Using Firefox in Eclipse instead of IE - eclipse

In Eclipse, is it possible to use Firefox as Eclipse's internal Web browser instead of Internet Explorer.
I am a Web developer using Eclipse in Windows.

The SWT Browser widget that is uesd by the internal web browser chooses the platform default for its web rendering technology. So for Windows that is the MSHTML COM component (IE renderer). For Linux that is Mozilla (Webkit for 3.7 is available) and on Mac, WebKit(Safari). However, there are third party plugins like MyEclipse that do embed a mozilla runtime (XULRunner) that do use the Mozilla (Gecko) renderer for a browser.
So to answer your question there is no way to use Firefox as internal web browser on windows, however, you can install 3rd-party plugins for Eclipse (MyEclipse, JBoss tools, etc) that embed Xulrunner binaries that will allow for embedding mozilla renderer as the technology used by an internal Eclipse browser. Note, this may require that use the 3rd-party web browser widget instead of the standard eclipse platform one, but those 3rd party tools usually provide a toolbar action, etc.

Install Ajax Tools Framework plugin. It will automatically come with a recent version of XULRunner (Mozilla/Firefox engine) and will set your default internal web browser to it.


Google Plugin for Eclipse cannot be properly Installed

I have installed
Google Plugin for Eclipse 3.6
Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0
in my Eclipse-Helios-3.6 but cannot find the google plugin icon in my toolbar and also I'm able to find Google in Windows>>Preferences.
Operating system-Ubuntu
Well since you are able to see google in windows preferences i am assuming that the installation did work. Have you tried creating a new GWT Project. The GWT button might not show if the project is wrong.
Do not use the pre-packaged Eclipse in Ubuntu (that version is often quite outdated). Get a current version from the Eclipse website instead and install it in a directory that you like (thereby avoiding problems with the Eclipse update mechanism, which doesn't fit the Linux directory guidelines very well).

How to bundle Webkit into Eclipse?

Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo) now allows using Webkit as an underlying renderer for the SWT browser component. Nevertheless, runtime requirements say that Safari must be installed on the target machine. Is there a way to avoid this requirement by bundling Webkit/Safari into Eclipse similarly to how XULRunner is bundled?
I think Genuitec did something that could help you.
from Genuite:
WebKit for SWT is an open-source embeddable Java(tm) WebKit browser
component developed by Genuitec and contributed to the Eclipse Blinki
Mobile DevKit project. WebKit for SWT can be used in the development
of a wide range of Java SWT standalone and RCP applications that
require integration of rich internet content, and services.

SWT Browser in eclipse

Is SWT Browser included to standard eclipse installation or I've to install it additionally ?
And if where can I find pack for SWT.
This really does have a lot of good info:
You will need to choose between Webkit and Gecko depending on your requirements. If it's Gecko, you will need to have XULRunner, which is the independent runtime for Gecko that provides the Java XPCOM interfaces.
SWT can be downloaded standalone, but it will not include XULRunner. You'll have to package XULRunner up separately and make that a part of the install.
SWT Browser comes with standard Eclipse SDK
While Eclipse plugin development, there is option for adding Browser in Eclipse plugin code

Why does my Eclipse Galileo not have Windows->Preferences->Server page?

I downloaded Eclipse Galileo (3.5.1) SR1 and Eclipse SDK 3.5.1 and neither of them have a "Server" page on the Windows->Preferences screen.
Any ideas why?
The Eclipse SDK 3.5.1 "classic" does not include WST (Web Tools)
Even the RCP edition only include it partially
WST: This subproject will provide support for integrating Web servers into Eclipse as first-class execution environments for Web applications.
This support will include the ability to configure Web servers and associate them with Web projects
alt text
See Eclipse Compare Packages page

How can I change eclipse's Internal Browser from IE to Firefox on Windows XP?

How can I change eclipse's Internal Browser from IE to Firefox on Windows XP?
To be more specific I need to change the Internal Browser instead of adding the External Browser through Preferences -> General -> Web Browser.
In Preferences -> General -> Web Browser, there is the option "Use internal web browser". Select "Use external web browser" instead and check "Firefox".
I don't know if this will help, but here's the SWT FAQ question How do I use Mozilla as the Browser's underlying renderer?
Edit: Having researched this further, it sounds like this isn't possible in Eclipse 3.4, but may be slated for a later release.
You can find out the option for changing browser in Window menu.
See image at below.
This image can be easy to understand.
I like the Aptana Browser Preview windo for this.
You can get it from their update site:
After you install the Aptana plugin, open an Aptana project and there should be an option under help to install aptana features. under other you will find a Firefox/XUL browser. There may be a more direct way to install the XUL plugin, but the above procedure works.
Window-->Web Browser--> Firefox