Choosing between the two - Interface Builder OR creating via code - iphone

When I started with IPhone development I preferred using Interface builder for creating views in my application. With time I considered the option of creating the application via code which I really feel comfortable working with.
Now, when I know both ways to create my user interface, I have doubts which way to follow. I keep thinking where to use IB and where to use code. How can I figure out before starting with my application, which way should I create my UI?

There are a number of factors that can influence your choice. It can come down to personal taste, but there are some advantages to using Interface Builder.
The first thing to recognize is that UI design is inherently a visual task. Interface Builder can allow you to create and modify a UI much faster than you can in code. Rather than endlessly tweaking CGRect values in code, then recompiling, testing, and repeating this process, you can instead get direct visual feedback about your changes. This means you can refine and polish the UI much more efficiently, and even test out radically different layouts without too much time or effort.
Another important point is that if you can create and layout a control in Interface Builder, that means there is less code in your view controller. Less code is always a good thing (less bugs, easier to maintain, ...).
So I believe you should try to define as much of the layout and properties in Interface Builder as you can. This can be hard for people who prefer "full control" over things. Many years ago, visual GUI editors were renowned for doing the wrong thing, and developers often shunned their use over doing everything by hand. But Interface Builder is pretty good at what it does, and you can easily dive into code when you need to.
The situations where you would create controls purely in code are when you need to dynamically create a number of objects, for example thumbnail buttons for a photo gallery, or if you have custom layout requirements.
For example, if you have a label whose height is dynamic at runtime, and you want to layout a bunch of controls underneath it (taking its height into consideration), that can only be done in code (UPDATE: iOS 6's Auto-layout can do this now). You can either create and layout everything in code, or you can still create the controls using Interface Builder and just give them arbitrary positions in the XIB which are modified when you lay them out in code. It's not uncommon to see this in some of my XIBs:
The buttons along the top can be created and layed out fully in IB, but the image views below need their images and positions to be calculated at runtime. So we just give them arbitrary positions in the XIB. Some might find this ugly, but it saves time and effort on writing code to create the image views and set up their properties. Again, less code is a good thing.
Other times you may want to use code is setting certain explicit properties. Let's say you have an image view which needs to receive touch events because it has some gesture recognizers added to it. You need to set the "User Interaction Enabled" property to TRUE. It can be better to do this in code because the requirement is more visible and you can leave appropriate comments as to why you are setting the property. It's also harder to 'lose' the setting like you can in interface builder if you need to delete and recreate a bunch of views.

I think for many applications that use the stock UI, Interface Builder is a great tool to rapidly get things up and linked with the underlying code. Also, it really stresses the paradigm of the View being separated from the Controller as you really can't push code into places where it shouldn't be.
That being said, I use it less and less the more I learn about how to rapidly code interfaces due to the fact that they may need to be more flexible or need a variable number of UI elements based on the Model behind it.

Use interface builder as per your requirement. It's depend on you that how you manage things. See creating a custom cell using interface builder is much easier to update at a later stage while using code you have to do a lot of changes if layout changes. Also you can visualize the view before running the actual app but in code you cannot you just have to assume.There are both prons and cons of both things.


