Commit Folder From Local Directory to Online Using SVN - eclipse

I'm completely new to subversion and I'm unsure how to add and commit a Java Project to an online repository using svn. The goal is to move the important folders in the project including the src, package, and class. I've accessed the online repo and I (assume) I have it as a working copy. When I try to svn add the local project folders however, I am told it is not a working copy. How do I fix this? Is there a way I can make my workspace be the online repo directly? Or do I just copy the folder somehow? I'm using Cygwin and Eclipse.

To add your project to svn you can do it this way:
Right click on your project and select: Team / Share Project...
Select SVN
Select Use Existing Repository Location
Browse to the location you would like your project to reside: typically .../trunk
Click OK and finish
This should have committed your project to SVN. Regarding your question about your entire workspace being the online repo. with each of your individual projects connected to SVN just like I detailed above, you will be able to commit and update your local projects into and from SVN without any issues.


Using a separated source folder from SVN on Eclipse

So, here in the company we work with svn, and our svn server only have the source folder. When I use NetBeans, it's everything ok because I can add source folders in project and will work fine in svn. But on eclipse if i do the checkout from command line and add that folder in my dynamic web project, I can't see the svn history and nothing, svnclipse just does not work on that folder.
Our structure of the projects it's something like this
Project folder
Project configuration files
Project folder 2
I already try to make checkout using svnclipse, but he add alot of extra config files, he turns the folder in a project and the source folder is add as a link to another project, in this scenario the svnclipse quick diff does not work properly.
There is a way to use that folder as source and Svnclipse works on that ?
Sorry if my English is not so good
There is no easy way to do what you want. In Eclipse a source control provider can only be connected to the project itself. So options are:
Use another svn client like command line or TortoiseSVN.
Create a small SVN project with the Eclipse project configuration files that also use svn:externals to pull in your source folder from repository.
With option 2, you would checkout this small SVN project from some other repository using Subclipse in Eclipse, could even be a local file:// repository and then the svn:externals property would also cause your source folder to be checked out.

How can I start a project on GitLab repo with Eclipse?

Good morning.
I just create a GitLab private repo to work in a project with some people. When I add GitLab repo to Eclipse, it says there aren't projects (and it's true). I would know how to create a project and sync with online repo so other members can see my project and codes.
I tried to start a project in git\repoName\ folder, then right-click and choose Team->Commit, but changes wouldn't save (in gitLab repo's website, it says "Repo is empty").
I tried to follow some online guides, but without success.
Sorry for bad english!
Eclipse 4.2 and newer, comes default with (E)Git installed. There is a good Eclipse git tutorial from Vogella.
Create a GitLab git repository
Log into GitLab
Create a project / git repository
Copy the https url from the project, used for cloning
Adding an GitLab git repository in Eclipse
Open the Git perspective in Eclipse
Use Clone existing Git repo, as shown in Using git repository view
Now all the git functionality from Eclipse can be used.
I assume you have a cloned repository available in Eclipse (eGit) that is empty. If not, follow the steps in the answer from Verhagen.
By now, you have a cloned repository that is marked with "[NO HEAD]", indicating that no commit has been made.
Start creating a new project by using your project type of choice; I'll use Java project for simplicity: File menu > New > Java project
in the New Java Project wizard un-tick the "Use default Workspace location" checkbox; instead, choose the directory where you cloned your empty GitLab project, and append the name of the project (this is to make Eclipse create a directory inside the repository, just in case you later want to create more projects in the same repo).
Fill in the wizard as you usually do. When you are done with the different steps, you'll have a new project, that is also marked with "[NO HEAD]"
Create some source files you want to share (e.g.
Synchronize workspace (right click on the new project > Team > Synchronize workspace) you will see that now there are files to commit. Pay attention to those files, since some of them ( .gitignore, and maybe .classpath, .project,.settings directory... depending on how you share your projects) you'll want to add to the .gitignore.
right click on the files you want to commit, fill in the commit message and click "Commit and Push". Click Next
Since it is a new repository, you'll have to configure the Push action. I selected HEAD as source and HEAD as destination. You might want to do the same, at least for this first commit+push; later on, you might choose to add some specs for branches, etc.
The Push Confirmation will show you that the new branch master:master will be created.
Both project and repository lost the "[NO HEAD]" marking
You can check gitlab site to confirm your files are there.

