My Eclipse's JS file editor's background isn't black - eclipse

I installed Eclipse and Aptana 3 plugin. My HTML, CSS, XML file editor's background color is black. But only JS file editor's background color is white.
How can I change it to Aptana 3's style (black)?

Is it possible it's opening it with a Web Tools JS editor or some other editor instead of the Aptana editor? Double-check by choosing right-click "Open With" on the file.
If so, you should be able to set Aptana as the default in Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations.


In Eclipse, how do you change the foreground and background color in the default text editor for plain text files with no file extension?

In Eclipse for C/C++, how do you change the foreground and background color in the default text editor for plain text files, that is, files with no file extension?
I tried going to window > preferences > general > editors > text editors > appearance color options.
Here it says foreground color and background color, and after hitting 'apply', the color of the text changes briefly, but returns to default as soon as you close the 'preferences' window.
The other thing I tried is to set file associations and try to set a different internal editor as the default for plain files. However it seems to only work for files that have an extension.
I often have to deal with existing files in a repository that are actually bash scripts, but the files have no extension. It is annoying then to not even be able to configure the settings of the editor. If I can't find a solution for this, it looks like I either have to 'embrace the suck' or use a different editor outside of Eclipse.
I'm working on Kubuntu 2020-04 with Eclipse 2020-06 and using the dark theme.
It looks like the same problem as here, but I couldn't find any satisfying solution. The problem was reported there on 2020-01-03, so it actually predates my Eclipse version.
Thanks to #howlger for suggesting to upgrade. After upgrading to Eclipse version 2020-12, the first method I mentioned in the question works, that is, going to window > preferences > general > editors > text editors > appearance color options. Here you can change the foreground color and background color and it will actually stay the color you selected.

Change Text Font In Eclipse For GWT Text Editors

I am using Eclipse with the GWT Eclipse Plugin. I want to use a different font than the default (in this case, Fira Code). In my preferences, in Colors and Fonts, I set the setting "Text Font" to use Fira Code and it works perfectly fine in normal Java text editors. However, if I open a source file that is in a GWT project, the GWT Eclipse Plugin uses its own text editor that ignores the custom font and uses Eclipse's default instead.
Is there a way to force the GWT text editor to use that setting too?
While there is no official fix yet, GitHub user voytechs provides a work-around here:
Unless you absolutely need to use the GWT Java Editor for every single .java file type because it has syntax support for JNSI code, you can change the order in which the text editors are chosen for the .java file type.
Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations > File Types > *.java > Associated editors:
Select "Java Editor"
Click "Default" button to make that the default editor
You can still edit java files with JNSI comment code in it with the GWT Java Editor:
Project Explorer > Right Click your .java" file > Open With > GWT Java Editor
The regular java editor can easily change the default font size or resize the font size on the fly. I adjust the font size using the ctrl+ and ctrl- key press inside the Java editor.

Change Font Colors and Style for TeXlipse Only in Eclipse

Having just installed the TeXlipse plugin onto Eclipse 4.5, I am having a difficulty figuring out whether there is a way to change how Eclipse highlights the TeX code. At the moment, I am using the dark theme for Eclipse and the colors (dark blue, purple, etc) it chooses for TeX are hard to see. I would like, however, to leave all the styling for Java code as is.
Go to Window > Preferences > Texlipse > Editor > Syntax Highlighting, there you can change colors and font type.

Aptana Studio Eclipse IDE messes up color theme

Before I installed the Aptana Studio IDE for Eclipse my theme was set to "Dark" and the editors to "Sublime".
After I installed Aptana all editors appeared in a white background color.
I know that Aptana has it's on settings for that but I want to separate the settings of Aptana and Eclipse. So Eclipse's settings should apply to all "normal" editors and the Aptana settings should only apply to its on editors.
So right now, everything is white. And it only changes in black when I click "Apply to all (non-studio) editors" (In the Aptana settings).
But I don't want that!
I want to have my "normal" java editors like before and the Aptana editors should look different. But nothing will change if I set the settings in "preferences -> appearence -> color theme". Can anyone help me?

eclipse Juno custom workbench colors

anybody who knows how to change the colors of workbench views (e.g. Package Explorer) in eclipse Juno (4.2)? How can I use this nice, new CSS styling feature?
For the editors it's available under Preferences - General - Appearance, but I want/need to change the whole workbench theme to darker colors.
Following the "Eclipse 4 CSS Styling- Tutorial ", you could use the CSS spy to determine the CSS styles applied to the package explorer, in order to develop your own theme for it.