Struts2 configuration and performance - frameworks

I use Struts2 + Spring + Hibernate for web site development. And I am wondering about 1 thing, I never used annotations in my web applications, but hey, what is the best way to code a web application? Annotations (I never understood how they works) or Config-files? and why? More complex applications will work faster on this?, or is something about principles?

This isn't definitive it is just what I do with similar tools.
Looking at the Struts2 xml configuration vs conventions (struts2-conventions-plugin) and annotations. The benefit of the later is that there is a lot less work. When the conventions don't do what we want we have a choice, use struts.xml which will override the conventions or use annotations which will also override the conventions. If you go with annotations on your action class then you can clearly see what is going on from one location. With struts.xml you often need to look at both the configuration file and the action to understand the whole picture.
Although I advocate annotations, the xml configuration is still good for somethings. It is a good place to set global parameters. It is still needed for defining custom interceptors/interceptor-stacks and if you need actions defined from wildcards it makes sense to have them there too. All these examples reinforce the point that it is more general configuration that belongs in struts.xml because they are bigger than any action.
For hibernate it is similar. Your entity classes and meta information are all in one place which makes it easier to understand. There was a case I had where xml was more useful in a testing situation, I needed to use the same entity classes but needed to make extensive changes to the metadata. So in that case I could simply load a different set of xml files.
With spring I use annotations for injection but wire the beans in application.xml.

Other stackoverflow posts that may be of interest:
Xml configuration versus Annotation based configuration
Is there a good reason to configure hibernate with XML rather than via annotations?


Adding transaction support to embedded jetty/GWT RemoteServiceServlet without Spring?

GWT's servlet implementation has onBefore/onAfterDeserialization which would give me a hook with which to start and stop transactions without doing anything fancy, however those methods don't allow me to properly check for error conditions after the service method got invoked, I just have access to the serialized return value, not directly to any exception that might have been thrown, so deciding whether to roll back or not is not possible that way without rewriting parts the GWT servlet.
I was thinking about using aspectj's compile-time weaving. However, this does not work with Netbeans' compile-on-save feature because the module needs to be recompiled using the aspectj compiler.
How about LTW (load-time-weaving)? Is there any way (or example) to add LTW to the webapp container without using the Spring framework?
I was also thinking about using AOP based on Java dynamic proxies, ie. to put a proxy in front of the servlet. Again, the question arises how to tell the Jetty WebApp container to load the proxy instead of the original servlet.
Or is there any ready-to-use solution out there already?
I think you could overwrite a combination of
public String processCall(RPCRequest rpcRequest) from RemoteServiceServlet and RPC.invokeAndEncodeResponse to do what you want.
Not ideal, as you need to copy/paste a few lines of code, but they really are only a few.
I myself hit the same problems as I needed some customizations, and relevant methods didn't had the access modifier that I needed, so I ended up copy/pasting some portions.
I can't comment on the rest of your question, but I don't expect to find any ready-to-use solutions, as GWT-RPC doesn't seem to have any new fans out there; just people maintaining legacy systems. Therefore, I expect that you either don't find anything or find solutions that are no longer maintained.

WCM use class can be used wherever we can use sling models.Which one should be preferred and why?

If given an option to use Sling Models or WCM use class which one should be preferred when and why?
Is either of them better performance wise?
Thanks in Advance
Sling models are saving you a lot of time for accessing simple objects as the current page/resource, injecting some properties or services, adapting from resource or sling http request to your model. Sure with the use the plain API your code will execute a little bit faster, because you initialize only the objects you really need, but you have to do all that things "manually". I think that this sightly introduction is giving a good overview of all possible implementation you can go with. You can also have a look at the sightly official documentation. Below you can find a quick overview of the what you can expect and hopefully make your decision easier (quoted from the offical sightly documentation).
Java Use Provider
Use-objects provided through bundles:
faster to initialise and execute than Sling Models for similar code
easy to extend from other similar Use-objects
simple setup for unit testing
Use-objects backed by Resources:
faster to initialise and execute than Sling Models for similar code
easy to override from inheriting components through search path
overlay or by using the sling:resourceSuperType property, allowing
for greater flexibility
business logic for components sits next to the Sightly scripts where
the objects are used
Use-objects provided through bundles:
lacks flexibility in terms of component overlaying
Use-objects backed by Resources:
cannot extend other Java objects
the Java project might need a different setup to allow running unit
tests, since the objects will be deployed like content
Sling Models Use Provider
convenient injection annotations for data retrieval
easy to extend from other Sling Models
simple setup for unit testing
lacks flexibility in terms of component overlaying, relying on
service.ranking configurations
If you ask me I would always take a framework as sling models or slice which makes the development easier and faster. At the end the performance impact by using a framework is not really a problem, would be not the only one third party framework in the project. But if your project is performance oriented probably you could make some tests with all possibilities you have and decide if such a framework suits your needs (or just mix both).

