Change Text Font In Eclipse For GWT Text Editors - eclipse

I am using Eclipse with the GWT Eclipse Plugin. I want to use a different font than the default (in this case, Fira Code). In my preferences, in Colors and Fonts, I set the setting "Text Font" to use Fira Code and it works perfectly fine in normal Java text editors. However, if I open a source file that is in a GWT project, the GWT Eclipse Plugin uses its own text editor that ignores the custom font and uses Eclipse's default instead.
Is there a way to force the GWT text editor to use that setting too?

While there is no official fix yet, GitHub user voytechs provides a work-around here:
Unless you absolutely need to use the GWT Java Editor for every single .java file type because it has syntax support for JNSI code, you can change the order in which the text editors are chosen for the .java file type.
Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations > File Types > *.java > Associated editors:
Select "Java Editor"
Click "Default" button to make that the default editor
You can still edit java files with JNSI comment code in it with the GWT Java Editor:
Project Explorer > Right Click your .java" file > Open With > GWT Java Editor
The regular java editor can easily change the default font size or resize the font size on the fly. I adjust the font size using the ctrl+ and ctrl- key press inside the Java editor.


how to change DVT eclipse menu font-size

I need to change DVT eclipse menu size. also in properties view and Project Explorer.
High DPI make them larger than the code font size.
Although this soultion did work it was complicated and change only the Project Explorer (without Menu and Project)
DVT Version - dvt_eclipse_20.1.37-e46
As mentioned in DVT "Themes" documentation page.
To change the fonts, please go to Window > Preferences > DVT > Themes.
You will find there the option to change both the Editor Font and the UI Font (the second one is what you are looking for)

Edit SVG in Eclipse

I want to edit SVG files in Eclipse. I don't know why it doesn't work, but Eclipse opens Sublime when I double click an SVG file. I tried to install the Docfacto plugin, but Eclipse stalls when I open or create an SVG file.
I remember that elsewhere it has worked. I don't need a graphical editor, just something compareble to XML or HTML, so with color coding and maybe matching tags.
How can I open and edit SVG files in Eclipse?
Go to Window->Preferences
Select General->Editors->File Associations
Look for *.svg in the top list.
You should be able to modify the default editor(s) in the bottom pane. Mine is set to "XML Editor".
It can be a little tricky if you don't know:
first define svg as an xml content type:
Preferences > General > Content Types
Select XML in the upper right box
Click the Add... button next to the bottom right box
Add *.svg and click OK
Then do what #Paul LeBeau proposed:
Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations
Select *.svg or add it if it is not yet in the list
Mark XML Editor as default in the bottom box
Apply and Close
Finally open a fresh svg file to test the default file association, if you open the same file as before eclipse will remember the previous (text) editor and you will see no syntax colouring. Or right click on a file and choose Open With > XML Editor to test if the colour coding works.

How to change the font for Eclipse Twist scenario editor (Eclipse Plugin - ThoughtWorks Studios)

I am working with Twist as part of developing automatic tests, and I would want to change (decrease size) of the font in the twist scenario editor. I could not find any option in the "Twist" section in the Preferences menu, and the other settings are related to the eclipse editor (e.g. for .java files)
Go to Window > Preferences > filter using "font" > click on Colors and Fonts > Look in the basic folder for Text Font > edit
See screencast for demo

My Eclipse's JS file editor's background isn't black

I installed Eclipse and Aptana 3 plugin. My HTML, CSS, XML file editor's background color is black. But only JS file editor's background color is white.
How can I change it to Aptana 3's style (black)?
Is it possible it's opening it with a Web Tools JS editor or some other editor instead of the Aptana editor? Double-check by choosing right-click "Open With" on the file.
If so, you should be able to set Aptana as the default in Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations.

How to set default editor tab in Eclipse?

I'm using the HTML editor resp. the Structured Text Editor in Eclipse. It always opens in the tab Visual/Source:
Is it possible to tell Eclipse it should always open this editor in the Source tab?
You seem to use a plugin which associates with HTML files. For example Eclipse normally loads XML files for the first time with Design tab, and once you switch to source tab, it remembers the next time to open any document associated with XML Editor in Source tab. I don't know remembering is up to Eclipse or up to the plugin associated with the file, but a quick workaround would be:
to right click on the HTML file in package explorer > Open With > choose another editor (e.g. text editor). This only associates with current file. If you want to change file association for all HTMLs:
goto Preferences (under menu Window) > General > Editor > File Associations and change HTML file association there.
In Eclipse goto Windows-->Preferences-->Type Editors change the associated editors for File Types after that click on OK
You didn't say what version of Eclipse you're using. My HTML / Structured Text editors didn't have the tabs the same as yours. I'm using 3.4.2.
You can extend that editor by writing your own plug-in for Eclipse. Outside of the 'create a plug-in project' stuff, start by finding the extension points for the target editor. Then your plug-in can just register as an extension and add a new property instead of writing a whole editor. The property should show up on a preference page and then your code can take care of switching the active view of the editor to the 'Source' tab based on that property.
Right click the file and then "open with" and open it in another HTML or texteditor.
And then map this editor as the default editor for this filetype by right clicking the document and setting the file extension.
I always do this to get rid of the memory greedy WYSIWYG editors.