Is it possible to develop plugins for Google Talk client? - plugins

I saw the Google Talk Always Idle plugin [ ] and got interested in the possibility of developing similar plugins for the gtalk client. Is it possible to develop plugins for gtalk? I have searched extensively and haven't found a thing in this regard. Thanks.

Yes you can create plugins for gtalk. They use the XMPP protocol, and there are several sites on it. You can start here:


JMS (Java Messaging Service) client in flutter?

I'm developing an app using Flutter, which is a great cross platform tool, but I wonder if anyone has experience about consuming JMS services in Flutter? I didn't manage to find any related documentation so far.
Best regards!
I don't have any experience with Flutter other than quickly reviewing some of the documentation, but as a developer on the Apache ActiveMQ (message broker) project I can say that in order to support clients which run in mobile and browser environments brokers will typically implement STOMP. Flutter apps are written in Dart and a quick search on the Dart package website reveals a number of STOMP clients. I recommend you go with one of those.

Platform for building a FAQ answering chatbot on

I am trying to build a chatbot that answers FAQ from customers at the company I worked for. I have played around with Dialogflow and ManyChat, but I am not really satisfied with these platforms so far. Do you have any recommendations for platforms that can be used to build a chatbot on that answers questions from customers?
I am looking for a platform that provides easy semantic interpretation and implementation to a website and Facebook Messenger, perferably with multi language support.
Does anyone with experience have any ideas?
I advise you to choose .net framework because it has large number of libraries and easy to use. And i advise you to create web service or web Api Choose C# for code in .net framework so you will be able to use your bot service any where you want. It has a lot of help on internet and many nuget packages.
If you choose this framework you will be able to integrate your bot in websites, Mobile and infact anywhere you want .
You can check this out Microsoft Link for Services

PhoneGap mobile irc client app using native tcp sockets, websockets?

Hi I would like to know if it possible to realize an iOS/Android irc client app using PhoneGap.
I think I am going to need to use native tcp sockets: does anybody know if PhoneGap allow me to make use of them? I checked the api doc but for some reason couldn't find the part dealing with it?
Also, if PhoneGap supports websockets, is it a feasible option to use that for this kind of app?
I'd like to have some kind of basic advice on wheter or not I am on a good path.
I'm also thinking of using Rhomobile, (for which I have the same doubts I said above, though I did not investigate enough) but for now I would like to go with PhoneGap because it also says to support Symbian devices, while Rhomobile discontinued support for it.

WebSockets client for Objective-C (preferably iOS compatible)

Closest thing I've found is How to incorporate WebSockets into a Cocoa application, but the answers only pointed to an outdated library.
Does anyone know about a WebSockets library compatible with iOS 4.x?
I've also read about Pusherapp, and, as good as the service could be, I would prefer to use my own WebSockets server.
You can check out the UnitT Web Socket Client. It is intended for use in iOS apps using Objective-C. It works with both ws & wss.
I am the author and have been using it in some of my projects with success. Let me know if you run into any trouble and I will do what I can to help.
Found this post in a google search for iOS WebSockets and wanted to put an updated answer.
Anyways, Zimt and Unitt's client don't support the latest standard (at the time of writing this).
(disclaimer: author of SocketRocket)
We just released a new library that has no external dependencies, supports RFC 6455 completely, and works with iOS 4.x+.
It's called SocketRocket and can be found here
You could make a web application using one of several Cocoa-like libraries and then convert it to a native app using something like PhoneGap/Apache Cordova.
Cappuccino - Make webapps using Objective-J and Cocoa-like API.
WebSockets for Cappuccino
SproutCore - Apple's Cocoa for the web
Toth - a multi-user SproutCore library that uses WebSockets.
For the server side there are lots of options. Just search for "websockets server" on
I created a package for iOS/Objective-C and TLS taking into account the new iOS13 TLS restrictions. It works with a NodeJS TLS server how I use it. Hope it helps, feel free to contribute.

Server Setup for iPhone Push Notifications

I'm new to the whole push notifications thing, and was wondering if somebody could walk me through the process of getting a simple application up and running. I currently rent a server that I use to serve my website that runs cPanel X.
How would I go about setting up the service? What software do I need to install on the server? How do I upload code to the server?
Sorry if these are really dumb questions - I'm not really a web developer.
Thanks in advance!
I would go to the Apple Developer Forums. They have many questions and answers regarding this. For my apps, I use a Ruby On Rails plugin called apn_on_rails, but this is probably not an option for you on a shared host with some sort of admin gui. Your shared host probably runs php so I would look for a php implementation.