How to deploy AIR files to Samsung TV with SmartTV - deployment

We managed to get hold of a new Samsung TV that support AIR. I followed the few example files out there that show how to setup an AIR for TV file in Flashbuilder and my packaged export is an .airi file. So far so good.
The problem I'm having though is how to deploy this file to the TV. I tried copying it to a usb key but can't find a menu item to import it. Even when logged in with a developer account into smartTV.
Also tried to deploy via apache webserver as you do with html widgets, but no success.
Does anyone know how to deploy AIR files to a Samsung TV?
Thank you

I figured out that you have to do following steps in order to get your AIR app running:
Create your AIR project with air version 2.6
Compile and pack your AIR applications as an .airi file
Unzip the .airi file
Add a config.xml with your desired configuration to the unzipped folders
Make sure the config.xml has these settings
Zip up the files again and deploy via
local server as documented in the
Samsung documentation

Have a look at this Samsung TV hello world blog entry (I haven't tried it yet). The instructions are related to a standard web app, but it may also work with your AIR app.
In case this blog dissappears, the key Samsung document he references is here.
You may also find the details you need on this video.


Installing a Windows Mobile application on a Windows CE device

A client has asked us to "revive" an old Windows Mobile application that is used by their receiving department.
At some point they wrote a custom Windows Mobile 6 app for Windows CE devices (a Motorola MC55A to be specific).
They have a project in place to replace this app - but it won't happen for a bit and they want to install the custom app on some newly refurbished devices they found as an interim solution.
I found the source code for the application. It even contains an installer project that generates the CAB files.
What I do not know how to do is get the compiled app and installer onto the device.
I am using one of their legacy computers to build the app and connect to the device. The computer has Windows Mobile Center installed and when I see the device connected - I the ability to add / remove programs on the device.
Not sure if this is the route I should be going. Ideally I want to put the installer behind a web page and just have each device download the installer to install the app.
This stuff is pretty dated - I am having a hard time on the specifics of deployment.
You can put the CAB file on the device and launch it manually using the file explorer on the device to install the files.
Some industrial devices like Honeywell, Intermec, Motorola, Symbol, Zebra and others support the auto install of cab files, if the files are put in a special folder on the device. For former Intermec Honeywell devices, this folder is called \Flash File Store\CabFiles. If a cab file is placed in this folder, it will be installed on the next reboot.
You may also put a link to the CAB file on a web site and open that web site within the Internet Explorer on the device. The device will ask for the installation, when the file link is tapped. Please note that some web server like IIS by default block CAB files from being loaded! If so, you need to configure the web server to allow cab file downloading.
Many months later, but I wanted to answer this for future reference, when you DEPLOY Solution, Visual Studio (2008 was the last one supporting windows mobile apps) will ask you for a target device or emulator, here you can select the device and it will be installed, there will be no entry in add/remove programs on the device unless you install it via an installation CAB. You must create an "Smart Device Cab Project" and configure it for your solution.

Create Android Wear Emulator Without Google Play Services

I'm using Android Studio 2.3.3 and I need to test my app on an emulator without Google Play Services. I know that it was pretty easy to create one using the old device manager (as described in this question), but I can't figure out how to do it with the new one.
The SDK Manager tells me that the system images that I want/need (API level 25) are installed:
Android Wear Intel x86 Atom System Image
Google APIs Intel x86 Atom System Image
At the "Select a system image" step for my new virtual device, only images with the Google APIs are presented under the "Recommended" tab. I've checked "x86 Images" and "Other Images" but no options without Google Play Services are to be found anywhere. I've also looked through all the settings options available at the "Verify Configuration" step without finding anything useful.
Does anyone know how to do this, or is it perhaps in fact no longer possible?

Can't load the Samsung smart TV 5.1 IDE

Hello and thanks for your time. When I open the eclipse.exe file and go to file > new > project there are no samsung options. I have tried running the eclipse.exe file as administrator but no luck. I should mention my normal login has admin privileges as well. I have also redownloaded and unziped the IDE a few times. I am running windows XP 32bit. Thanks in advance for any help.
If you are a B2B developer then try downloading sdk from here:
otherwise from here:
Also install the Virtual Box and and its extension pack from here:
Make sure to download and mount the Emulator on virtual box.
Also, as per mentioned by Samsung you must have Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher.
Set the path for Chrome for web debugging. Also set the Emulator settings.
Here is the link to the Samsung Guide:
List of files after extracting the sdk:
Hope these resources will help you little bit.
New > Other (or simply Ctrl + N) and find "Samsung Smart TV" on the list. There are some types of apps you can create for Samsung TV: Web app, Caph or PNaCl

How to get Samsung Smart TV Emulator to see my app?

I'm just getting started on Samsung Smart TV development, and so far my first baby step has been a big failure.
I am running Linux, and because I already have Eclipse installed and configured for Android development, I haven't had success in getting the Smart TV SDK installed and working. However, encouraged by How to build & deploy a Samsung SmartTV app without the IDE (e.g: on Linux), I have decided to go forward without it.
I do have the VirtualBox emulator running, however. So right now, I have built a basic app from the example here:
And would like to see if I can just get it to start up on my emulator.
If I understand correctly, I need to take the directory structure of my app (with config.xml, index.html, and the Resources, JavaScript and CSS folders), package it into a .zip, and drop it in the "Apps" folder I have shared with the emulator. But when I do that, if I go to the emulator, refresh it, and hit "Open App", I am presented with an empty App list.
I know that the emulator is seeing the Apps folder, because if I put a subdirectory in it, then that directory shows in the Apps list in the emulator. But it's not showing the .zip file for my app.
I have been scouring the web for any useful information, but all tutorials just say something along the lines of "now test the app in your emulator to make sure it works. Now on to deployment...". Nobody gives any information on how to test the app in the emulator.
Can someone please shine some light on this for me?
Unzip your app in the app folder it should look like this
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\index.html
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\config.xml
Samsung TV SDK 4\apps\yourapp\other files and folders

Adobe AIR packager yields Unable to open destination file: ... Info.plist in Application Loader

I have an app in the App Store that I produced using the Adobe AIR 2.0 packager back in March 2011. Now, the client wants to update it. But, I can no longer upload an update.
I get the following error when using the Application Loader:
Unable to unzip application. Underlying reason: Unable to open destination file: /var/folders/05/d7xltrms59j0n1bplx_nvwr0000gn/T/Protocols.ipa/Payload/, No such file or directory.
Looking inside the IPA, Info.plist is certainly in there.
I tried using new provisioning and new certificates, I tried using Java 32-bit, I tried reinstalling Flash CS5. I tried the 2.5 SDK (I can't using anything higher though).
I wonder if this packager is creating an outdated IPA that Apple no longer accepts. Ideas anyone?
I managed to solve the problem. I used the AIR 2.5 SDK and PFI. Then, I upgraded Application Loader to 2.4.1 and that did the trick.
To download AIR 2.5 SDK, go to the Adobe archives:
To download an updated version of PFI, go to the following link:
There is a Windows version, but I can't post that link since I'm only allowed to post 2 hyperlinks.