Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace - eclipse

I'm a little confused about how EGit workes.
I have an existing git repository on Github and want to clone it into my workspace.
My goal is to have the local repository directly stored inside my workspace-folder but I don't get it working with EGit.
When I want to clone the github repo with EGit, I have to choose a directory as destination. The suggested directory is in my homedir (not in my workspace). When I choose this directory I can see the project in Eclipse but it is not stored in my workspace-folder. Instead it is stored in my home dir.
When I choose a directory directly inside my workspace, later when it comes to import the project it says that there is already a directory with this name.
I don't know how to solve this. I thought this would be a common scenario. In the past I have used hgEclipse (Mercurial) and it was working exactly the way I thought it should be so I'm confused EGit doesn't. Maybe I misunderstood something.
Probably this is important to know: In the github repository there are no .project or .settings files from eclipse. I have them on my .gitignore and so in the import-dialog I have to choose "Import as General Project" and not "Import Existing Projects". But I think this shouldn't matter?
I hope someone can help me or explain me why the EGit plugin doesn't clone the repository directly into the workspace by default.
My Eclipseversion is 3.6, I have installed EGit over the markedplace.

As mentioned in this EGit tutorial, the destination directory you mention when importing (cloning) a Git repo is any directory you want, in which the .git will be created:
You don't have to select the workspace itself (at least, you should select the workspace/myproject subdirectory, in order to not make the all Eclipse workspace a Git repo.
And you can select any other directory outside the workspace: the Eclipse workspace should only contain meta-data about Eclipse projects and settings.
When declaring a new project, you will be able to select the project directory, making that directory the parent for .classpath and .project.
Your workspace will list that new project, even though it lives outside the workspace.

To import a project from GitHub you should use the Import Git Repository as New Project dialogue (right click -> Import -> Git -> Git Repository as New Project). This way you can select the destination of the clone repository, including the Workspace.

If you want to edit the sources in the IDE and also want the changes to be reflected in the Git repository, delete the original source file in the project and link the source file in the git repo to the project. That way, you can directly make changes to the git repo and you can commit them when needed. Be careful not to delete the files when deleting the project in the IDE though.

Steps to have git project in workspace (with egit):
On GIT perspective choose "Clone a Git Repository and add it to this view"
As a destination choose folder inside a workspace (for example ".../workspace/myproject")
Wait until cloned
File -> New -> Project
General -> project
As a project name type name of a folder in workspace where project has been cloned (for example "myproject")

Nope. There's no way to get this to work. You can't use egit to checkout a git project into the workspace and if you check it out elsewhere and try to copy it into the workspace, you will lose your connection to the remote repository. If you want VCS that works, use svn or mercurial.

In the "Configure Local Storage Location" dialog,
choose .../workspace/projectname.
Then in the next dialog,
we get the wizard selection menu. Normally you should select "Import existing project".
(But see below).
Finally, there is the "Import Projects" dialog.
For various unexplained reasons, sometimes this dialog is empty and won't
let you finish. In that case, you need to cancel, and then outside of Eclipse completely delete the working directory that was cloned into, and then start again.
But if there is the project there, press finish. If it complains about the project already existing, go back to the wizard menu and change it to use a wizard. Select a Java wizard and then finish. Often this will work, but only if you first got the "Import Projects" menu to recognize the project in the first place.
It may take several attempts to get this to work! But once it is set up, it works fine.
So, in summary: is is possible to get EGit to use the default project location for the git clone, but in my experience it may inexplicably require several attempts.


Commit Folder From Local Directory to Online Using SVN

I'm completely new to subversion and I'm unsure how to add and commit a Java Project to an online repository using svn. The goal is to move the important folders in the project including the src, package, and class. I've accessed the online repo and I (assume) I have it as a working copy. When I try to svn add the local project folders however, I am told it is not a working copy. How do I fix this? Is there a way I can make my workspace be the online repo directly? Or do I just copy the folder somehow? I'm using Cygwin and Eclipse.
To add your project to svn you can do it this way:
Right click on your project and select: Team / Share Project...
Select SVN
Select Use Existing Repository Location
Browse to the location you would like your project to reside: typically .../trunk
Click OK and finish
This should have committed your project to SVN. Regarding your question about your entire workspace being the online repo. with each of your individual projects connected to SVN just like I detailed above, you will be able to commit and update your local projects into and from SVN without any issues.

