Is it possible to display full screen ad directly in iPhone? - iphone

I want to know that is it possible to display full screen ad directly in iPhone?as i don't want to display small banner ad and wants direct full screen ad.
and if yes then how?
For that what to use i mean how can i show it with iAd or AdWhirl or AdMob or other?

yes you can by using rich media iads but they are supported only on iPad & ios 4.3.Check the documentation.


On iPhone, do text only banner ads make as much money?

My app is in landscape and I am using kGADAdSizeSmartBannerLandscape to create banners across the screen. I am using AdMob Mediation with AdMob and iAd only.
The thing is, these size ads (480x32)or(960x64) are text only for the iphone. Does anyone have any experience of these size and type of ads. Can I expect a reduced fill rate?
The alternative is to use the standard portrait banner size which means the ad will not stretch across the whole screen and will be much fatter.
The best practice is to use the ad size that best fits your application.
AdMob Text ads can be manipulated to fit the full width size. Images can't change their resolution, but since 480x32 is a popular format for iPhone, there may also be AdMob image inventory for this size at some point.

Full screen ads on iPhone

Hey guys, I've been looking at new ways to generate revenue from my iPhone apps, and have started to consider full screen ads. Do you guys know which networks provide them? I just recently read that full screen iAd only works on iPad, major bummer thumbs down
You need iAd. It shows banners which can become full-screen ads when tapped. You probably agree that full-screen ads are pretty useless if they occupy all the screen all the time, the banner idea works well.
See this iAd tutorial for the process.

Is there a way to open the add in full screen programmatically?

Is it possible to run full screen iAds in App.
In the Words with Friends app there seems to be a random timer which when it goes off it acts like the user clicked on the iAd.
Is there a way to open the add in full screen programmatically?
Words with Friends uses ads by Greystripe. This isn't possible with iAds ads.

how to place banner on the view at run time in iphone sdk 3.0 onwards

I want to display banner at the top of the view i know that for that iAd is available but it works on 4.o onwards and i want to display it from sdk 3.0 onwards so can any one give me the links or video which give me the proper steps to create it.
thanx & regards
Minimum requirement to run iAd is iOS4 or higher. Many iOS users are switching to iOS4 so you can go ahead and cater to that. Cheers.

Is it the same write the iPhone and iPad app?

I have a question about the objective C. I am writing the iPhone application and I want to app which can also run on iPad. Is there are some change do I need to do? As I set the element in code rather than using the Interface builder. Do I need to reset the x,y,width and height for the application? Thank you very much.
You can run exactly the same app developed for iPhone on the iPad. However, it will not use the full screen of the iPad. Look at the Facebook app for instance, you can zoom it but it doesn't look very nice. If your goal is to run an iPhone app on the iPad, you don't have to bother much. If you want to really support iPad in your application you should implement a separate UI for iPad and this is supported in XCode. The iPad has of course a larger screen but also some additional layouts and controls that make apps look great on the iPad.
Have a look at they have more information about this.