set the UIRequiresPersistentWiFi setting in your info.plist file, the iPhone OS will know that your app needs Wifi and pop up the message for you.
As far as I know, no app actually manually displays the wifi selection alert.
Thats wrong check this app out
It shows available wifi networks
The best you can do in iOS, currently, is display the network the user is currently connected to. iOS doesn't allow you to access a wifi scan from within an app. I've been wrestling with this inability for some time now.
If designing an accessory that has WiFi, where you're trying to pass the user's WiFi network SSID and password, it will be up to the accessory to give the app that wifi scan list. The app can then display the list the accessory gave it to the user.
(I bet that's how the app #zaid pointed out in his answer, "iHome Connect", is doing it.)
Another approach is you could have a screen that prompts the user to enter the password to the wifi network they're connected to already, and then once the accessory is connected to the app, pass those details without the need for a wifi network list. I think that approach has a better user experience.
Plenty of stackoverflow questions that answer how to get the current wifi network, here's a couple:
Getting OSX Connected Wi-Fi Network Name
How do I get the current wifi network name after Yosemite in Swift?

bluetooth in iphone

Is it possible to send a file using bluetooth programatically ?
Any suggestions or any alternative methods ??
I don't think there is an easy way, but see this question for information on various ways to create Bluetooth connections for iPhone.
If you want to connect your iPhone to your own embedded device via Bluetooth have a look at the "Made for iPhone" program.