Accessing data from the jcr from jsp

In some implementations, I've seen jsp's using java bean classes acting as an intermediate store/data access layer to get data from a jcr.
Why is this, since the jsp can access the jcr directly via the jcr api.
Separation of concerns? Memory cache for the data?
Just wondering why such a pattern exists when the jcr api was written in the first place.
Using scriptlet's might not be so problematic in smaller installations but is in large multi site projects.
Separating UI code and model/business logic eases maintainability and allows reusability of code upon projects. Also changing layout's gets much easier. Usually this seperation is done by using a component bean to access the JCR repo and to provide the data and by using the JSP just for the view.
Just imagine that your customer requires a large UI change propably in multiple sites. It's harder to change JSPs mixed up with scriptlets and UI code, especially if you have a lot of them.
From an OO perspective using JSPs and scriptlets prevents you from using inheritance and composition. Scriptlet's can not be made abstract.
I experienced that java beans are easier to debug then scriptlets, especially in case of an exception and java beans can be easier unit tested.

IoC container configuration

How should the configuration for an IoC container be organized? I know that registering by code should be placed at the highest level in an application, but what if an application had hundreds of dependencies that need to be registered? Same with XML configurations. I know that you can split up the XML configurations into multiple files, but that would seem like it would become a maintenance hassle if someone had to dig through multiple XML files.
Are there any best practices for organizing the registration of dependencies? From all the videos and tutorials that I've seen, the code used in the demo were simple enough to place in a single location. I have yet to come across a sample application that utilizes a large number of dependencies.
Autofac and others (eg Ninject) employ a module concept for this exact purpose. may be what you're looking for.
It would help a little if we knew if you were talking about any particular IoC Container.
Windsor, for example, allows you to define dependencies across a wide range of XML files (organised however you want), and simply included in the configuration. The structure should be in a format that makes sense. Have a file/folder for Controllers, Facilities, etc etc. A heirarchy of related items.
With something more code-oriented, such as Autofac, you could easily create a host of container configuration providers to power your configuration. With Hiro, you don't really need to do much configuration at all.
Regardless of the container used, they all provide facilites for convention-over-configuration based registrations, so that should be your first stop in cleaning up registrations. A great example would be to register all classes whose name ends in 'Controller' in an MVC application.

Do Domain Classes usually get JPA or JAXB Annotations or both?

I have a Java enterprise application that provides a web service, has a domain layer, and a hibernate persistence layer. In this particular case, there is not a huge difference (at the moment) between the objects I send over the wire, the domain objects, and the persistence objects.
Currently the application uses DTO's on the persistence side and annotates the Domain classes with JAXB annotations. However, the more I read and think about it, the more this seems backwards! (Not to mention there is a lot of code to support the mindless back and forth between the DTO's and the Domain objects.) It seems like most architects suggest puting JPA annotations on the domain model and create DTO's for sending objects over the wire.
In my case, could I put both the JAXB and JPA (Hibernate) annotations on my domain classes?
The thought of keeping my web service facade, my domain, and my persistence all tightly bundled together seems easy to maintain, but does concern me as these may need to change in time. But would it be smarter to create a set of DTO classes for the web services side and skip the DTO's for the persistence side?
There's no functional reason for not annotating the same class with both JPA and JAXB annotations, I've done it myself on occasion. It does become a bit hard to read, though, and sometimes you want different class design trade-offs with JAXB and JPA. In my experience, these trade-offs usually mean you end up with two class models.
I agree that using the same model classes is the right approach. If you are concerned about annotation clutter, you could use a JAXB implementation (such as EclipseLink JAXB) that provides a mechanism for externalizing the metadata:
Also since you are using a JPA model EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) has extensions for making this easier:
Here is an example of using one model with JAXB & JPA to create a RESTful service:
Part 1 - The database
Part 2 - JPA entities
Part 3 - Mapping entities to XML using JAXB
Part 4 - The RESTful service
Part 5 - The client
There is no problem in using both annotations on the same class. I even tend to encourage this, because thus you don't have to copy-paste when changes occur.
In some cases, some properties differ in behaviour - for example an auto-generated ID might not be required to be marshalled. #XmlTransient and #Transient are then combined. It does become a bit hard to read, but not too hard, because it is obvious what all the annotations mean.
Anyone tempted to put atom link objects in your persisted domain because you have committed to defining your web service xml structure there? It seems strange to me to do this. Hateoas links seem like a good idea but the persisted domain and the service impl (not the web service) have no interest in atom links. Then again, using xml annotations and having jersey serialize my domain for me certainly is convenient. Another downside of this approach though is that it is to easy to impact your web service consumers at runtime with persistence domain "layer" refactoring.
I know this question is a bit old, but I thought I'd weigh in anyways since this is an issue that I've recently come across. My recommendation would be to leave your JAXB annotated classes alone, since any schema change will require re-generating these classes. Meaning you will have to re-enter any hibernate annotations, etc. manually. This may be a little out-dated solution, but I think it would be perfectly reasonable to create a hibernate mapping file (.hbm.xml) to house the mappings externally. This is a little more flexible, less cluttered, and just as useful in my opinion.