Custom Object Initialization in Objective-C - iphone

I created a custom object in Objective-C. Now I want to create a custom initializer. The object has two properties, name and score. So my initializer is as follows:
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)playerName {
if ((self = [super init])) { = [playerName retain];
self.score = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
return self;
Am I using retain here properly? Or can I just make it something like = playerName;?
Furthermore, assume I want another initializer, but keep the initWithName:playerName the designated initializer. How would I make the second initializer call the first?
And for the last question, I know I need to override the - (id)init method too. However, what do I do there? Just assign test properties incase the class was initialized with init only?
Thank you!

Am I using retain here properly?
No you are not. You should either use = playerName;
as you suggested, or (as recommended by Apple)
name = [playerName copy];
It is not recommended to use accessors in -init because subclasses might override them.
Also, note that as NSString implements NSCopying you should use a copy property, not a retain property.
Furthermore, assume I want another initializer, but keep the initWithName:playerName the designated initializer. How would I make the second initializer call the first?
Using -init as an example (because you must override the super class's designated initialiser if your designated initialiser is not the same)
-(id) init
return [self initWithName: #"Some default value"];

you could keep = playerName; if you have declared name as retained property in .h class and have also #synthesized in .m file.
For the initialization you could put the belwo two line of code in separate method.
-(void) initializeWithName:(NSString*) aName withNumber:(int) aNumber
{ = aName;
self.score = [NSNumber numberWithInt:aNumber];
Lets you have three Initialization method.
- (id)initWithName:(NSString *)playerName {
if ((self = [super init])) {
[self initializeWithName:playerName withNumber:0]
return self;
- (id)initWithNumber:(int*) aNumber {
if ((self = [super init])) {
[self initializeWithName:nil withNumber:aNumber]
return self;
- (id)init{
if ((self = [super init])) {
[self initializeWithName:nil withNumber:0]
return self;

For what's it's worth to the rest of us newbies:
In normal languages, can simply define arguments when instantiating the class:
public final class MakeBed {
private var foo:Object;
public var bar:Array;
public function MakeBed(_foo:Object, _bar:Array) {
// Do stuff
foo = _foo;
bar = _bar;
Then when we want to instantiate the class it's as simple as:
var myBeadMaker:MakeBed = new MakeBed({}, []);
In objc everything is backasswards.
You can create your custom initializer similar to:
// These #properties go into the header.h file
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *foo;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *bar;
// This is in your implimentation.m file
- (id) initWithInfo:(NSObject*)foo withBar:(NSArray *)bar {
_foo = foo;
_bar = bar;
Objc automatically "synthesizes" the getters and setters and automatically creates a new variable "blindly" using the same _name _but _with _an _underscore in front when you do the #property thing -- it's magic -- bordering on the "almost too helpful" side of things.
Handy for non-newbies, but incredibly confusing for newbies -- just believe that the getter and setter is made and that a _new _var _is _available.
And the clincher that everyone forgets to mention...
When you want to instantiate the class with your custom initializer you do this:
MakeBed myBedMaker = [[MakeBed alloc] initWithInfo:*foo withBar:*bar];


What is the use of init in this singleton class..?

// Created by macbook on 31.05.12.
// To change the template use AppCode | Preferences | File Templates.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface CESettings : NSObject
+ (CESettings *)sharedInstance;
- (void)save;
// Created by macbook on 31.05.12.
// To change the template use AppCode | Preferences | File Templates.
#import "CESettings.h"
#interface CESettings ()
#property(nonatomic, strong) NSUserDefaults *userDefaults;
#implementation CESettings
#synthesize userDefaults = _userDefaults;
#pragma mark - Singleton
static CESettings *_instance = nil;
+ (CESettings *)sharedInstance {
#synchronized (self) {
if (_instance == nil) {
_instance = [self new];
return _instance;
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
return self;
#pragma mark - Methods
- (void)save {
[self.userDefaults synchronize];
I have a class used for settings in an app. The class has a method for creating singleton and an init method as well. What is the use for both..? I think if the sharedInstance method is there , there is no need for the init... please correct me if I am wrong..
Any help is appreciated.
The init method is what gets called by new in the call of [self new]. It is essentially the same as
_instance = [[CESettings alloc] init];
but takes less typing and avoids hard-coding the name of the CESettings class.
A better way of implementing singleton is using dispatch_once, like this:
+ (CESettings*)sharedInstance
static dispatch_once_t once;
static CESettings *_instance;
dispatch_once(&once, ^ { _instance = [self new]; });
return _instance;
From the documentation of NSObject:
+ (id)new
Allocates a new instance of the receiving class, sends it an init
message, and returns the initialized object.
You're calling [self new] in your singleton creator method, which in turn will allocate a new instance and send it an init message.
the sharedInstance class method is only responsible for allocating and initing ONE object and then always returning that.
you dont have go through that method you can call alloc init yourself and it will also work
so init is needed to keep the semantics of how alloc/init should work

