Loading external image on SSRS - ssrs-2008

I have a picture box on SSRS. I want to load a picture to it, for exam from
D:\Pictures\TV1.jpg (actually user will decide it by using OpenFileDialog)
I have set the Source to external and in Value expression I tired
Also tried
but my picture box shows error picture in both cases.
Please advise what is wrong.

Put file:D:\TV1.jpg in the value property.
=" not to be used..........

Try this:

The above works; you only have to ensure the server running SSRS can access the drive letter indicate i.e. upload the photo to a drive visible to the server.


Is there a stable solution for loading images in SAP UI5 App?

Images folder contain many images like xxx.png, yyy.png, etc.
Image src="./images/xxx.png" works very well when I am testing and after deploying to SCP. But, the same doesn't work when I register the app to Launchpad and open it from there. Why does the images don't load?
I see the following the in the network:
Component.js is getting loaded from
https://xxxxxx-yyyyy.dispatcher.eu3.hana.ondemand.com/sap/fiori/workbox/Component.js?ts=1.0.143 with 200 status
But the images are trying to get load from
https://xxxxxx-yyyyy.dispatcher.eu3.hana.ondemand.com/images/yyy.png which results in 404. Instead the hit should I have been on the following url.
I tried changing the Image src to src="./images/xxx.png" and src="/images/yyy.png". But, same old URLs are hit and results in 404.
Why does this happen so? Why does component.js and images are loaded from different root? I found many answers suggesting to use jQuery.sap.getModulePath("com.xxx.Component") but that didn't help me the least. It returned me https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/com/xxx/Component which is of no use.
Old post but let me try to help you.
In order to retrieve files from your local project folder structure, you need to calculate the correct path to them. This is relevant for the FLP environment as apps get dynamic paths assigned when loaded.
sap.ui.require.toUrl is the magic function that should do the trick for you.
This function expects a path as input parameter and will translate it into a working path inside the FLP. See the method description.
<Image src="{
value: 'your/name/space/images/xxx.png',
formatter: 'sap.ui.require.toUrl'
}" />
sap.ui.require.toUrl is replacing the deprecated jQuery.sap.getModulePath since UI5 1.58.
And since version 1.61, it is possible to pass static values to formatter functions via value in property binding as mentioned in the question Pass Static Value to Formatter Parameters in XML View.
If the formatter is no way to go for you, you can try to call the function within the controller and store the calculated path in a local JSONModel. I did not test this but the principle should be the same.
Good Luck!
P.S.; First Post. Any feedback on what to improve is very welcome :)

Appium desktop keep on asking for “platformName” capability even if it is added

I am using Appium Desktop app. After adding all the capabilities. When I Start session, I got an error "An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: You must include a platformName capability"
Like Pankaj Mishra say, it is really.
The APPIUM Desktop UI have some bugs and the only way to solve this problem it's typing the capibilities directly in the fields and never copy paste or edit like a JSON format.
Screenshot of the correct way to do the configuration
APPIUM Desktop UI have some bugs as a result you get this error even if the capabilties are present.
You can refer Here to avoid above issue.
Based on your screenshot, you made a spelling mistake:
flatformName: android
flatformVersion: 8.1
You need to fix f to p and it will work perfectly for you!
Make sure you enter "platformName". Not "platformName ". Can you see the difference? Second one has a hidden space which could often happen when you copy-past the capability name.
make you've write correct words "platformName:" and check your json representation.

