Upgrade live Universal App to iPad only - iphone

We have a live universal app in the AppStore. Our client changed his mind and doesn't want the app to be universal anymore, he wants it to be iPad only.
Since the app was submitted some time ago, there are users who use the iPhone version.
What happens if we submit an upgrade that is iPad only?
Will the review team reject it?
And if it goes live, will the iPhone users receive a notification about the update? If yes in what form?
Or will the iPhone users just be unable to reinstall the app?
Thank you!

Yes, if you try to submit an application that supports fewer platforms than a previous version of the same app, it will be rejected during the upload process.
if version 1 supports ipad and iphone
version 2 cant support just ipad or iphone

here is the answer of your question: https://itunesconnect.apple.com/WebObjects/iTunesConnect.woa/wo/
See the answer of this question:
"Why are correct device requirements important? Can I update them on iTunes Connect?"
Here is the important part:
"To change your app's device requirement after your first binary submission, submit an app update binary with the new information in the UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities key. You are only allowed to expand your device requirements. Submitting an update to restrict your device requirements is not permitted"
This means that if you've already submitted an universal build and then you try to submit only iPhone or only iPad build as update of the universal app ... Sorry, you can't.

iPad users must purchase the app again and cannot update the current version anymore.
People already using the universal app on their iPad will not receive an update. People on the iPhone will receive an update.
This is very tricky. It's better to do it not.

Apple has been reported to reject updates that have narrowed hardware requirements compared with the current version in the App store.
If this happens, your clients only option may be to remove the current app from sale and submit a new different iPad-only app.

You can't upgrade live universal app to iPad only.
Apple says the following:
"All device requirement changes must be made when you submit an update to your binary. You are permitted to increase the number of devices your app runs on, but you cannot remove devices you have previously permitted. Removing them will prevent users who have previously downloaded your app from updating it."
Reference (see "iOS Note")

I have faced same scenario.
You can upgrade application scope (iPhone only to Universal) but you can't degrade application scope (Universal to iPhone only or iPad only).


Change compatibility of submitted app from universal to iPhone only

My app that I submitted yesterday to the App Store had to be compatible only for iPhones because that is how I already set it to like this.
Now I saw that on iTunes on my app it says that is compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod and it really should be only iPhone.
I tried to solve the problem with adding the element telephony to the array Required device capabilities in info.plist like this.
Will that make in iTunes to say Compatible with iPhone only and not allow installs on iPads and iPods ? If not how can I solve the problem ?
Yes, that should do it according to this other stack overflow post:
How to Restrict the iOS app only for iPhone excluding iPad?
Essentially there's no way to restrict apps by device unless the device doesn't have a feature you need, in this case, the ability to make calls (telephony).

how to remove the iPhone application version from the AppStore?

I've uploaded the 2.0 version to the appstore having to support both iPhone and iPad.but the previous version does supports only iPhone. This version having the resolution issues in the iPad. I've created the version 3.0 for iPhone only, but the iTunes connect is not accepting this build and saying that " This bundle does not support one or more of the devices supported by the previous app version. Your app update must continue to support all the devices previously supported.You declare supported devices in Xcode with the Targeted Device Family build setting."
any one please suggest me the best solution.
You can't change an app from universal to iPhone or iPad only once it has been approved and was live in the App Store. Your only option is to remove the app from the App Store completely and submit a new one that's iPhone only but then you lose most of your customers probably.
I'd suggest that you just solve whatever issues you have with the universal version as soon as possible and submit an update.

Changing app type from iPhone to Universal in iTunes Connect

I have submitted an iPhone app to Apple. It was rejected because it did not run on an iPad. I traced the problem to iAds and have fixed it. Now however, I find that the iAds do not appear on the iPad (that has been reported on a different question here). I can fix all this by making the app universal.
My problem is that, having submitted the app as an iPhone app, I can find no way to change it to a universal app in iTunes connect. I could delete the app and resubmit, but as I believe I would have to use a different name. Having made a significant investment in the current name, I very much want to avoid this. Is there a way round this?
Yes, just change the device setting in xCode and upload to iTunes Connect, remember to also add screenshots for the new device!

Minimum iOS Version 5.0 & The App Store

We're talking about making the minimum iOS version of our consumer facing app 5.0+. We have a few questions, and I was unable to find a great resource for the answers:
For existing users with 4.xx, when the next update is released, will they just not see the update in the App Store? IE, until they update their iOS version to our new minimum version, they will never see the most recent update and will be "stuck" on the previous version?
For new customers with 4.xx, when they search for our app on the App Store, will it show up in search results? If so, what will be displayed when they click Install ?
Thank you for your help. I found lots of information on specifically 3.xx to 4.xx, but wanted to get a more detailed explanation for the scenarios explained above. If there is Apple developer documentation for this, please point me in the right direction.:)
If you specify the deployment target for your app as iOS 5.x, your customers running iOS 4.x won't see an update on the app store and will be stuck at the previous versions of your app.
New customers running iOS 4.x will be able to see the app but won't be able to install it. They'll get a system error message that iOS 5 is required to install this app.
Hope that helps.
The App store on the device will filter out apps and updates that are inappropriate for the current iOS device OS version. The user won't see them (or if they see them on some devices, won't be able to download or install them).
However, the iTunes App Store on the customer's Mac or PC will not filter by OS version. iTunes will download apps that the user can't install on their devices running older iOS versions, and, far worse, will put any working app versions in the trash after downloading their useless updates.
The App store does not filter apps based on the operating system of your device. It will show iOS 5 apps even if your device is iOS 4. The update will definitely appear in iTunes. I don't know about whether it shows up in the updates in the app itself.

How to distribute an iPhone app BEFORE the sale date without getting UDIDs or jailbreaking?

I've got an app that's approved by Apple and ready-for-sale, but we're holding off for a few days for press reasons. Anyone know of a way to distribute this thing to beta testers without dealing with UDIDs or jailbreaking phones? Does it matter that it's approved, can I just give select users a file without the provisional stuff?
Try distributing a promotional code.
You can't do a distribution without device IDs. Even the App Store uses device IDs but its hidden and Apple manages it for you.
The hardware device IDs are the core to of the IP protection system. You can't get around them without jailbreaking.
Promo codes. Turns out they are available through iTunes Connect homepage as soon as the app is approved, even if it hasn't gone live in the iTunes store yet.
If your beta testers have Macs you could create an auto-installer for the iPhone Simulator as described here:
Sharing iPhone Apps for the Simulator