Xcode 4 organization, Views and Controllers

Thank you for reading this.
These are my first steps in the iPhone Ipad app programming.
In order to learn from scratch (and because I know my app would need dynamic views), I decided not to use Interface Builder.
My question is(regarding the fact that I don't use IB): how would one use Views and Controllers?
I think I understand the MVC concept as it is repeated over and over again in the tutorials I follow, but after the "MVC explanation" part, nothing is made to make it clear "on the field" and closer to the real world (Earth being Xcode here).
Worse, sometimes it seems that some tutorials mix these two concepts up and use one word to say the other.
I read around here a lot of questions (and answers of course) based on the matter but I still don't get it. Sometimes it's too generic, sometimes it's too specific (for me at least).
For what I think I understood, the UIView is the static View when the View Controller is the logic which links the View to the data and those 3 concepts must be separated.
This separation, while a bit clearer with the use of Interface Builder seems to get quite blurry when you code everything as it becomes a virtual soup.
Technically, should I create a specific ".h" and ".m" file for each View AND ALSO for each associated Controller?
If I understand the MVC pattern, it's seems that I should but when I follow tutorials (without IB) it is never the case, view and controllers are created and manipulated within the same implementation files.
Any high level (I'm a noob, don't forget) but still applicable explanation of the use and best practices?
Let's say I want to create a simple app with a green view I can swipe to get to a red view.
I know for sure that I would need at least an:
What else?
1)Where should I put the the second view (along with the first one in "xxxView" or should I create another class h and m file?)?
2) What would the controller(s) do, for that kind of application? In which files would they be created and in which files would they be invoked and how would they "control" the related view?
3) Mainly, regarding to MVC pattern and the fact that there would be no IB, how would you organize that app?
I know it's a lot if you go into the details and code but that's not the point here.
Thank you. This - as simple as it seems - would be of a great help and is not as easily found in tutorials as you might think.
I understand the tutorials I read but they are so particular. As soon as I try to create something on my own which is not a "Hello World" screen, I realize that something is missing, logic wise.
Thank you very much for your help.
Sorry, but I can't get past your first paragraph. If you don't use Interface Builder, you are not going to be a successful iOS programmer. It's that simple. The best advice I've ever read about this is in this Aaron Hillegass interview:
Experienced Cocoa programmers put a lot of the smarts of their application in the NIB file. As a result, their project has a lot less code. Programmers who have spent a few years working in Visual Studio get freaked out. They ask me stuff like, "Can I write Cocoa apps without using Interface Builder? I like to see the code. Maybe I can just explicitly create my windows and the views that go on it?"
It is difficult to explain how the NIB file (and a few other scary ideas) create leverage. It is that leverage that enables one guy in his basement to compete with a team of engineers at Microsoft or Adobe. It is like I showed a chain saw to a early American colonist, and he said, "Can I cut down the tree without starting the engine? I don't like the noise. Maybe I can just bang it against the tree?"
Yes, it's hard to generalize after reading specific tutorials, but you will learn. I thought the learning curve was insurmountable when I first started, but if I can become a programmer that gets paid to write Cocoa software, you can too. Just keep reading and practicing. Don't fight the tools--use them.
In order to learn from scratch (and because I know my app would need
dynamic views), I decided not to use Interface Builder.
As soon as I try to create something on my own which is not a "Hello
World" screen, I realize that something is missing, logic wise.
I think what is missing logic wise is that you have accepted your assumption that Interface Builder was a crutch and that to learn "from scratch" you had to avoid using it. You are trying to learn the MVC design pattern but you are not willing to use the tools that have been designed to support it.
In Apple's own documentation they discuss the fact that sometimes there is value in having combined roles—Model Controllers and View Controllers—and that is worth reading, as it may explain some of the code examples you're reviewing. But my primary advice would be: before assuming you know better than the people who built the tools, trying using them the way they recommend. It might be an eye-opener.
Additions later:
OK, so to try and actually answer your questions...
1)Where should I put the the second view (along with the first one in
"xxxView" or should I create another class h and m file?)?
If I am understanding correctly and the two views you are thinking of here are the red and the blue displays to the user, you wouldn't have a second view—what you would do, whether in IB or in code—is to have an element in your view on which you changed a colour property... This would be done programmatically whether you were setting up the parent view in IB or in code.
2) What would the controller(s) do, for that kind of application? In
which files would they be created and in which files would they be
invoked and how would they "control" the related view?
There would be a view controller that would implement the gesture support, and would provide a method for changing the colour of the item in the view between blue and red when that swipe gesture was successfully received. I would have a ViewController.h and and ViewController.m. I think if you were implementing the View entirely in code, it would be implemented in the ViewController.m rather than having a separate View.m. (If you were using IB, you would have a ViewController.h, ViewController.m and ViewController.xib, with the latter providing the basic setup of the view elements and layers.)
You would create a ViewController instance in your AppDelegate.
3) Mainly, regarding to MVC pattern and the fact that there would be
no IB, how would you organize that app?
As above.
If you really insist on going without IB (and I agree 100% with SSteve) then in addition to the files you list you will also want to use a UIViewController. Now, it is important to know that you only need to create header and implementation files when you are adding or changing default behavior.
In you case, the view can probably just be a generic UIView, so you wouldn't need the files. What you would do is subclass UIViewController, and put the swipe logic there. In the swipe logic code you would probably just change the background color of the view.
You would instantiate the view controller in the delegate (in this case anyway) and create the view in the view controller's loadView method. That is required since you won't be using IB.
Personally though, I think that IB does a great job of encouraging proper MVC patterns, and if you are just starting then you should go with IB.
In practice you mostly do not make classes for views, unless they need to do custom drawing or display.
For lightweight configuration of views, that is often done in the viewController's viewDidLoad (or I guess in your case loadView) method.
Yes it's a good idea to keep model and view separated, but that's also balanced with the equally good idea to reduce the amount of code that exists. The less code that is written, the fewer bugs you will have.
Since you are just starting out at this point I would absolutely start by using ARC, and using IB - even though I'm sure you're tired of hearing that from everyone, I'll give you an alternate take. Less code means fewer bugs. And the fact that so many experienced developers are telling you to use it should be a giant clue about what a productive path forward is. I mean, are you doing this to build applications or learn every corner of the UIView class?
To speak to your code example, you do not need the UIView custom class. Just create use a UIViewController's main view as a container view, place a UIView inside with the background set to red. On swipe (using a gesture recognizer attached to the container view) call the UIVew method to swap in a new green-background UIView for the existing red view, you can even define the transition style.
Or create a scroll view in the container view, set up the red and green view inside the scroll view, set the content size and enable paging on the scrollview.
Or create a custom UIView class as you had, listen for touch events and slowly adjust two subview positions to follow the drag action.
Or use an OpenGL backed view, and based on the gesture recognizer pan the scene you are observing with two triangles for a green rectangle and two triangles for a red rectangle.

