Can we use google Maps street view in iOS 5 ipad programming With annotations and other features of mapkit? - iphone

Is it possible to make use of google Maps street view in iOS 5 ipad programming With annotations and other features of mapkit

Click on What's New in iOS » iOS 5 » MapKit.
If there is no mention of a new API for that feature, or if the framework is not even listed, then it hasn't been added. This answers all questions about new features in any framework of any iOS version.

You should try apple developer forums as iOS 5 is currently under NDA.

It's available in Maps, but wether it's accessible as an API which I think you're asking, I don't know, expect an answer from someone who has downloaded the beta SDK.
Good luck !


How to force MapKit to use Google Mobile Maps (GMM) beyond iOS 5.1

The Map Kit Framework Reference says:
In iOS5.1 and earlier,the Map Kit framework uses the Google Mobile Maps (GMM) service to provide map data.
If I use the MapKit framework for displaying maps, it is using google maps for iOS 5.1 and earlier, for iOS 6 it uses apples new maps. Can I force MapKit to still use goggle mobile maps instead?
Related Links:
What's new in iOS6, Location Awarness Programming Guide
No, not possible.
With iOS 6 and above, you cannot access Google Maps natively. If you wish to use MapKit on iOS 6, you're stuck with Apple Maps. End of. This shouldn't be too much of a problem; MapKit should work seamlessly with either Google Maps on iOS 5 and Apple Maps on iOS 6, and you use the same API and code in either version.
You can still access Google Maps via URL (, and send the user to it via Safari, or maybe using a UIWebView, but the functionality you have will be fairly restricted (only what's possible to pass in the URL as parameters). You'll have a lot of work cut out for yourself if you want to support Google Maps in iOS 6.

Where can I find a list of all the new iOS 5 APIs?

I'm looking for a reference guide or list of all the new iOS 5 APIs. Apple's website isn't the most user friendly.
You mean something like this?
iOS 4.3 to iOS 5.0 API Differences
What's New in iOS 5

Using Google Map View on iOS versus on Android

on iOS you don't need to specify the Google Map API key. But In android, you do have to specify, so the question why such difference?
They are completely different and the iOS one was written by Apple and directly licensed to them. The license is different.
Obviously features are different too with the iOS version in my opinion being more feature rich.

Core Data Spotlight Integration in iOS

I'm developping an ios (3.1.3) application to manage contacts, tasks, activities, etc. These models are managed by core data and it works very well. Now I want to make all these items searchable in the spotlight search bar in iOS.
Is that possible?
And if so, how to code it? I found the "Core Data Spotlight Integration Programming Guide" but it's not suitable for iOS and I don't find any document or tutorial related to what I want.
Any ideas, suggestions? or full solution! :D
Thanks in advance!
This will be possible from iOS 9 onwards.
Apple just released a CoreSpotlight framework at WWDC 2015, and with integration its possible to search contents within third party apps and much more.
You cannot integrate your application with Spotlight in iOS for now, there's no API to do it.
You can file a radar and wish an new Spotlight API in iOS 5?
Global search spanning all apps was a core feature of PalmOS going way back to PalmOS version 2.0, if I recall correctly. Yet even today, Apple's iOS Spotlight Search still only supports the built in apps provided by Apple.
It is shameful that Apple hasn't opened this up to developers yet - it would make Spotlight so much more useful on the iPhone and iPad.
You can now do it with iOS9 Search.

iPhone: Ovi maps

I want to use Ovi map in my iPhone application. I searched for Ovi map on google but presently it is not open.Basically I want to know following things
OVi map service is from Nokia. So can i use Ovi Map in my iPhone application.
If answer of 1 point is Yes, then where I found support info(code sample/classes/framework) for iPhone.
Please advice
Ovi Maps developer beta is currently closed, but you can register to be notified when it goes public here:
If you want to use the HERE maps service (formerly Ovi Maps) on iOS, a native iOS SDK is not currently available. To use HERE maps, your best bet (at the moment) would be to use the Mobile HTML5 Framework which can be used for cross-platform mobile HTML5 development
According to the support matrix the following OSes are supported:
iOS 4.3+
Android 2.2+
Blackberry Touch devices OS6, OS7 (experimental)
Windows Phone 8.0 (experimental)
It is not possible to use their SDK on the Iphone. They use the Ovi Maps service to promote their mobile phones just like google offers free navigation to android devices.
Therefore I think that they won't open up their API for not Nokia developers in the near future.