Making a password lock for an app? - iphone

I'm wanting to make a password unlock screen for my app, and I'm not sure how I'd go about it.
I'm wanting it to look like the Apple-designed version of it, which is the passcode lock setting screen.
How might I go about doing something like this, where as soon as all four digits are entered the code is immediately checked against a pre-set password?

Just found a project that replicates this perfectly. I'm going to post this here for future reference in case anyone needs it.

most likely you create the view and when all the fields are set you check against the known password or you check the hash of the input passkey against the hash you have stored.
basically you have a stored password/hash and you check against that when you have all field filled in in your view.
when the password is correct (either by hash checking or password) you show your next view, otherwise you display an error saying the password is incorrect.

Here is another library, just in case someone is looking for something like this:

iOS 7 style Passcode. Complete functional demo with great documentation showing the different states (i.e Enable, Test, Change & Turn Off)


Cannot get newPassword to generate strong password and autofill

I'm trying to get autofill working. Specifically, either of these experiences. The former being the one I'm more interested in, but two for the sake of having more than one example.
Everything is working except the strong password generation.
I've correctly configured my AASA, I've switched everything to SSL, textContentType is correctly set, I enabled the autofill provider entitlement (after reading more I'm turning it back off though since that's not what I want (same results)). Is there something in info.plist i'm missing? I am using a keychain library to access the keychain? but I don't think that's it.
Specifically I'm trying to get to this screen
Any suggestions of where to dig would also be appreciated. At this point I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if ios12 is new and doesn't work right yet.
Relevant code? (This is all I have in the 'code', am I missing somethign somewhere else?)
pwTF.textContentType = .newPassword
pwTF.passwordRules = UITextInputPasswordRules(descriptor: "required: upper; required: lower; required: digit; max-consecutive: 2; minlength: 16;")
Do you have a UITextField that has the usernameTextField.textContentType = .username on the same page? I only got the strong password suggestion after I added the username field.
I know it may be solved already for you but here is a solution for generations to come :)
Sometimes it doesn't work cause your device have the keychain turned off.. go to Settings -> AppleID -> iCloud -> KeyChain .. and enable it .
i guess it's heuristics based and if it can't find a username field it's unhappy?

Remove passcode from login page

I'm developing an hybrid app and I want to skip the passcode screen after having logged.
I've tried following a post about Kapsel-Logon where it is explained how to implement it, but it doesn't work for me. I don't know if the latest release makes changes null.
The file I tried to modify is:
Can you help me or suggest where I wrong or what can I do/look?
yes the file that you need to change is the LogonController.js
You can find here what exactly you need to do in order to get rid the passcode screen.
Good luck!

Is there a module for Drupal 7 to reset passwords for all users

Is there a module for Drupal 7 to reset passwords for all users. Same time it must send them email with new password or even better- link to create new one by them self.
There are some modules out there what I found but not doing what I need. For example
I am starting to think that I have to write one by myself. Maybe combaining answer and module
Any other thoughts?
I'll add an answer because this question popped up in a google search for mass password reset
The module mass password change module does what you want.
This module adds a views bulk operation action to reset the passwords of selected users that you can use in a custom view or admin view
You might take a look at :
I haven't tested yet but the description seems to define your needs.
wish helps,

Can I change the Core Location alert message when accessing ALAssets?

I am using the ALAssets framework to access the Photo Library. The first time it's accessed, it asks the User if the app can use their Current Location, and I understand that is necessary and why.
However, in Core Location Manager, there is a purpose property, where it looks like I can customize the iPad's alert message to say why it is necessary to tap Yes. (I don't actually use location, just want access to the photo library.)
I can't seem to work out how to find out where to use this property, as the alert message comes up when I first try and enumerate the assets, and there doesn't seem to be anywhere to intercept it before the error occurs if the user says NO.
I know I can put up a notice of my own before first usage of ALAssets, in anticipation of the iPad built-in alert, but it seems slicker to change the actual iPad message.
I’d suggest, before you try to access the photo library, that you create your own dummy CLLocationManager, set its purpose, then call its -startUpdatingLocation. That’ll get the system to bring up the location permissions dialog with your custom text, and the resulting app-wide location permissions ought to carry over to your ALAsset access.
Unfortunately you can't customize this message. I suggest you will a radar with Apple, if you want to see this feature in the future.

How to show previous url after user has canceled dialog with message from Activity#mayStop()?

In our app we need to check if the data is saved when we are in a particular place before navigating away from it. So the user should be able to negate a browser back button request. But by the time that the history value change event is received the url has already been changed. The History class doesn't seem to have a way to restore the url back. Anybody have any ideas?
In GWT 2.1 you get Activities and Places. And activity has a maystop method, which is exactly what you want, if I understand you correctly.
Use a window.onunload or window.onbeforeunload javascript callback to confrim/save state.
onbeforeunload example
I haven't actually implemented this behavior yet, but here is my plan and maybe it will work for you.
1) Each time you receive an onHistoryChanged event and decide to allow it, save the current historyToken in an instance variable somewhere.
2) Keep track of activity on the page that should block navigation. Use a data structure that can keep track of multiple activities, like multiple file uploads, multiple edits, etc.
3) When you receive a new onHistoryChanged event, if your data structure from #2 indicates that it's not safe to navigate, avoid changing the page and restore the historyToken that you saved in #1. I'm assuming that you can do this either by:
a) Calling History.newItem(oldHistoryToken, false) or
b) Calling History.newItem(oldHistoryToken, true) and keeping a flag to force the next onHistoryChanged to be ignored.
Again, I haven't actually implemented this so let me know how it works out.
If you have links that allow the user to leave the app and you want to prevent that as well, you'll need to also add an onbeforeunload.
Have a look at the PlaceManagerImpl class from the gwt-platform framework. Especially the onValueChange() method and the methods dealing with the onLeaveQuestion field.
Hope that helps.
In this issue report, t.broyer explains in his comment that such behavior was planned during design of Places framework. The most important part is:
mayStop was a mistake, or it should have only been called when unloading the app, not for internal navigation within the app.
So probably it's better to not use it at all...