New app not available in list for "insights for your website" - facebook

I created a new app last week with the purpose of using Facebook insights for our website, but it is not available in the list to make the connection with. Do I need to do anything to make the app selectable?
For any of you people who think this question is not technical and shouldn't be here, I was directed here from Facebook bugs because it's not a bug.

I have had the same issue but after a bit of experimenting I found that it does not affect the ability for you to claim a domain and associate it with an app.
What the drop down list does is generate the code snippet shown below. I'm guessing this was useful when you was able to link it to a page_id (you can no longer do this). As long as you have put the correct meta tag (such as that below, replacing %%app_id%% with the app_id given by the Facebook App Center) you are free to ignore what account is shown in the drop down.
<meta property='fb:app_id' content='%%app_id%%'/>
Once you have linked the account you can go back to the Facebook App Center and set permission on the account.
Tip: While you can only give other verified developers Manager access to the app you can add any friend or email address to the insights level of access which is all which they need.

Not sure if this is the case here. But I do know that there is a threshold to see insights with regard to pages.
As detailed here in the FAQ's -
Is there a minimum number of users to see Insights for Pages? Yes. For
user privacy reasons, Insights are only provided to Pages with greater
than 30 users who like that Page.
Perhaps there is a limit for domain insights too. You should allow some time and some traffic pass before the insights start being able to give feedback...

I had the same error, I tried to debug my site here FB Debugger
which is the official debugger you can input URL, Access Token, or Open Graph Action ID.
It works for me.


Facebook - Page access token creation methods that involve `manage_pages` now ask for Privacy Policy and other app details

I want to scrape comments, likes and posts for a Facebook page that I'm an Analyst in (I'm not the admin, I've been given the 'Analyst' role).
I'm using the code in to scrape comments.
Apparantely, you can get likes, posts and reactions but you cannot retrieve the comments of a Facebook page without a Page Access Token.
so I went ahead and looked at the popular answer in the link facebook: permanent Page Access Token?
Not sure if this used to be the case before, but if you follow the instructions in Step 1, substep 4, In the pop-up, under the "Extended Permissions" tab, check "manage_pages". For this to work, it is asking me to submit a request with many checkboxes asking me the purpose of needing this permission, and along with this, it is not letting me send a request review without having Privacy Policy URLs, App icons, User Guidelines and a VIDEO showing how this App will be used.. I literally just want to scrape comments from my own Facebook page where I'm been given an Analyst role that has lesser privileges than Administrator, and for this I was asked to create an App for it and set Native or desktop app? to No to ensure I don't get a Bad Request when I run my code.
I'd love it if you could give me any help in this direction.. I want a solution to how I could get Extended Permissions or follow the steps in the popular answer, or simply get Page Access Token without having to set Privacy Policy Guidelines, an App icon and a video showing a demonstration of something I can't understand.

Get Facebook referral URL in Google Analytics

In my Google Analytics reports I get " / referral" as the source. Is it possible to get the exact URL?
I don't think it's possible. as #yahelc pointed on a previous comment most traffic from facebook goes through a facebook controlled redirect on page .So if you want to have campaigns on facebook you can use urls with campaign query parameters to keep track of it.
eg: link to
Now they will show up in GA as a separate campaign and you can tell how many visitors come from that specific link. You probably want to minify that link using or
Create multiple campaigns on facebook and change the utm_campaign parameter as much as you want. You can also create different utm_content parameter to separate your marketing efforts on facebook. Keep the utm_medium and utm_source as static as on the example above.
This is how social marketing analytics measures marketing efforts on social networks. Anything that comes from facebook is not tagged you know comes from people posting links to your site other than you.
At the same time it really makes no sense to have the referral url at all. If you think about it most of the times it will be from private posts that you don't even have access to see, even if you had a url for it. That's just not the way facebook works. It doesn't have pages, it has streams and posts.
More about url tagging:
The answer is yes and no. You can drill down to referral path for facebook source in the report Traffic Sources -> Sources -> Refferals by simply pressing at the Source coloumn, just like for all other visits from the referring site.
But that would be not much of a use, because for facebook you'll always see /l.php. And that's how facebook works, it doesn't allow visitors to visit the link immedeately, instead it redirects user to the page with url<> with a redirect or maybe with some text like "if you're sure you want to leave", so technically, the referring page would be this /l.php that GA shows.
So if you need to track the efficency of your Facebook activities - use utm tags, like #Eduardo Cereto mentioned. Here's a very nice video tutorial on link tagging for GA: (starts from p. 17, you can skip all that goes before).
Hope it helps!
i just know this settings here:

When should I use fb:admins and fb:appid?

