iPhone M3U Audio Streaming without quicktime - iphone

I have M3U audio url for a radio in my iPhone application. I would like to play that without use of default quick time player.
Is there any way to implement this?
Thanks in advance.

You can use AVPlayer in the AVFoundation framework.


Play audio in background

I want my app will play music when she is in the background too,
there is any way to do it? i try to use apple documentation but it didn't work.
it is possible that because i am now using the avplayer i cant play audio in background?
i play the music with
ExtAudioFileSeek(mExtAFRef, finalFrames);
I think playing audio in background is possible only for streaming audio. For normal audio we can only play when screen is locked.
You should look at documentation of using background tasks like:
and specially the:

iPhone video recording

I have to record the video in iPhone by invoking camera programmatically. So kindly tell me how to record the video using Objective-c.
Recording Video in iPhone using AVFoundation Framework(AVCaptureSession)?
Similar question. You can control the camera device programmatically using the AVFoundation framework, and more specifically, AVCaptureSession with an AVCaptureDeviceInput and AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
This link might also help, there is a link to some source code using AVCaptureSession on that page too.

Play video's audio track when enter background?

I'm using mpmovieplayer to play video on ios 4, and I want to keep the audio playing when my app enter background, but it doesn't work. I thing it's because video player use GPU to render video on screen and this is not allowed by apple when app enter background.
So, is there any way to do that? There are some apps have this feature, and they seems just use the mpmovieplayer, is it work by detach the video layer of mpmovieplayer?
Thanks for your answer!
You'll need to have separate audio file and video file for this. Play both when you need to play video and just the audio when app gets into background.

Is it possible to record video with custom audio on iPhone?

So, is there any way I could record video but use my own audio for it with iPhone SDK?
Thanks much for all your ideas!
Should be possible using the new 4.1 apis -- look at AVAssetWriter and AVCaptureSession. AVAssetWriter will allow you to place any inputs, video or audio, to encode into a video.

How to play video in the iPhone without using MPMoviePlayerController?

Is this possible to play any video file without using of MPMoviePlayerController in iPhone?
Yes. You can also use a UIWebView. See this answer.
You can use a web view but you can play only those videos present in the bundle, you cannot play any format in iPhone as some of the formats are not supported.
See this link