Unable to delete content resources on JasperReports Server

I'm using JasperReports Server 5.6 and I have some reports deployed there.
The problem starts when I generate a PDF output for my reports. I can see the output file in the repository, but I'm unable to delete it.
I'm able to delete other types of resources, as an image or report, for example. But when I need to delete a generated PDF, the upper options bar doesn't offer me any options (including deleting). If I try to right-click the PDF, it doesn't open any pop-up menus (as it does for images, for example).
The image below shows what happens to the options bar:
Here goes some interesting things I've noticed:
The type column in the repo tells me the PDF is a "Content Resource". If I manually upload another PDF from my local machine to the repo as a "Content Resource", the UI also doesn't let me delete the resource.
I'm logged in as the administrator user. It's set with ROLE_USER and ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR roles (it's the default jasperadmin user).
The directory which contains the PDF is set with permissions Read+Write+Delete for the ROLE_USER.
Tried to log in as another user with ROLE_USER and I got the same result.
The JasperReports Server's tomcat is running as root (it's a test environment).
I went through the JasperReports Server's User's Guide and Administrator's Guide. Both said that I need to have the right permissions (and I do), and also I need to have no references to the resources to be deleted. In the case above, where I have an uploaded PDF as a "Content Resource", I don't have any references to it inside the repo, and I still can't delete it!
If I delete the super directory that contains the PDF, it works fine.
So, do you guys have any ideas of what I can try to get rid of these PDF outputs?
So far the best solution, I didn't find any better, for this is to use the delete button on the keyboard
I really don't know why is the menu button disabled but nevermind.
I am facing the same problem. There is a work around for this: Use Jaspersoft Studio.
Add a JasperReports Server Connection, expand the node and locate the file you wanted, then right-click and select Delete.
This is not an elegance solution but works for the moment.
EDIT - found the problem and have a fix.
The JS is missing "Utils" scope in getInitConfiguration. The original source is:
var Utils = {
restOfString: function(str, fromStr) {
var from = str.lastIndexOf(fromStr) + fromStr.length;
return str.substring(from, str.length).trim();
getInitOptions: function () {
return localContext.rsInitOptions || __jrsConfigs__.repositorySearch["localContext"].rsInitOptions;
getInitConfiguration: function () {
return getInitOptions().configuration;
Just change "return getInitOptions().configuration;" to get "return Utils.getInitOptions().configuration;"
You'll have to make this change in the optimized version of the script (optimized-scripts/results.page.js). Fortunately there are only two occurrences of getInitOptions so it's easy to find and fix the correct one.
The root cause is a javascript error:
uncaught ReferenceError: getInitOptions is not defined
This is coming from results.page.js, but I haven't found a fix for it yet. This code is attempting to change the state of the toolbar buttons. I tried using the latest 6.x version of the script, and that did not fix the problem either.
Also listed at http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/843951/unable-delete-report-output-jasperserver-56
When you are going to delete the content resource Delete button show disable. I am also experiencing the same problem so for time being I am deleting my content resources by using following query on Jasperserver schema.
Delete from jicontentresource where id in
Select id from jiresource
where resourcetype='com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.ContentResource'
and to_char(update_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') = '2014-11-25');
Delete from jiresource where resourcetype='com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.ContentResource'
and to_char(update_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') = '2014-11-25';
You have only to mark all files and then push the Delete-Button

Making a password lock for an app?

I'm wanting to make a password unlock screen for my app, and I'm not sure how I'd go about it.
I'm wanting it to look like the Apple-designed version of it, which is the passcode lock setting screen.
How might I go about doing something like this, where as soon as all four digits are entered the code is immediately checked against a pre-set password?
Just found a project that replicates this perfectly. I'm going to post this here for future reference in case anyone needs it.
most likely you create the view and when all the fields are set you check against the known password or you check the hash of the input passkey against the hash you have stored.
basically you have a stored password/hash and you check against that when you have all field filled in in your view.
when the password is correct (either by hash checking or password) you show your next view, otherwise you display an error saying the password is incorrect.
Here is another library, just in case someone is looking for something like this:
iOS 7 style Passcode. Complete functional demo with great documentation showing the different states (i.e Enable, Test, Change & Turn Off)

Using Shared Dataset in Subreport

I am using SSRS with MS SQL Server 2008 R2, which has the new feature of supporting shared datasets.
First, I created my shared dataset, and made sure that it worked correctly and had a good connection. That worked great.
Second, I created a new report (Let's call it "ReportSub"), and I had it use my shared dataset. The report works great.
Third, I created another report (Let's call is "ReportMain"), and I put a subreport object into the report and associated it with "ReportSub". Doesn't work. Instead, I get this error:
Data retrieval failed for the subreport, 'ReportSub', located at: /ReportSub. Please check the log files for more information.
Any ideas of what the problem may be? It will work if I use an embedded dataset, but I really need to use a shared dataset.
Currently, there is no way to Preview the subreport with shared datasource/dataset in BIDS.
Link: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/sqlreportingservices/thread/74e51434-1d14-4fb1-9b1c-1a394c187b2f
I had this problem for "preview" only. As soon as I deploy this to Reporting Service server it starts working fine.
I had the same problem when previewing my MainReport. The SubReport preview works fine, but the MainReport preview produces the error "Data retrieval failed for the subreport".
The solution is not use shared dataset in the SubReport but an embedded daaset!
I have also observed that some changes in the SubReport are not taken over by the MainReport. So I had to close and repoen the project again.
I was experiencing this problem even after deploying. I discovered that I was prompting for datasource credentials in the subreport, but not in the main report.
After I made them both the same (prompt for credentials or set them both to use the provided credentials), the problem went away and I was able to preview.