UINavigationBar Images - Objective C - iphone

How can I add an image to a UINavigationBar that is a UIButton? For example, take a look at the Safari app. It has some nice buttons on the bottom UINavigationBar. I'd like to put a Share button on a UINavigationBar. Does anyone know how to do this? And does anyone know where I can get a "Share" button? For instance, the type of "Share" button that pulls up an email and emails someone something.

The bottom bar is a UIToolbar and the buttons are instance of UIBarButtonItem. You can use the initWithImage:style:target:action: initializer for your purpose.


iPhone app Button style like "add to homescreen" button

i'm new in iphone app developing,
and i just wanted to create a buttonbar like this on the left screenshot.
What kind of buttons are these?
The only buttons i can find in xcode are the "Round Rect buttons" and the "Toolbar Buttons". But both of them do differ to the buttons on the screenshot.
I saw this Buttons in many apps on my iPhone, so i thought they must be Buttons from IOS.
Does anybody know, how to get this buttons?
Thanks, guys.
The left screenshot shows an UIActionSheet. You can use this class to make similar action sheet popups, but if you'd like to use that button style outside of an UIActionSheet class, you'll have to create a custom UIButton with background image.

iOS custom navigationBar button item

I would like to set navBar buttons like safari as following image shows. However I can only set a custom image for toolbar button but square button container remains although I set plain style. How to reach it? Thank you
Plain is only for tool bars not nav bars, that's the only way you can achieve no border. You must use a custom UIButton on your navbar to achieve the same results.
If you need an icon somewhat like that, you can check on Default Icon
Use UIBarButtonItem method for creating bar button
- (id)initWithCustomView:(UIView *)customView;
and create custom view with UIButton of type UIButtonTypeCustom

How To Create A Custom Center Tab Button?

I'm trying to follow this tutorial here to recreate a custom center tab button, but I already have my tabbarcontroller setup in IB. Can anyone help me do this? The tutorial does it all through code so its difficult to follow.
All they're doing is creating a blank UITabBarItem, no image or name, simply a placeholder. They then put a UIButton with a custom image (i.e. the green camera button) on top of the UITabBar. Just go into interface builder and add a new TabBarItem and put a UIButton on top of it.

How do I center UIBarButtonItem with custom look?

Alright, so I have a TableView in one of my Views in my iPhone app. I'm using a UINavigationController, so using that I created the UIToolBar at the bottom of the table. Works great. However, I want the items in the toolbar to resemble how the Facebook app has them:
Not only would I like the Buttons (I will have only 2) to resemble those. (They connect when touching another button), but I really want to show the user what "Tab" they are on. In the image above, it is obvious to the user they are on the Wall. When they touch "Info", it becomes darkened and the user knows where they are. Does anyone know how they did it so my app may also have clear navigation?
What you have on a picture is standard UISegmentControl with UISegmentedControlStyleBar style - you can use it.
Just use a UISegmentedControl like they did

Custom UIToolBar from Images

I need to create a UIToolbar object that uses an image for the background. Most of the buttons are images as well, and rectangular. One button, however, is round and overlaps the toolbar like the Start button on the Windows task bar. See below.
I know that I will need to subclass the UIToolbar to paint the image for the toolbar -- I think. If so, does anyone have example code showing how to do this?
Furthermore, does anyone have any ideas on how to implement the larger round button? I'm thinking of another custom subclass for this, but not sure if there might be an easier way.
I can have the art guys chop the image anyway needed, which I'm sure the round button will need to be chopped some how.
Any ideas or sample code?
alt text http://iphone.sophtware.com/toolbar.png
Maybe you'll find some inspiration at this tutorial : Recreating The Raised Center Tab Bar Button of Instagram, DailyBooth & Path
For the color, you can experiment with the tintColor property.
As for the rest, UIToolbar is not designed for this. You will need a custom component (probably based on UIView).
I think it is possible but hard.
Override the drawRect method of the toolbar to draw the whole image. Then add left and right buttons.
For the round button you can add one invisible button on the bottom middle of the View and another invisible button in the middle of toolbar. Of course, you can try to use the views instead of the buttons and track the user interaction manually.