run two animations at the same time iphone - iphone

I know the basics about iPhone sdk. I am building an app which is basically like a power point presentation; therefore, I know how to create basic animations such as moving an image from point a to point b etc. I will like to create animations that go more in like a circular path. I was thinking that if I created an animation dealing with the x component of an object an another animation dealing with the y component of the same object I could create an animation that moves more like a parabola if both animations are run at the same time. So in short I am just trying to improve my animations and I just know the basics of objective-c. I am looking forward to read tutorials that you recommend. Also a simple example moving something in a non-linear path will be helpful.

You may want to grab one of the available game engines to create your presentation-ware. They usually have some built in support for parabolic motion.


Easiest way to create an animated 3D cartoon

I was wondering, what is the easiest way to create an animated 3D cartoon. I want to create a character which moves and talk. I am not familiar with an easy way to do it, I used Blender and Unity but I was wondering if there is an easy way to do it? as I believe that not everyone doing 3D cartons have to dig deep in coding, they certainly use a software/GUI or something to create it.
I am not sure what easy is defined for peole but someway might be easy for me , it may be hard for you. I think it is based on experience in the past.
If you want to create a custom 3d animated model, you need to model it first. Or you can find a 3d model which is similar to your model, so you can edit it. But you are going to use a 3d modeling programs like; Blender, 3ds Max, even SketchUp might work.
One easy way. Which requires less work
You can check Adobe Fuse. Which lets you select predefined parts and lets you create a 3d humanoid model. You can tweak them a bit. After completing you can export it to Mixamo where you can rig your model (also you can select premade models here). They have alot of animations to go. After selecting your animations you can import it to Unity.
Animation techniques
For most of them, you will need rigs. When you rigged a model, you can create animations with those rigs.
This is my one of the old works from university.(Ignore the music please :D) Before i make the animations, I've recorded myself on the exact angle with model, (Front and side 2 videos) and used my video as refence while animating. To conclude i used key frames. And Blender made the rest (making transaction between keyframes). This is one of the techniques.
This might give you more information about the video referencing.
More budgeted projects mostly use mo-cap. Here is one example for facial animation.
There are also cheaper infrared cameras like Kinect which allows you to do mo-cap. But results are not that promising. You can find more than few assets in the Unity Store. But i suggest you to use at least 2 cameras if you choose this way.
There might be more ways to create 3d model animation. I am not an animator. But those are that i know.
Hope this helps! Cheers!

Dynamic animation using mic volume as trigger

I am new to iPhone development, and I am looking for someone with experience
to simply tell me whether I am on the right path or to perhaps point me to it
regarding what I am trying to acheive.
I am trying to develop a character animation that reacts to the volume of
the microphone input. Something like Talking Tomcat, except that instead of
having just a face react to the volume, an entire character´s body is involved.
The character has been created in illustrator and it is image based. So
this will be a 2D animation. I have created numerous frames for the different
kinds of reactions the character will have depending on the volume.
For my animation I am using UIViews using its Animation resources and adding
UIImageViews as subviews. I am also using CGAffineTransforms for rotating
I am also relying on Timers to control the different stages of the
To allow for a more flexible animation, I have created UIViews for the head,
arms, torso and legs of the character. These have been severed into their own
images and I am manipulating these images individually through UIViews.
I can go over my code in more detail if necessary, although any help will be greatly appreciated even if it is something off the bat.
Seeing that you're not an advanced ios developer I would suggest starting with cocos2d.
It has everything you need to start with animation.
Web page and forums has plenty of information on how to do it and... what's most important [to me at least], you've got gurus like Ray Wenderlich writing excellent tutorials like:

scattering effect

I went through all my resources but I am not getting the scattering effect of an image smoothly. However, I am able to zoom it and I had scattered it but it is not as smooth as I want. I just want to click on a button and it should zoom and the other image should get scatter
I want the image to be scattered as the link given below is it possible in iPhone?
this is hell lot of graphics. If you intend to achieve this with iPhone sdk, start learning details about CALayer and then try to manipulate the movements of different objects. Which will require lot of coding logic.
My suggestion would be going for Cocos2D and try with the different classes and api's present there. In Cocos2D you can create an image which will act as an actual physical object and you can apply all laws of physics to it. Say if you create a ball, and you push it, the ball will go in the direction of the push and bounce back if it gets hit by any other physical object and you don't require to do any coding for this. Cocos2D takes care of all these things.
Try it.

3D free rotation of object

I have a 3D CAD file of a set of products. I want to create a viewer so that the user can freely rotate the object in 3D.
How would I best go about this?
1) I had thought about exporting a series of 360 degree images every 30 degrees around the image, but that would be around 360 images per product. Then right the code to handle the matrix that would be required to handle rotation of the object. Seems very excessive, but doable.
2) OpenGL - I have never done any 3d animation using this, though.
We are using LightWave 3D, if that helps.
I'd recommend going with the 3-D rendering route, even though it might require more upfront work than the multiple sliced images approach. It will provide much greater flexibility over the long run, and I think you'll be able to generate a more pleasing experience in the end (small application binary size, smoother rotation, etc.). Also, once you have the display code done, you'll be able to pull in arbitrary models to add on to the ones you started with, and make tweaks to those models more easily.
This question points out a number of ways that you might be able to import LightWave models into formats usable by an OpenGL ES application. It looks like you'll probably need to pass through Blender or another intermediary to accomplish this.
Once you have the model in a form that you can work with, you can build off of several open source 3-D rendering applications for the iPhone / iPad, such as my Molecules application. My application is built for displaying 3-D molecular structures, but people have modified it to support rendering other models for their own needs, so I know that's possible. I go into detail on how this application works in the video for the OpenGL ES session of my class on iTunes U.
OpenGL ES may seem intimidating at first, but it only took me three weeks of nights-and-weekends development to build the initial version of Molecules, and I had no real OpenGL experience before starting that project. There are many great resources out there now, so it's easier than ever to get started.

Iphone GUI physics code

When you drag an iphone GUI element like a list, it scrolls in a physics correct way, and also has a nice bounce effect at the end.
I would like to write a GUI element in my game, without using UIKit. I wonder where is the code implementing this, and if I can use it instead of trying to write something similar.
Any ideas?
I think that a physics engine would be overkill for just animating a gui element (unless you already have a physics engine in your game).
You could try using animations but I've no experience of doing this without UIKit but I suppose you would start here?
If you didn't want to use Core Animation, I would take a look at Robert Penner's easing equations - they're in actionscript but are pretty simple to port to C and would be a good start to get your own animation code started.
Hope this helps,
You can perhaps use animations to achieve this, you can define animation paths for bouncing or doing whatever it is you need and activate them when needed. I think the example project MoveMe can help you out
I can recommend the O'Reilly book "Physics for Game Developers" by David Bourg, which has great coverage of algorithms and code for all sorts of simulations. You probably want to start with motion affected by drag for the flick and gradual slowing, then look at a spring model to simulate the damping at the end.
box2d is an open source project that provides a great 2d physics engine.
this library is used by Intel clutter, which is a nice physics oriented UI library that is capable of running on mobile devices. that means that box2d is already optimized for mobile platforms like the iphone.