Will my app rejected from the Apple App Store? - iphone

I have submitted an app to the apple store. in my app I am using NSRegularExpression, and in the deployment target I did not put ios 4.0 (I have put 3.2) will my app rejected ?

IF your app crashes often, it may get rejected. If you suspect that it will crash often as a result of your use of a newer API on an older version of iOS, I would suggest rejecting the binary and then adding the appropriate conditional code to handle your situation. It's worth not frustrating your users.

I think that's not the question.
You should reject your app by yourself, because devices with iOS < 4.0 will crash and they will rate your app with 1 star. Bad ratings will people keep off buying / downloading your app.

NSRegularExpression is not available on 3.2 so your app will be rejected , just revoke the build you submitted , and upload the version with the correct settings.


How to determine iPhone/iPad target and iOS version while submission to AppStore?

I am uploading my App into AppStore. My app is displayed fine on iPhone, not on iPad. In addition, my App just works on iOS 6 or higher.
How can I determine these limitations to AppsStore review team while uploading my app? Are my limitations acceptable for the review team or not?
In your Xcode project - select the target (the one being deployed) and set its Deployment Target.
You have the ability to use older versions of iOS - just make sure you only use API included in the lowest version selected. For example, don't use any of the new iOS7 backgrounding API if you are deploying for iOS6. And if you do need to use API included only in newer versions of iOS, make sure to wrap that code in respondsToSelector logic to avoid crashes.
So yes, deploying to iOS6 is totally acceptable to the review team as long as its being compiled with the newest SDK. This also allows users to download your app who haven't made the upgrade to iOS7 yet.

iOS: Changing min SDK Version of App in Apple's Store

I have released an App in the App Store with target platform 5.1. The app also was developed using SDK 5.1. My customer phoned me and said this is crap because als the jailbroken phones aren't able to download the app yet - because there is currently no jailbroken version for 5.1.
What do I have to do? I'm coming from Android - therefore I want to be really sure what I am doing when applying an App update to ensure that it is also available for 5.0 users.
I also use a Library Project - which also uses SDK 5.1 as shown in the screenshot below.
I would be really glad about some instructions how to reduce the required version for the app and if there are some compatibility troubles/problems occurring to my code when I do this.
You should change the deployment target, in the summary tab of the target, as shown in the image:
And call your customer and tell him there is already Jailbreak for 5.1 ;)
Release App version 1.1 with deployment Target OS as 5.0 or what ever else version you want to include ...
Just found this now while researching another question, so I'm sure this has already been handled, but here's my $0.02, eight years later....
You provided a working app to the App Store. All apps on the App Store are guaranteed to work on compatible iPhones that have not been jailbroken.
If your user is doing non-sanctioned things with his iPhone, it's not really your concern. There were plenty of big-name apps which had the same problem as yours: people couldn't use the latest version because a jailbreak wasn't yet available. They had to wait until such a jailbreak was out. That's the risk you take with using a jailbreak.
The difference here is that if FaceBook or WhatsApp or whatever big-name app changed its target SDK to an iOS version that did not yet have a jailbreak, users couldn't call Zuckerberg on the phone to complain or threaten. You, as an independent developer, got the phone call.
It's a balancing act. You want to use the latest, greatest features of the iOS version, but existing users might not have the latest, greatest OS. So you have to decide what's more important: new features or supporting existing users.

ios app build for version 5.0.1uploaded to app store can be run on ios 5.1?

I did build app for ios 5.0.1 using xcode 4.2 and uploaded it on apple store. They rejected my app due to crash issue occurs when they install and run on ios 5.1.
Could you please let me know if we build an app for ios 5.0.1 will not be run on ios5.1 iphone device.
What will be the way so I can approved my app at apple store that is build for ios 5.0.1.
But two days ago they approved another app that is build for ios 5.0.1.
Should I query to apple store.
Please reply me thank a lot for time frame given to my ques.
The app can run in iOS 5.1, the thing is that you dont know how that app is going to work on 5.1, so probably you are using something that is allowed in 5.0.1, and in 5.1 is crashing.
Your only option now, is to download the 5.1 on your xCode and check what is going on.
Yes, Apple will approve apps that are built using the 5.0 SDK, though probably not anything earlier. They pretty much always test using the latest version of the OS so you should absolutely test with it before submitting. I'd venture that there's no reason not to develop with the latest too.
The changes between 5.0 and 5.1 are not huge so, chances are, you do have a bug. Apple normally send crash reports when they reject for these reasons.

Upgrade live Universal App to iPad only

We have a live universal app in the AppStore. Our client changed his mind and doesn't want the app to be universal anymore, he wants it to be iPad only.
Since the app was submitted some time ago, there are users who use the iPhone version.
What happens if we submit an upgrade that is iPad only?
Will the review team reject it?
And if it goes live, will the iPhone users receive a notification about the update? If yes in what form?
Or will the iPhone users just be unable to reinstall the app?
Thank you!
Yes, if you try to submit an application that supports fewer platforms than a previous version of the same app, it will be rejected during the upload process.
if version 1 supports ipad and iphone
version 2 cant support just ipad or iphone
here is the answer of your question: https://itunesconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/wo/
See the answer of this question:
"Why are correct device requirements important? Can I update them on iTunes Connect?"
Here is the important part:
"To change your app's device requirement after your first binary submission, submit an app update binary with the new information in the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key. You are only allowed to expand your device requirements. Submitting an update to restrict your device requirements is not permitted"
This means that if you've already submitted an universal build and then you try to submit only iPhone or only iPad build as update of the universal app ... Sorry, you can't.
iPad users must purchase the app again and cannot update the current version anymore.
People already using the universal app on their iPad will not receive an update. People on the iPhone will receive an update.
This is very tricky. It's better to do it not.
Apple has been reported to reject updates that have narrowed hardware requirements compared with the current version in the App store.
If this happens, your clients only option may be to remove the current app from sale and submit a new different iPad-only app.
You can't upgrade live universal app to iPad only.
Apple says the following:
"All device requirement changes must be made when you submit an update to your binary. You are permitted to increase the number of devices your app runs on, but you cannot remove devices you have previously permitted. Removing them will prevent users who have previously downloaded your app from updating it."
Reference (see "iOS Note")
I have faced same scenario.
You can upgrade application scope (iPhone only to Universal) but you can't degrade application scope (Universal to iPhone only or iPad only).

How to distribute an iPhone app BEFORE the sale date without getting UDIDs or jailbreaking?

I've got an app that's approved by Apple and ready-for-sale, but we're holding off for a few days for press reasons. Anyone know of a way to distribute this thing to beta testers without dealing with UDIDs or jailbreaking phones? Does it matter that it's approved, can I just give select users a file without the provisional stuff?
Try distributing a promotional code.
You can't do a distribution without device IDs. Even the App Store uses device IDs but its hidden and Apple manages it for you.
The hardware device IDs are the core to of the IP protection system. You can't get around them without jailbreaking.
Promo codes. Turns out they are available through iTunes Connect homepage as soon as the app is approved, even if it hasn't gone live in the iTunes store yet.
If your beta testers have Macs you could create an auto-installer for the iPhone Simulator as described here:
Sharing iPhone Apps for the Simulator