To define and use convenient constructors without defining init methods is bad practice?

Normally, you define init or initWith... methods and call them inside convenient constructors like this:
#implementation MyClass1 : NSObject
#synthesize n, s;
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.n = 1;
return self;
-(id)initWithString:(NSString *)s
self = [self init];
if (self) {
self.s = s;
return self;
return [[self alloc] init];
+(id)myClassWithString:(NSString *)s
return [[self alloc] initWithString:s];
But I think it is possible to define convenient constructors without defining init or initWith... methods like this:
#implementation MyClass2
#synthesize n, s;
MyClass2 *obj = [[self alloc] init];
obj.n = 1;
return obj;
+(id)myClassWithString:(NSString *)s
MyClass2 *obj = [self myClass];
obj.s = s;
return obj;
Is it bad practice to define convenient constructors without defining init method?
If it is bad practice, could you tell me the disadvantage or problems?
I'm not sure if it's actually a bad practice. Generally, when I write convenience constructors they look like this:
+ (FSClub *)clubWithXMLElement:(SMXMLElement *)element;
FSClub *club = [[FSClub alloc] init];
if (club)
club.identifier = [element integerValueWithPath:#"id"]; = [element valueWithPath:#"naam"];
club.referer = [element URLWithPath:#"referer"];
return club;
The code still takes into account possible memory issues (initialisation failure) like in a 'normal' init constructor. Values will only be set if initialisation is successful.
The interface file is defined as such:
#interface FSClub : NSObject
#property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) NSInteger identifier;
#property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSURL *referer;
#property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *name;
+ (FSClub *)clubWithXMLElement:(SMXMLElement *)element;
Please note the properties are readonly. I prefer creating immutable objects, since they're easier to deal with in e.g. threaded code. The only way to have the properties set in this situation is by using the convenience constructor.
When I create the convenience constructors, these are generally the only methods I use to instantiate the objects. That is to say, the -init method will not be used most of the time. Also, writing lots of initialisers even if you don't use them takes lots of developer time. I wouldn't create methods that I don't use.
When you create code as part of a framework -code that you share with lots of people that you don't know- in such situations you might want to write both the convenience constructors as well as all the normal constructors, because you can't be sure how the code will be used in people's own project. For example creating lots of objects using convenience constructors in tight loops might be bad for performance, since the objects are added to the autorelease pool. I think this is also true in an ARC scenario. In such situations one might have the option to use 'normal' constructors to create objects.
//I think it is BAD. First of all, you confused CLASS and OBJECT, you get an object like this
// [[CLASSNAME alloc] init];
//not like this:
// [[OBJECT alloc] init];
//so, what you want to do shall be like this:
// +(id)myClass
// {
// MyClass2 *obj = [[[self class] alloc] init];
// obj.n = 1;
// return obj;
// }
PLEASE ignore above all, thanks to #W'rkncacnter.
however, here you are returning an object owned by yourself without autorelease, it's not recommended.
Maybe what you really want is something like factory method?
+(id)myObjectWithString:(NSString *)string
MyClass2 *obj = [[[MyClass2 alloc] init] autorelease];
obj.s = string;
return obj;
Doing it like you did with MyClass1 makes it easier to define a designated initializer. Apple recommends these; they help reducing code repetition.

