Facebook "Like" stats not showing up in Facebook Insights? - facebook

I just noticed one of the pages on my site has 46 likes, but they don't show up at all in Facebook Insights:
The like button on that page is implemented via the Sociable plugin, but unfortunately both the FB developer and Sociable documentation are completely useless and/or non-existent, so I thought I'd ask you fine people.
Any ideas why this is happening?

Did you add www.datesphere.com as your Facebook Insights domain? The full domain has to match, so if your domain is set to datesphere.com, the page won't show up.

I had just set up domain insights and had a similar sounding problem. I found this in the FAQ at the bottom of the Insights doc, which may mean (for me), just wait a bit.
I am a Page administrator. Why am I not able to see Insights for my Page?
Insights are only available to pages which are liked by at least
30 people. Insights will start showing up for your page once your page
has 30 users who like it.


FB Comments fed code

Is there another link to the page "https://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments"
This page doesn't work and comes up with a 500 error.
I am looking to be the moderator to edit posts and approve them. Is this broken page where I need to go for this?
The page was showing up as blank for me as well. I had to have administrator role in the facebook app, not just developer.

Facebook Like Button Migration for Pages Never Liked By "Admin"

Until recently, one could put a Like button on a web page, and if you were listed as the admin in the "fb:admins" tag on the page, and you then clicked the "Like" button yourself, an admin page would be created in your personal Facebook account where you could send updates to fans who had liked your web page. This is being phased out on November 7, by which time one needs to convert all such pages to "real" facebook pages following the procedure Facebook documents here:
Our nonprofit organization operates web pages (and Facebook pages) for just over 200 breed-specific animal rescue groups, all of which have Facebook like buttons on each web page. I've successfully migrated over about 20 of these pages using the procedure designated in the page above.
The problem I'm having is that at some point recently, Facebook stopped creating the Admin pages when a page admin likes a web page. This means, for about 80% or so of the rescue pages we have (many with 1000's of likes), I have no way to "migrate" them because there is no page to migrate.
All of these pages have identical code as the pages I was able to migrate, the only difference is I never went, and as page Admin, clicked the Like button on any of these pages, so Facebook never created any page which I can use for the migration process. (I would have done this months ago had I known Facebook was phasing out this ability, but I don't think it was ever announced.)
I don't know when Facebook discontinued creating Admin pages for web pages with Like buttons, but having discontinued it before the November 7 actual migration deadline, we have no way now to access the likes from many of our web pages to migrate them over to our actual Facebook pages.
This might be better illustrated by examples. We operate a page for Pit Bull Rescue here:
I successfully migrated the "Likes" from that page to our actual Facebook page here using the documentation on Facebook's migration page:
(Note the "Like" count on the Facebook on the web page is higher, because Facebook counts certain shares on a page, that don't count as actual likes on a Facebook page.)
But here's a page with the problem: australianshepherd.rescueme.org
It has 383 Likes but there is no way for me to migrate those likes over because there is no associated page in my Facebook account to migrate. I created a Facebook page to merge these likes into ( www.facebook.com/australianshepherd.rescueme.org ) but don't know how to get them there.
In the past I would have just clicked the Like button on the WEB page itself, and an Admin page would have been created. Apparently Facebook discontinued that ability at some point long before the November 7 migration deadline, so I have no idea how I can fix this.
I imagine (or hope) there is some parameter perhaps I can switch in some app settings panel to help with this, but I can't find any way to do it. Any suggestions?
I've been told I need to ask someone at Facebook to manually transfer "Likes" from such pages over to our actual Facebook pages, but have not been able to reach someone to do this. If this is the necessary step, can someone from Facebook please contact me privately, or post here how to get that type of assistance.
If this was just a few hundred likes it wouldn't be a big deal, but cumulatively I believe we have well over 100,000 fans we will lose if we can't fix this. The hundreds of volunteers running all these rescue group web pages who spent many hours each week over the past year building up our fan base, aren't going to be pleased about learning all their efforts will be lost.
Any suggestions would be very, very appreciated!
Jeff Gold
This was announced back in July. https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/07/25/platform-updates--operation-developer-love/
It is very important for all developers who integrate their products with Facebook to follow the Facebook developer blog. It keeps readers up to date with 90-day breaking changes.

