how to get ios devices' information nearby with Bluetooth - iphone

How could I set the ios devices' (iphone & ipad) bluetooth visible for other ios devices when turn the bluetooth on?
I just want to get and show all the ios devices' name (MFI devices include) nearby in my app when all devices' bluetooth on, and I also want to get devices' deviceID.
I have succed using GameKit.framework to connect two ios devices by using bluetooth, but this requires the two devices run that app together.
Could some one provide me suggest on how to implement it? Thank you very much!

i my self have not worked on it, i know its not good to give link here.But hope these links will get u to start on your-self:
happy to help

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking. Setting a device's bluetooth on is not enough. A device needs to be advertising for peers to detected it. I think this might be related to what you are trying to do:
I tried this tutorial and it was very helpful. It uses Multipeer Connectivity to advertise and browse for peers around. It also displays the deviceID of devices around you.


How can I connect an iOS device to non iOS device (Arduino devices) via Bluetooth?

After searching on Google, I found that people say it's only possible to connect an iOS device with a non iOS device with the 'MFi program'. Is that true?
My project is mainly focused on sending and receiving information with the Arduino device via Bluetooth directly.
Is communication between iOS and non iOS devices without jailbreak possible? If yes, is there a reference?
(I viewed Stack Overflow question How can an iPhone access another non-iPhone device over wireless or Bluetooth?.)
As I stated in the above-linked question, general Bluetooth communication to external devices on non-jailbroken iOS devices is restricted to MFi-compliant Bluetooth hardware.
However, newer iOS devices (iPhone 4S, new iPad) are capable of Bluetooth 4.0 LE communication with external devices without the need for those devices to be MFi-compliant. This interaction is done through the new Core Bluetooth framework, which lets you send and receive arbitrary data to and from Bluetooth LE devices. This only works with those listed newer iOS devices, though.
Tim points out an interesting hack that you might be able to get away with in making your device appear like a Bluetooth HID keyboard. Devices like this barcode scanner have special modes to appear as HID devices to iOS. You might be able to pull something together based on this, but all data transfer will be one-way from your device, and it looks like this will require entering that data into text fields as if you had a keyboard connected.
Alasdair Alan's "iOS Sensor Apps with Arduino" is a good resource to look at. I've used Wifi with another microprocessor (mbed) but not sure about bluetooth. Alasdair is active on Twitter and he usually is kind enough to answer questions.

iOS bluetooth without GameKit

I already know that using GameKit, I can only connect to other iOS devices running the same app.
But I want to connect to a Parallaz EasyBluetooth chip to send and receive commands, so I need a different solution. I suppose there are some libraries for jailbroken devices, but I don't know any. Can you give me some names or hints to look for?
Is this maby what you need?

How to access scanner device using wifi in iphone application (same as wifi printer)?

I want to access scanner device in my iphone app via wifi just like printer (as we do for UIPrinterInteractionController)
there are already several apps available on itunes like iPrint&Scan etc.
Please help me out, I get stuck on this.
use UISupportedExternalAccessoryProtocols
check this one
check External accessory framework it will be useful

Is iphone simulator geolocation features working with the Ethernet/Wired network connection only?

I'm trying to develop an iPhone application which uses the geolocation libraries. Is this feasible for the iphone simulator to simulate the GPS functionality without the use of my PC's Wi-Fi infrastructure? Does anyone know if the iphone simulator can spot your location using your IP-address only (so only the Ethernet cable connection is required)?
Thanks in advance.
You should test that functionality on an actual device. I believe the simulator will always show Cupertino, CA as the location.
No it won't work using ethernet. Core location appears to only work with WIFI even though at the end is the same router.
CoreLocation doesn't work in the simulator, but there are options
Simulator doesn't have this functionality, but iSimulate has (it's not mine :-( ). It connects the device and simulator per WiFi and sends location events to the application within simulator: real GPS events and a few predefined locations around the world. Pretty cool!

iPhone:Find Wifi and Bluetooth nearby devices programmatically?

I am trying to find nearby WiFi devices programmatically from my application.
I have the following two questions.
1. Is there any API's to do this? Is there any sample provided to go through?
2. Is it possible to implement it from 3.0 SDK or 4.0 SDK?
The same thing i want to find nearby Bluetooth devices as well and want to send file using this from one device to another?
Have a look at Game Kit
As far as I know you can do what you want with Bluetooth but not WiFi (unless the devices are on the same wireless network). For WiFi I recommend you build your own server app that the iPhone clients advertise their location to and get "nearby" device info. Much like how Bump works. This way you don't need your clients to be on the same network.