iPhone: Ovi maps - iphone

I want to use Ovi map in my iPhone application. I searched for Ovi map on google but presently it is not open.Basically I want to know following things
OVi map service is from Nokia. So can i use Ovi Map in my iPhone application.
If answer of 1 point is Yes, then where I found support info(code sample/classes/framework) for iPhone.
Please advice

Ovi Maps developer beta is currently closed, but you can register to be notified when it goes public here: http://www.forum.nokia.com/Ovi/Develop_with_Ovi.xhtml

If you want to use the HERE maps service (formerly Ovi Maps) on iOS, a native iOS SDK is not currently available. To use HERE maps, your best bet (at the moment) would be to use the Mobile HTML5 Framework which can be used for cross-platform mobile HTML5 development
According to the support matrix the following OSes are supported:
iOS 4.3+
Android 2.2+
Blackberry Touch devices OS6, OS7 (experimental)
Windows Phone 8.0 (experimental)

It is not possible to use their SDK on the Iphone. They use the Ovi Maps service to promote their mobile phones just like google offers free navigation to android devices.
Therefore I think that they won't open up their API for not Nokia developers in the near future.


iPhone apps with HTML5 with google Maps

I'm developing a web app with google maps and i'm now looking to transfer it to an iPhone app, probably using phonegap as it allows html5 coding for phone apps.
My question is- will google maps display ok on an iphone app?
I just made a Taxi ordering app using HTML5 (PhoneGap). Problem with Google Map api was that it was very slow. We decided to use MapKit instead. Google maps looked fine though.
Yes, If you going to use HTML, google maps should run fine on iPhone. But if going to submit to the App Store it might be rejected or its going to be slow.

How to force MapKit to use Google Mobile Maps (GMM) beyond iOS 5.1

The Map Kit Framework Reference says:
In iOS5.1 and earlier,the Map Kit framework uses the Google Mobile Maps (GMM) service to provide map data.
If I use the MapKit framework for displaying maps, it is using google maps for iOS 5.1 and earlier, for iOS 6 it uses apples new maps. Can I force MapKit to still use goggle mobile maps instead?
Related Links:
What's new in iOS6, Location Awarness Programming Guide
No, not possible.
With iOS 6 and above, you cannot access Google Maps natively. If you wish to use MapKit on iOS 6, you're stuck with Apple Maps. End of. This shouldn't be too much of a problem; MapKit should work seamlessly with either Google Maps on iOS 5 and Apple Maps on iOS 6, and you use the same API and code in either version.
You can still access Google Maps via URL (http://maps.google.com/...), and send the user to it via Safari, or maybe using a UIWebView, but the functionality you have will be fairly restricted (only what's possible to pass in the URL as parameters). You'll have a lot of work cut out for yourself if you want to support Google Maps in iOS 6.

Questions on Cross platform mobile app development

I have the following queries on using phonegap / Titanium appcelarator for our cross platform mobile development
Currently we want to develop iPhone compatible and android compatible app with single source code using the cross platform mobile SDKs
Can this phoneGap or Titanium appcelarator works with single source code on both the iPhone and Android platforms?
also is there any other platform works as such?
And how these application will be relased with Appstore / Android market place since they have single code base ( source code ).
Any helps would be greatly appreciated.
I have tried out Sencha Touch with PhoneGap and also Titanium.
Sencha touch is pretty easy as it is based on javascript and can be used with android and iphone. The app created with Sencha touch can later be wrapped inside phone gap and submitted to the appstore.
Titanium again uses javascript but they do some processing on it. So the app is native.
They do have some common api's that can be used for both iphone and android. But for some advanced features they have 2 seperate sets of api's for both android and iphone.
So both have some differences. And they are both acceptable in Appstore and android market place.
I have not tried Titanium, but one of my friends is using Corona. He said its support Android and iPhone, and easily port over. You will need at least, adjust the image size, AFAIK, the image size for iphone and androids(various size) are different.
Corona: Write once, build to both iOS and Android.
corona concentrates on games. it uses lua. if you want to build a cross platform application you should first design your application cross platform. android and ios are different os with different style guides.
i have experiences with titanium and it worked fine. but i experienced that a cross platform design is important since the most time of building the app was used for programming the user interface. so invest time in building a good mvc design and ui. after that it worked out easily.
Find answers for you question below.
Can this phoneGap or Titanium appcelarator works with single source code on both the iPhone and Android platforms?
Yes It can definitely work with single code base. in addition to this you can develop universal App that can run in tablet and handheld from single code base
(NOTE: however on some point you have to differentiate between iOS and Android as some of the functionalities are specific to iOS or Android System. Titanium provide constants to check between iOS and android. It also provides constants to differentiate between Tablet and Handheld devices)
also is there any other platform works as such?
Other than Android and iOS titanium provides support for blackberry and mobile web platforms also.
And how these application will be relased with Appstore / Android market place since they have single code base ( source code ).
You can build App for required platform from titanium it self.

Can I get the Iphone/Android GPS location using the Corona SDK?

Can I get the Iphone/Android GPS location using the Corona SDK? I want to build an app and I am considering Corona, however I am unsure about whether it can access native features of the iphone and android.
I'm a bit confused as:
: states :
Is there a way to call the native OS or link to an external library from Corona?
When you work with Corona, you can only access libraries written in Lua and limited to the features currently supported by the Corona SDK. You cannot link to libraries outside of Lua or access the iOS or Android APIs.
That said, we are constantly extending Corona's APIs to add new features and we welcome user input to guide future development. If you'd like to make suggestions on what we should add next, post it on our Features and Roadmap discussion forum.
Their website's home page is pretty clear: http://www.anscamobile.com/corona/
Native device features.
Use native iOS and Android features like multitouch, GPS, accelerometer, camera, Google Maps, WebKit, software keyboards, and more — it’s all available in Corona. Access social networks like Facebook and Openfeint and services like mobile analytics, with much more coming soon!

Bing maps for iPhoneSDK

Does anyone know how to create simple iPhone app using bing maps?
The Bing Mobile/Bing Maps team released a new Bing Maps iOS SDK for iPhone and iPad in early May 2011. You can download the SDK here and read about the details in this blog post.
Personally I would start by reading their API and figure out which services to use
You may also find that the Bing Maps V7 AJAX control used with PhoneGap gives you a lot more power. Using this approach you get the full power of Bing Maps and the ability to then re-use your application accorss not just iPhone and iPad, but other mobile devices as well.