I have a client who already has a Facebook page associated with their own website. I finally convinced them to integrate open graph tags into their pages, since when anyone clicked the Facebook Like button on their website, it looked awful on Facebook (since it chose whatever images and content it wanted).
I have admin access to their Facebook page, however, they are using the fb:appid tag instead of fb:admins on their website, so I can't see any of the insights on Facebook.
So I need to be made an admin of their Facebook application as well, in order to see the insights?
I've read dozens of forums and posts about this, including Facebook's own Open Graph documentation and I still don't REALLY understand the difference between fb:admins and fb:appid. As far as I can tell, fb:appid is more for developer/programming access, whereas fb:admins is for those who just want reports and insights for page activity.
In what circumstances would I want to use fb:appid over fb:admins?
EDIT : Let me clarify. I can already view insights for the company's Facebook page. What I want to do, is see the insights for users who have clicked the Like button on the website.
fb:app_id is the most flexible one to use.
It allows anyone who's listed in the app settings as an admin, developer or insights user to see their domain or app insights. This means as people join or leave a company, they update their app in one place, and access to things like insights changes too.
fb:admins is for User IDs, and once they've been associated with a URL or domain, they remain connected with that domain until their removed from the root HTML document.
fb:page_id works in the same way as fb:app_id in that access to insights is controlled by the list of people who are admins of that page.
As app_ids are becoming more and more important as you integrate with the deeper bits of the Facebook platform (use connect, comments etc) I STRONGLY suggest you use fb:app_id, claim your domain using this, and manage access to insights via your app's settings.

Facebook Insight data not appearing for website

I have recently been looking into adding Facebook Insights into one of our client's websites ( I've created an app to associate with this and added the necessary Facebook meta tags to my site which reference the app id.
I was, until today, having issues adding the app domain information to but have added this information in today.
My question is how long does it take before you will start to see results filter through for the site and is there any way of checking that everything has been set up correctly?
It might not be a matter of time, it might be a matter of how many 'likes' the app or page has. At least for pages, it tells you "Once 30 people like your Page, you'll get access to insights about your activity."
That's an interesting point.
It all depends on which metrics (results) you're after and how much traffic your app gets.
Additionally, you might want to look at facebook documentation for the metrics (results) you're looking for -- some of them are available monthly or weekly, others are a lifetime aggregate, and some are daily.
The easiest way to test would be to ask some of your friends to do whatever it is you want to test (comment on a post, link to a page, etc.).
I hope that answers some of your questions.

Check whether user of non-facebook app likes/shares particular URL on FB

I'd like to know if there is a possibility to check (using Graph API or any other way) whether given user likes / shares a specific link. Probably I'll have this user's facebook ID or facebook login, but my site is non-Facebook application. Actually it's Dot Net Nuke portal (target: .NET with MS SQL Server) with part of it being avaliable as Facebook app, but certainly not greater part of it, so the solution should be out of Facebook Connect, although it's not a showstopper if it's necessary.
We'll be giving points to users who share/like most of links that we serve in our portal and such possibility would be a great help to make a ranking.
Another option we consider is making some kind of "wrapper" or proxy for FB like / share buttons which will at first save some data in our database (probably - this user clicked on like for this link) and then go on with standard FB like / share route. Did anybody of You tried such solution?
If You have any other suggestion on the subject, please, post them, we'll be really thankful.
It is possible to know if a user has LIKED a site or not. You can get all user's likes with Graph API (you need user_likes permission). Take a look at the docs:
I'm not sure if you can know if he has shared your site, but you could try by parsing his wall with the read_stream permission and then look for your site name/URL post by post.
For just general liking of items on your site, you can use a Facebook Social Plugin. However, you won't be able to associate (or really even access) user activity with users on your site without integrating Facebook Connect and creating a Facebook application for your site. At that point you can design with greater control all the possible user activity and interleave with your facebook calls other calls that affect users' accounts on your site.