Eclipse, Git pull to existing repository, where are new projects

Using Eclipse 4.21 + Egit 2.20 on Linux, all components are up to date. The Eclipse workspace is linked to a local repository stored outside of the workspace folder. The remote repository is on GitHub.
After a pull (either made within Eclipse or outside using git cmdline), my friend and I can see each other updates or new files in existing projects. But each of us cannot see NEW project added by the other developer. The new project files are on GitHib and are actually saved in the local working folder after the git pull.
No matter how many times I refresh the package explorer view or exit/restart Eclipse. The new project doesn't show up in Eclipse package explorer. Each time, a manual "import existing project" is necessary.
Is it because I added .metadata is the .gitignore file at the root of the repository? More importantly, what is the recommended practice so that new project, deleted projects which are committed to the remote repository to sync automatically in Eclipse package explorer after a git pull?
Thanks in advance for any help.
You are using it as it is designed to be used. The concepts of the Eclipse Workspace and folders in your Git repository don't link that way automatically, just as creating a new directory in the workspace directory doesn't automatically make a new project show up in the UI.

How to create Eclipse project with EGit clone

After spending a decade with SVN I've finally taken the plunge with Git. I have set up Git, Gitolite and GitLab on a server and have successfully added code to my local repository, committed, cloned repositories and pushed code back to repositories. So far, so good. Now enters EGit...
I have cloned a repository using the Git Repository Exploring view using the following syntax for the path:
(In GitLab, repositories are referred to as projects, so I assume that I am supposed to have one repository per Eclipse project? Rather than a SVN-style single parent repository that contains multiple projects?)
This imports the repository into:
I was expecting this step to automatically create an Eclipse project for me with all the source, but this isn't so. I tried fudging the target directory so it's in my workspace, but this isn't working either.
How do I get the cloned source available within Eclipse? This site implies that if you create a project with the same name as the repository, it all magically works, but this isn't the case (yes, I know the article is about Github, not GitLab, but I figured the two were close enough for the task at hand).
I've then tried creating a project in Eclipse and sharing it - but then the whole project appears as a sub-folder in the repository. If repositories are indeed analogous to projects, this isn't really what I want.
I've looked through other StackOverflow topics that look related, but I fear I'm still missing a key piece of understanding with how this is supposed to work and it's all looking remarkably convoluted thus far.
In GitLab, repositories are referred to as projects, so I assume that I am supposed to have one repository per Eclipse project?
Yes, but a GitLab "project" isn't necessarily an Eclipse one.
It doesn't have to follow an SVN structure, as illustrated in "Eclipse reference directory outside eclipse project directory but within repository".
All you need to do is to create an Eclipse project, specifying the source directory being not in the default path (Eclipse workspace), but wherever you cloned your repo (as described in "Getting started with Eclipse + EGit - confused").
That way, the eclipse project you just declared (and referenced in the Eclipse workspace) has its files (.project and .classpath) at the root of the Git repo.
And Egit can then manage that project just fine.
Or you can import it directly with Egit: "Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace".
As the OP nullpainter reports below:
The original issue was compounded by invalid permissions in the .git/objects folder on the server.
Running a chmod git:git -R * on the folder solved the issue
He details the right setup below.
To expand on #VonC's answer, the steps to get EGit and Eclipse to play nicely is:
Select 'Clone a Git repository' from EGit, accepting all defaults. This will create a folder in a git parent folder, somewhere outside your workspace.
Create a new Eclipse project. I'm using Java, but I assume there are similar steps for other languages. On the first dialog, untick 'Use default location' and instead select the repository folder created in step 1. Accept all defaults.
Select Team > Share Project... from your new project. Select Git, and tick the 'Use or create repository in parent folder of project'.
Now you can push your code and Eclipse dot files to your git repository from within Eclipse.
(My original issue was compounded by invalid permissions in the .git/objects folder on the server - running a chmod git:git -R * on the folder solved the issues)
I check it out with the command line - then build my projects on top of that. In fact, I end up doing most operations with command line git. EGit is useful for viewing the diffs but I find command line has more power and control. Git is mostly about giving devs lots of power and control.