Pros and cons of using XIBs and doing views programmatically

I want to decide if it is better to use XIBs or to designs my views completely using code.
So far I have read that when you design your views on interface builder they are pre-built, so even if they use more memory the user feels everything is faster.
People say doing everything using code is harder but I find it to be just as easy, so I want to know if anyone has experienced some real speed gains when using nibs.
What have been your experiences, advice, etc?
You should be able to do both -- there are times when building a view programmatically is better/easier, and times when using a .xib is better/easier. Even if you only ever do things one way, you'll run into code that does it the other, and you'll need to be able to deal with that.
If you don't know how to use IB, then building your views in code is certainly easier. That is why you should learn to use IB. Once you understand IB, it's way, way faster to put together most of the view-based UI your app will likely need. IB helps you line things up, center objects, align base lines, connect controls to their targets and actions, etc. I think it's safe to say that everyone who uses IB effectively experiences "real speed gains when using nibs."
You should know how to use both. Performance differences between the two are negligible and should not be the reason that you choose one or the other.
Many people who are new to iOS development have the misconception that nibs (.xib files) are inferior to programmatically creating your UI and that if you use IB you're not a good iOS developer. That view is 100% wrong. IB is created by Apple and in use by Apple's developers to create their own Mac OS X and iOS apps. If IB (as a tool) is good enough to be used by some of the best developers in the world, it's probably good enough for most of us.
In practice I have found that a combination of the two usually fits the bill.
In my own apps I find that .xibs are great for laying out the basics of your views quickly and they allow you to iterate very quickly while giving you a preview of what your view will look like. It's also much easier to use auto layout in a .xib file.
Then when you need to do more advanced things like add fancy animations or move views around that is what IBOutlets are for. Anything that you put into a nib can be referenced through an IBOutlet. This allows you do then programmatically make your view come to life.
Lastly, you should fully understand what a nib (.xib) is doing automagically for you. You should understand what happens when a .xib's objects are unfrozen. There are many resources on the internet to understand .xib files better.
Also, learn how to use .xibs in an encapsulated way. For example, .xibs are crazy useful for things like prototype cells and they allow you to keep your code base modular (much more so than storyboards). Also, you will require less UI code in your view controllers.
Lastly, I always say that people should think of IB/.xibs like jQuery. It's going to save you a lot of time but the best developers still know how to do everything in javascript if they have to.
Good luck and have fun!
TL;DR version
Performance is not a consideration when deciding to use .xibs or not.
Use .xibs because they give you a preview of the view you are creating and they allow you to quickly iterate
In practice most apps will use a combination of both. You will programmatically add animations or move views around but the .xibs will be a starting point
Understand fully what happens when the objects in a .xib are unfrozen
You'll be more productive but be sure you fully understand what is happening behind the scenes.
I would always use XIB files unless there was a reason not to. This allows your views to be maintained easily in the future.
Some reasons for creating the views programmatically might be:
A control needs to be resized,
repositioned or otherwise altered
depending on something else
need to be added or removed
There may be more reasons but there are not too many.
If you programmatically create views when there is no need you make it a lot more difficult for other developers to try to figure out what the view will look like and to change it.
If you build your views programmatically, you have control over the loading of elements. e.g. you could use lazy loading, and load secondary buttons, subviews, etc. a fraction of a second after the more important elements, allowing the key parts of the UI to come up faster. You could even animate some elements into position.
If you use IB, you get guides as to proper element spacings and positioning, but you could always copy the coordinates from IB into code if you aren't changing the design that often.
For simple UI elements, you will end up with more lines of code to maintain if you create them programatically.
IB and NIBs do a lot to optimise loading/unloading of views, but it is largely oriented to minimising memory usage vs. perceived speed for the user. For example, lazy loading if anything might make the app UI slightly slower, but it should make memory usage lower. This in turn could make overall app performance better on a large application, and is very much encouraged, but it's difficult to define "performance" in a narrow way. It's also difficult to say when you should or should not use IB - there will be some times you're much better off doing it in code.
One often overlooked element to the IB or not debate is development speed, especially if you have multiple developers. On a larger team/project you'll probably have some developer(s) who specialise more in the infrastructure, business logic etc. of the app and some developer(s) who specialise more in the UI. In this case, use of IB will make it easier for them to work independently, which should make overall development more efficient.
I view IB as a core part of the development platform for iOS development. It's not the right solution in every situation but not knowing how to use IB will be a real limiting factor.

