Vbulletin plugin development tutorial - plugins

I searched for tutorials but i didn't found any useful tutorial. I want to create simple plugin which add "123" to header of every pages of forum.
I tried to go to admin panel -> create new plugin. But i don't know what hook i need to display "123" in header.
I will be very thankful for any help.

Assuming vBulletin 4 and above:
Create a Product
Logon to your AdminCP
Goto Plugins & Products -> Manage Products
Click Add/Import Product
On the following screen enter your product name etc in the Add New Product section (you can leave Product URL and Product Check URL blank)
Add a Plugin to your Product
Goto Plugins & Products -> Add New Plugin
Select your Product
To add something to the header on every page select the global_bootstrap_init_complete hook location
In PHP code enter the following:
$template_hook['mycustommesage'] = 'hello world';
Update your header template to include the plugin output
In ACP goto Styles & Templates -> Style Manager
Select the style you want to edit and select edit templates
Open the header template
Whereever you want you plugin output to appear add:
{vb:raw template_hook.mycustommesage}


Where can i find template/phtml files of content pages in magento2 file structure?

I am trying to find as to where the content pages like homepage, about page, etc. which I make from admin>content>pages are stored in the magento2 file structure?
To locate the template that is responsible for a specific part of the storefront or Admin, you can use Magento built-in template hints.
To enable template hints:
Click Stores > Settings > Configuration > ADVANCED > Developer.
In the Scope: dropdown in the upper-left corner select the view for which you want the template hints.
In the Debug tab, set Template Path Hints for storefront to Yes. To enable path hints for Admin set Template Path Hints for Admin to Yes.
To save the changes, click Save Config in the upper-right corner.
Document: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/frontend-dev-guide/themes/debug-theme.html

TYPO3 How to change the name of a TYPO3 website

I am trying to update the name of my website. Since I've only been working with TYPO3 for a short time, I don't know much about it yet.
As an admin backend user, go to Amin Tools ➜ Settings and click button "Configure options" in the box Configure Installation-Wide Options. Search for the keyword sitename.
In the section System, you'll find the input field that lets you change the global site name:
[SYS][sitename] = ...
Save the new name by clicking the button "Write configuration" and reload the backend to see the change.

Editing Files in My account Magento CE

Hello I am using Magento CE 1.7.2 I am trying to edit the customers "My Account" Pages
I cannot find what file to edit to change the layout and design of the following:
My account:
Account Dash Board (got this to work editing customer/account/dashboard.phtml)
Account Information (Tried customer/account/dashboard/info.phtml Didn't work)
Address Book (Tried customer/account/dashboard/address.phtml Didn't Work)
My Orders (No idea)
Newsletter Subscriptions (Tried customer/account/dashboard/newsletter.phtml Didn't Work)
What files do I edit? Please show the directory.... Thanks!
Telling you the exact path would be like "giving you a fish".
Instead, I will "teach you how to fish".
Login to your admin panel in Magento.
Head to System > Configuration. At the bottom of your left menu you will find a Developper link.
Head to this link, then in the upper left of the given page, select a webiste in the dropbox under Current Configuration Scope.
Open the Debug section and set Template Path Hints to Yes.
Reload your customer page in frontend. Tada! You can now see where is every single files you have to edit to change anything in your Magento.

How to hide "User Information" options from "My Account" in Liferay 6.1?

I am trying to hide some options in "User Information" from My Account by using hook. I just want to hide it using CSS (style="display:none"). User Information is present in the right side of My Account Page.
I want to know, in which page I should make changes? While creating hook which page I should select for hiding those links like "Organizations, Sites, etc." Please help...
You have to choose the tab you want by writing them in the portal-ext.properties as follow :
# Input a list of sections that will be included as part of the user form
# when updating a user in the My Account portlet.
Each field will be linked to its jsp. For exemple, "details" will display details.jsp.
Since your problem is finding the jsp file, you should do these :
download the Liferay source, and add the portal-trunk as a Liferay Project in Eclipse
Navigate through the portal to your desired file (manage my account), and get the url from your browser
Search for the "struts_action" attribute in the usl. For this case, it's "/my_sites/view"
This is very helpful as the first parameter indicates the portlet that controls the jsp page.
The second parameter usually is the jsp you are searching for
Find that file in the portal trunk and search for the html component you want to edit. it might be in the page itself, or it could be on an included one, or a sibling one (provided as a tab)
For your case, it's "/portal-trunk/portal-web/docroot/html/portlet/users_admin/edit_user.jsp"
It is not possible to remove those options using CSS. We can do the following simple java code for removing those tabs... The page which we need to edit is "/portal-trunk/portal-web/docroot/html/portlet/users_admin/edit_user.jsp".
List<String> identificationList = new ArrayList<String>();
for(String identificationItem : identificationSections){
identificationSections = new String[identificationList.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < identificationList.size(); i++){
identificationSections[i] =identificationList.get(i);
Its easy to hide those links by using the simple java code written above.

vbulletin custom field plugin

I have a question about the vbulletin 4 plugins .
I need to create a plugin that add a new custom field to the registration form .
I don’t want to modify the "register" template or to add this custom field from the admin panel.
sorry i'm new to vbulletin developing and i need your help , or some references on how to work with plugins and custom fields.
Many thanks
Go to ACP - User Profile Fields - Add New User Profile Field and add a new field here. You do not need to modify anything.:)