Target location for project " " already exists, can not move project

when I am trying to share my project with git repository getting exception like this
"Target location for project " " already exists, can not move project"
Writing an answer because I tried many options suggested in many similar questions but none worked. Then I did it manually with following steps that worked, and these steps will work for any Eclipse version:
Goto the Eclipse workspace in the file system and copy the project from there and paste it in some other location in your file system. This will serve as a backup.
Goto your Eclipse and then right click on the project and click delete. You can say delete from the file system because you've already taken a backup in step1.
Goto your Git repo in the file system and paste the project folder at the location you want (may be inside another folder with .project file doesn't matter).
Then come back to your Eclipse and then File->Import -> Import from Git -> Local repo -> Select the Git local repo where you've pasted the project in step 3 and then import it as usual.
As I said earlier, this will work for any Eclipse version.
This situation will happen if you already have a Project of the same name in your local git repository. Sharing a project means steps to commit your project into your local git repository and from there it as ORIGIN will be pushed to Master (Remote). (You are creating again with a new eclipse IDE, or that project was deleted from IDE but committed to local repository in the past).
Solution is simple:
Remove the project from your local git repository.
C:\Users\username\git on windows operating system. (If this not possible then next step)
Rename the project in your IDE (Better recreate a project with same code but with new Project name) that you want to share: repeat the process of sharing on Eclipse IDE.
You may optionally want to recreate after dropping the remote repository(master), if something is already pushed from last push of project, so that everything is clean. You may visit the git repository to confirm it.
In my case this was caused by an extraneous .project and related Eclipse files at the top of the git repository folder. The files were created by Eclipse due to incorrect folder specified on Import of the other projects in the repo.

How do I reconnect a moved git repository with it's original project in Egit?

I have a number of projects within an Eclipse workspace. One project is connected with a git repository. This is the original directory/project structure:
After reading about the complications that can arise from keeping a git repository within the parent directory of a project in a workspace (here), I decided it would be best to move the repository outside the workspace. Here is the revised structure:
Within the "Git Repositories" view I re-added the repository. I thought it would be simple to reconnect the repository to "Project1" by altering a few file path settings. I found that this was not possible from Project1's properties (right click on project -> properties). I noticed that within the "Share Project" wizard you can connect to an "existing repository". So I disconnected the project from the now non-existent repository and I tried to reconnect it using the "Share Project" wizard. But although the repository is shown in the "Git Repositories" view, I was unable to select it. I clicked the "create" button and tried typing in the file path but this gave me an error stating that the directory is "not empty".
So I have now become stuck as there seems to be no other options available. How can I reconnect this repository? I'm surprised by how complicated this is, I must be doing something really obviously wrong. I really need to get on with some work and messing around with Egit is taking up all of my time.
I ran into this same problem and here was my solution:
Copy your repository(including the .git directory and the working directory) to wherever your new location.
Add your new repository in the "Git Repositories" view in eclipse.
Then import your "Projects from Git".
The point is: try not to reconnect, just import the projects from your new repository into your eclipse workspace.
Hope this helps.
Select your project(If you have many projects don't forget the clic to the right one)
*clic right -->team -->Share project
Go to your project directory
open a console - type cmd
run git init
check your branch with - git branch
change branch - git checkout
You need to have a git tool installed in your computer.
it worked for me.

Getting started with Eclipse + EGit - confused

I am used to using Eclipse with SVN and CVS.
Now I want to use GIT via EGIT.
The goal is to have a local repository, not in the eclipse work-space, that my changes go into. That way, I can make changes, commit them, and have a repository with the changes that I can back up (at least, that's how it works in SVN).
Following the user's guide, I find it creates the repository within my Eclipse project in the workspace, which is recommended against. What am I missing?
Create a Java project in Eclipse (Test)
On Project right click->Team->Share Project->Git
...Next - shows "Configure Git Repository" Panel
...the only repository it will let me create is inside the project.
You can create multiple projects under one repo in EGit, see In that case, EGit will do it automatically.
You can also use the Git Repository view to create an empty git repo outside of the workspace. See After that, you can create new java projects and specify the external git repo subdirectory as their location.
you can create a java project outside of the workspace
(see option "create project form existing source": the .project and .classpath will be created in the parent directory of the directory you will select as containing the sources)
Egit will create the .git where the .project and .classpath are created
you will have a repo outside of the Eclipse workspace.

How do I create a git repository over an eclipse project or vice versa?

I have a git repository that is just a directory tree (/myprogram/src/com/mycompany/test) with some source files. I wish to create an eclipse project around this repository. Both orders of create project in eclipse and git clone <url> <myprogram> from the command line give me a "folder already exists" error from whatever tool I use last. I could move the files manually to merge them, but it feels messy and I'm not 100% confident I know which files to touch.
How is this supposed to be done properly?
You could do it by selecting Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace, select the directory containing your project (the parent of myprgram), and check the checkbox next to your project (myprogram).
To have Git support in Eclipse, install eGit and then right-click your project, select Team -> Share Project -> Git, expand the triangle to select the existing repository and click Finish. This should give you Git annotations on your project.
Another option might be to just select Import -> Git -> Git Repository (after eGit is installed) and import your repository (but I've never done that with a local repository). See also the eGit user guide.
To resolve this I just ended up copying the git repository into a newly created project, but upon revisiting the issue I found a link here that suggests something slightly more elegant (but functionally similar).
After creating a new project, use Import -> Filesystem and Select All. In my case, my repository already had a proper /src/com/... directory structure which merged nicely into the one set up by the new eclipse project.