How to achieve reusable code when doing everything programmatically, without using Interface Builder?

I'm the programmatic guy, and I simply don't want to use Interface Builder. I feel out of control, and besides that my GUI is about 90% custom all the time.
Literally every book does everything in Interface Builder and claims that this is the one and only great way to have real MVC going on.
Example: One of those books mentions that programmatically creating an UINavigationController with an Root View Controller and everything else that belongs in there is a big mess and won't be reusable when porting to the iPad, while doing this in XIB is a clever decision. Then the port to iPad using UISplitViewController will be a simple task.
So when I make iPhone apps and want to port those to the iPad too, what strategies work to reuse as much code as possible? I'd like to learn more about how to separate my code and achieve a better overall architectural design without using Interface Builder.
For those who want to tell me I must go with IB: Again, I do a lot of custom UI where IB is often just in the way. And not to mention all the animations. I really have my reasons. For people who make default UI IB is really fine - but please, I don't want to start a fight for IB vs programmatical UI or default UI vs custom UI! It's all about how to achieve great reusable code when doing everything programmatically, and both have their pros and cons.
Although you did not ask for it, I feel compelled to make the case for why people in general (perhaps not you) should consider IB, and then address the issue of custom components.
I use a lot of animations and custom components. And I love to use IB...
The key is to use IB for its strengths, and then decide what to do with the rest from there. What then are the strongest points of IB? Connections, placement, auto-resizing and customizations.
Connections are linking aspects of views and controllers together. It's faster in IB to drag out a few connections to delegates or references, than it is to write the code that forms the connections. And, it's a quick place to review all links to the UI you are building.
Placement IB also does well at. There's a fair amount of code involved in setting up any GGRect correctly. Not only is it easier to enter and review coordinate and size details in IB, but the tool automatically sizes a lot of elements properly for the container and the control, and offers many guides to help things line up properly - that kind of thing can take a lot of repeated testing to get right.
Related is auto-resizing. Although I don't feel that many screens can actually have auto-reiszing rules that rotate the screen and come out the other side looking just right (I almost always do rotated views as a separate XIB file), there still are a lot of shifts that can occur in the course of running your application that make it really useful to have these defined just right. The best example of this is the enlarged status bar while you are on a call.
Lastly comes customization. This again can be a lot of tedious code to write; try setting up all of the properties on a UILabel manually and it'll have you yearning for quick changes in IB.
With all that said, what is a good approach to custom components? I like to use UIViews in IB screens, with the class type set to a custom UIView that then fills out the display at runtime. But at least IB helps me get composition, placement and auto-resizing just right with minimum fuss, and also wire aspects of that custom view into a controller.
The one thing that would really lend IB to use with custom components is if it would simply let me set values for any simple properties the custom view had - then I could adjust parameters like a corner radius or whatever else I had going on.
I urge you to think on IB a little more, as it's a huge productivity boost when used correctly. There should be nothing about IB that gets in the way, it's there to boost your output.
One book I really liked was Erica Sadun's iPhone Cookbook 1st edition. It did everything programmatically.
Unfortunately the second edition is bloated.
If you reuse lots of your custom UI objects, it would make sense to write a code which
reads a plist (or a more general XML file) specifying how the custom UI objects should be placed / animated
and then creates your custom UI objects accordingly.
It's like writing a mini-xib file format tailored to your UI objects; you can also feel that you're in control of everything, as an added bonus.