Eclipse + EGit: clone project into workspace

I'm a little confused about how EGit workes.
I have an existing git repository on Github and want to clone it into my workspace.
My goal is to have the local repository directly stored inside my workspace-folder but I don't get it working with EGit.
When I want to clone the github repo with EGit, I have to choose a directory as destination. The suggested directory is in my homedir (not in my workspace). When I choose this directory I can see the project in Eclipse but it is not stored in my workspace-folder. Instead it is stored in my home dir.
When I choose a directory directly inside my workspace, later when it comes to import the project it says that there is already a directory with this name.
I don't know how to solve this. I thought this would be a common scenario. In the past I have used hgEclipse (Mercurial) and it was working exactly the way I thought it should be so I'm confused EGit doesn't. Maybe I misunderstood something.
Probably this is important to know: In the github repository there are no .project or .settings files from eclipse. I have them on my .gitignore and so in the import-dialog I have to choose "Import as General Project" and not "Import Existing Projects". But I think this shouldn't matter?
I hope someone can help me or explain me why the EGit plugin doesn't clone the repository directly into the workspace by default.
My Eclipseversion is 3.6, I have installed EGit over the markedplace.
As mentioned in this EGit tutorial, the destination directory you mention when importing (cloning) a Git repo is any directory you want, in which the .git will be created:
You don't have to select the workspace itself (at least, you should select the workspace/myproject subdirectory, in order to not make the all Eclipse workspace a Git repo.
And you can select any other directory outside the workspace: the Eclipse workspace should only contain meta-data about Eclipse projects and settings.
When declaring a new project, you will be able to select the project directory, making that directory the parent for .classpath and .project.
Your workspace will list that new project, even though it lives outside the workspace.
To import a project from GitHub you should use the Import Git Repository as New Project dialogue (right click -> Import -> Git -> Git Repository as New Project). This way you can select the destination of the clone repository, including the Workspace.
If you want to edit the sources in the IDE and also want the changes to be reflected in the Git repository, delete the original source file in the project and link the source file in the git repo to the project. That way, you can directly make changes to the git repo and you can commit them when needed. Be careful not to delete the files when deleting the project in the IDE though.
Steps to have git project in workspace (with egit):
On GIT perspective choose "Clone a Git Repository and add it to this view"
As a destination choose folder inside a workspace (for example ".../workspace/myproject")
Wait until cloned
File -> New -> Project
General -> project
As a project name type name of a folder in workspace where project has been cloned (for example "myproject")
Nope. There's no way to get this to work. You can't use egit to checkout a git project into the workspace and if you check it out elsewhere and try to copy it into the workspace, you will lose your connection to the remote repository. If you want VCS that works, use svn or mercurial.
In the "Configure Local Storage Location" dialog,
choose .../workspace/projectname.
Then in the next dialog,
we get the wizard selection menu. Normally you should select "Import existing project".
(But see below).
Finally, there is the "Import Projects" dialog.
For various unexplained reasons, sometimes this dialog is empty and won't
let you finish. In that case, you need to cancel, and then outside of Eclipse completely delete the working directory that was cloned into, and then start again.
But if there is the project there, press finish. If it complains about the project already existing, go back to the wizard menu and change it to use a wizard. Select a Java wizard and then finish. Often this will work, but only if you first got the "Import Projects" menu to recognize the project in the first place.
It may take several attempts to get this to work! But once it is set up, it works fine.
So, in summary: is is possible to get EGit to use the default project location for the git clone, but in my experience it may inexplicably require several attempts.