New app not available in list for "insights for your website"

I created a new app last week with the purpose of using Facebook insights for our website, but it is not available in the list to make the connection with. Do I need to do anything to make the app selectable?
For any of you people who think this question is not technical and shouldn't be here, I was directed here from Facebook bugs because it's not a bug.
I have had the same issue but after a bit of experimenting I found that it does not affect the ability for you to claim a domain and associate it with an app.
What the drop down list does is generate the code snippet shown below. I'm guessing this was useful when you was able to link it to a page_id (you can no longer do this). As long as you have put the correct meta tag (such as that below, replacing %%app_id%% with the app_id given by the Facebook App Center) you are free to ignore what account is shown in the drop down.
<meta property='fb:app_id' content='%%app_id%%'/>
Once you have linked the account you can go back to the Facebook App Center and set permission on the account.
Tip: While you can only give other verified developers Manager access to the app you can add any friend or email address to the insights level of access which is all which they need.
Not sure if this is the case here. But I do know that there is a threshold to see insights with regard to pages.
As detailed here in the FAQ's -
Is there a minimum number of users to see Insights for Pages? Yes. For
user privacy reasons, Insights are only provided to Pages with greater
than 30 users who like that Page.
Perhaps there is a limit for domain insights too. You should allow some time and some traffic pass before the insights start being able to give feedback...
I had the same error, I tried to debug my site here FB Debugger
which is the official debugger you can input URL, Access Token, or Open Graph Action ID.
It works for me.

When should I use fb:admins and fb:appid?

I have a client who already has a Facebook page associated with their own website. I finally convinced them to integrate open graph tags into their pages, since when anyone clicked the Facebook Like button on their website, it looked awful on Facebook (since it chose whatever images and content it wanted).
I have admin access to their Facebook page, however, they are using the fb:appid tag instead of fb:admins on their website, so I can't see any of the insights on Facebook.
So I need to be made an admin of their Facebook application as well, in order to see the insights?
I've read dozens of forums and posts about this, including Facebook's own Open Graph documentation and I still don't REALLY understand the difference between fb:admins and fb:appid. As far as I can tell, fb:appid is more for developer/programming access, whereas fb:admins is for those who just want reports and insights for page activity.
In what circumstances would I want to use fb:appid over fb:admins?
EDIT : Let me clarify. I can already view insights for the company's Facebook page. What I want to do, is see the insights for users who have clicked the Like button on the website.
fb:app_id is the most flexible one to use.
It allows anyone who's listed in the app settings as an admin, developer or insights user to see their domain or app insights. This means as people join or leave a company, they update their app in one place, and access to things like insights changes too.
fb:admins is for User IDs, and once they've been associated with a URL or domain, they remain connected with that domain until their removed from the root HTML document.
fb:page_id works in the same way as fb:app_id in that access to insights is controlled by the list of people who are admins of that page.
As app_ids are becoming more and more important as you integrate with the deeper bits of the Facebook platform (use connect, comments etc) I STRONGLY suggest you use fb:app_id, claim your domain using this, and manage access to insights via your app's settings.

Facebook query info when not logged in

Ok so i have gotten to the point where for my admins I can log them in, post to their fan pages, post comments and everything works well.
I have done this with the javascript api.
Now I am t the point where I want pull things like the feed from their fan page wall to display to site viewers. Obviously I dont want the average site viewer to have to log in to see the feed from the fan page. I just want to display it on my web page.
Is this possible to do with no authentication?
It is most definitely possible. Take a look at at this example.