GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch doesn't show login screen - iphone

I'm using objective c gdata client and I have a problem with GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch. It was working for me (shows UI, returns callbacks), but now it shows just empty white screen. Any ideas?

So, I have found a solution. It seems to be a wrong build configuration for gdata static library. So I have unset GTM_INCLUDE_OAUTH2 to not include gtm auth controllers to static library and then add this classes directly to application. gtm auth can be found here.

You have to add the GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch.xib in your project


StoreKit SKStoreProductViewController in React Native

I'm looking to add StoreKit's SKStoreProductViewController into a React Native project (without using a third-party library). Would like the Store view to show up as a modal when the user taps a "get app" button, which will pass the iTunesID of the product to be displayed.
While RN's documentation explains how to integrate a native view component into a project, I'm not sure I'm understanding how this would translate to a view controller.
While I prefer a solution in objective-c, I can accept a solution that uses Swift.
I was able to parse what I needed from Though I had tried installing the package, it had some breaking issues - but I extracted the key elements and documented them in this Gist:
In a nutshell:
Pull in native libraries and StoreKit component in new header and Obj-C files in your root app directory (RCTStoreViewManager.m and RCTStoreViewManager.h);
Create a bridge file to connect js methods with the Obj-C / native methods (index.ts);
Pull the js methods into your RN component (Component.js)

How to use deep link in flutter web using navigator 2.0 on my webserver?

I can refresh(reload) and deep link when I launch debug in IDE(vscode)
However when I published to own webserver(I made web resource from this command 'flutter web build'), My webserver is intercept my url and return 404.. :(
It can enter from main page only
Webserver is runing on golang and Flutter web using navigator 2.0
How can I solve this?
I can't find reference of flutter navigator 2.0 in web.
Please save my life
The problem because removed hash(#) in url
I was follow this
How to remove hashtag (#) from url in web flutter
but this is cause that problem
When I back to original url(include hash), problem solved.
Please have a look at this code sample that uses new MaterialApp.router() constructor to handle url path.
In the parseRouteInformation of the RouteInformationParser you get the raw url and it's up to you how are you going to interpret the data. For instance, in the above sample the route is converted to object TheAppPath and later handled by RoutePageManager and RouterDelegate.

Material UI Tabs not rendering properly on server

I am having a problem using the "Tabs" component: In fact, when developing locally, the rendering of the component is fine. But pushing to the server, it looks weird (with differences in the borders on each side of the bar).
Moreover: when refreshing the page in which it has been embedded or browsing manually to this page, the whole template is broken all of a sudden!
I tried generating a build folder locally and launching the page from that build, and fell back on the same problem.
Thank you in advance for your help
From your description, I saw that your "build" is not work even in local development. That's mean it should not work on the production, of course.
The thing is, what is your actual "build" action? Depends on what library/framework you use, but basically with Material-UI, most popular problem comes from not load some CSS before using it's components.
Please read here first:
Just in case you use Gatsby, read here:
I'm using Gatsby and use this following config to fix some CSS issues.
stylesProvider: {
injectFirst: true,
Hope this help.

Fabric(twitter api) setup issue. Using swift

Hi I am using the Twitter API for the first time and have little experience with APIs in general. I installed the fabric app and am following the documentation to integrate twitter using swift.
When I build my app and install the twitter option on fabric, it asks me to run my code.
When I do that I get a 'Signal SIGABRT' error on the line Fabric.with([Twitter()]) in the AppDelegate.swift file.
Before this I had added the import TwitterKit line to the AppDelegate.
I also tried to add these lines following the API documentation:
Twitter.sharedInstance().startWithConsumerKey("your_key", consumerSecret: "your_secret")
and then the error comes in the Twitter.sharedInstance() line.
I am adding these lines in the func Application method.
From the language I use, it is very evident that I am a newbie to programming and really need good help smiley
Thanks in advance.
To fix the problem, I did the following:
Open XCode Target
Go to the "Build phases" tab
Click the "Copy bundle resources" section
Click the add button
Add TwitterKitResurce.bundle

no route.h on the iPhone SDK

I am trying to build some code that is originally target at OSX/BSD/Linux for the iPhone. It uses struct rt_msghdr from route.h but as it turns out this header is not available in the iPhone SDK.
Looks like the function tries to find the available bind addresses as a list of struct addrinfo.
Does anyone have a suggestion how to proceed here?
Copy the header into the project and change the includes to be local, that often works for me.