how to make static variable initialized

I want to save the "dataFilePath" as a static variable so that it can be initialized when first time use "Constants" and no need to instantiate the Class , for example [Constants SDataFilePath]. But the trues is that the init method is not called. How can I do to meet my request? (In Java the construct method will be called the fist time to access the Class).
#implementation Constants
static NSString *dataFilePath;
if(self = [super init]) {
dataFilePath = [self getDataFilePathWithArg:dbfile];
return self;
+(NSString *)SDataFilePath {
return dataFilePath;
Well you could make Constants a singleton. Leave your code how it is and add this method to the .m:
+ (Constants *)sharedConstants
static Constants *_sharedConstants = nil;
static dispatch_once_t oncePredicate;
dispatch_once(&oncePredicate, ^{
_sharedConstants = [[self alloc] init];
return _sharedConstants;
And the method declaration to the .h:
+ (Constants *)sharedConstants;
Then access your variable like this:
[[Constants sharedConstants] SDataFilePath]
That will force an init the first time you access [Constants sharedConstants] (and only the first time). Also, you'll need to change +(NSString *)SDataFilePath to an instance method, not class method:
-(NSString *)SDataFilePath
This cannot be done this way. Any reason why you want this path to be static? You might want to look into setting dataFilePath with a getter, but no setter and instantiating the class as a singleton. That way you can set the path by some internal method and share the instance as a singleton. See here

Passing a pointer by reference to class and using it

I am trying to pass a pointer by reference to an object from class A to class B. In class B I want to assign this pointer to a ivar and read and write to it.
This is the code that gives me errors (does not matter what errors). This is my first try with pointers so please correct my understanding.
Class A
//This is the parameter I would like to pass as a pointer and be able to manipulate from class B
NSString *name = #"Cyprian";
ClassB *classB = [[ClassB alloc] initWithAPointer:&name];
Class B
// ClassB.h
#interface ClassB{
NSString **nameFromClassA;
#property(nonatomic,assign)NSString **nameFromClassA;
-(id)initWithAPointer:(NSString **)name;
// ClassB.m
#implementation ClassB
#synthesize nameFromClassA;
-(id)initWithAPointer:(NSString **)name{
*nameFromClassA = *name;
//Print the name
NSLog(#"Name: %#", *nameFromClassA);
//Will this change the name in class A?
-(void)changeNameInClassA:(NSString* newName){
*nameFromClassA = newName;
Please, do not use double pointers here. You shouldn't handle things like that.
This is a simpler approach:
In the ClassA instance:
NSString *name = #"Cyprian";
ClassB *classB = [[ClassB alloc] initWithAPointer:name];
While you define ClassB this way:
#interface ClassB{
NSString *nameFromClassA;
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSString *nameFromClassA; // Retaining it will give you less headaches
-(id)initWithAPointer:(NSString *)name;
#implementation ClassB
#synthesize nameFromClassA;
// You should release all retained object when deallocating self
- (void) dealloc {
[nameFromClassA release];
nameFromClassA = nil;
[super dealloc];
-(id)initWithAPointer:(NSString *)name{
if ((self = [super init])) { // Always init the object from super!
self.nameFromClassA = name; // Retain the object calling self.
return self;
//Print the name
NSLog(#"Name: %#", nameFromClassA);
//Will this change the name in class A?
-(void)changeNameInClassA:(NSString* newName){
self.nameFromClassA = newName; // Retain it calling self.
The assignment in your initWithAPointer: method should be just:
nameFromClassA = name;
That said, this code pattern smells of a bad design. What high-level goal is it that you're trying to accomplish?

Correct syntax for Objective-C init method

Why doesn't this common property initialization scheme risk failure when the synthesized setter tries to release the undefined myArray object? Or are property objects automatically initialized to nil and I don't need to be doing this at all?
#interface myClass : NSObject {
NSArray* myArray;
#property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray* myArray;
#implementation myClass
#synthesize myArray;
-(id)init {
if ( self = [super init] ) {
self.myArray = nil;
return self;
Object instance variables in Objective-C are initialized to nil by default. Furthermore, messaging nil is allowed (unlike calling a method on null in function-calling languages like Java, C# or C++). The result of a message to nil is nil, this calling [nil release]; is just nil, not an exception.
On a side note, it's best practice to assign/call instance variables directly in -init and -dealloc methods:
-(id)init {
if ( self = [super init] ) {
myArray = nil;
return self;
- (void)dealloc {
[myArray release];
[super dealloc];
As others have stated, the instance variable is already initialised to nil.
Additionally, as per Apple's documentation, instance variables should be set directly in an init method, as the getter/setter methods of a class (or subclass thereof) may rely on a fully initialised instance.
It's already initialized to nil.