XIB files vs. defining layout in code in iPhone

Aside from the WYSIWYG editor, what are the advantages of using XIB/NIB files over defining the layout in code in iPhone/iPad/iOS?
While I don't find XIB files much useful, many iOS developers do, which makes me suspect I might not know their benefits or how to use them properly.
Easier maintenance. More often than not, clients require last minute changes like changing the logo or changing colors or realigning something or some such. Much easier to change it in a xib file and see/show the results immediately
Decoupling. It forces you to write nicely decoupled code right from the offset, which again means easier maintenance.
Defining things in Interface Builder makes them much easier to adjust later. Also, doing interface elements in code can lead to a lot of code bloat, for setting things like exact placement, font, color, etc.
The main advantage using code directly gives you is speed. But it's usually better to start in IB and then see what might need speeding up.
Table cells are one of the main areas where you might consider drawing elements in code for speed.
Personnaly, I'm using XIB to see graphically my I'm doing so I don't have to run, check the look, change a bit the color, run the app, check... It allows me to get a better design. If you work with designer that gives you photoshop design, it will not be useful for you.
Second thing : when you start to really handle Xib, it's much faster than doing it with code (but it takes time and training for TableView and tableView cell for example)

Should views be created using NIBs or code in iPhone?

Are there any performance, development drawbacks or advantages when designing views using Interface Builder?
Often you want to use Interface Builder; there are several reasons why you would want to do this over programmatic interfaces:
it is the more accepted way of creating user interfaces, due to its simplicity and visual advantages that you can't achieve as easily by simply using code.
it helps your applications to conform to the iPhone Human Interface Guidelines, through the use of the markers etc, which Apple encourage developers to follow, in order to maintain consistency and usability across iPhone applications.
Despite this, the main reason why programmatic interfaces are sometimes more favourable over using Interface Builder is for interface elements that need to be created several times - for example, creating n UIImageViews - based on a variable that cannot be replicated in Interface Builder. Programmatic interfaces allow for this flexibility and are usually more efficient in this case.
Note that NIBs/XIBs do also take up memory, and if all of your interfaces are placed in your main NIB file, it will not only increase memory usage by your application (for resources which may not be needed instantly anyway) but it will increase loading time. That being said, however, the normal workaround to this problem is not to use programmatic interfaces, but to place different groups of interface elements in different NIB files, placing the immediately required interfaces in the main NIB file, which gets loaded when the application starts, and other groups of interface elements in other NIB files which get loaded when required.
In short, the general way to go is to use Interface Builder, except for when you need to create a variable amount of elements that cannot easily be dealt with in Interface Builder.
One drawback is that it is easy to miss wiring up an outlet or action, and troubleshooting this can be painful. Two positives are that positioning, aligning, and anchoring UI elements is much, much easier, and elements redraw themselves when the phone is rotated (which is an animation process you would otherwise need to handle yourself with programmatic elements).
Speaking for myself, I found interface builder horribly obtuse when I was trying to learn how to develop for the iPhone. The workflow you're supposed to use still doesn't make much sense to me. The interface builder is faster for finicky interface layouts than hand-coding.
The disadvantage with generating the GUI programmatically in your UIViewControllers is that you've blurred the difference between Views and Controllers in the MVC pattern. If you can keep the GUI generation to the loadView method, you can still keep a decent boundary between code the generates information and code that displays information.
In short: I much prefer generating GUIs by overriding loadView in the UIViewController subclasses.
Why did nobody mentioned translation. We have a project in 11 locales - this will give a number of nib*(#locales) - it's just not acceptable (more than a hundred nibs for a project of 10 UIs).
From what I've seen until now, generating views with XIBs is VERY easy. But since I've not been developing on iPhone a long time, I can only direct you to this article that shows a sample XIB converted to Objective-C code.
Interface Builder anyday! :)
I'm sure there are no significant performance gains by directly coding the view.
Never look at the Code generation of NIB using the tool. But look at the Note by apple.
Note: Although you can create an Objective-C application without using nib files, doing so is very rare and not recommended. Depending on your application, avoiding the use of nib files can involve overriding large amounts of framework behavior to achieve the same results you would get using a nib file.