Do Domain Classes usually get JPA or JAXB Annotations or both? - jpa

I have a Java enterprise application that provides a web service, has a domain layer, and a hibernate persistence layer. In this particular case, there is not a huge difference (at the moment) between the objects I send over the wire, the domain objects, and the persistence objects.
Currently the application uses DTO's on the persistence side and annotates the Domain classes with JAXB annotations. However, the more I read and think about it, the more this seems backwards! (Not to mention there is a lot of code to support the mindless back and forth between the DTO's and the Domain objects.) It seems like most architects suggest puting JPA annotations on the domain model and create DTO's for sending objects over the wire.
In my case, could I put both the JAXB and JPA (Hibernate) annotations on my domain classes?
The thought of keeping my web service facade, my domain, and my persistence all tightly bundled together seems easy to maintain, but does concern me as these may need to change in time. But would it be smarter to create a set of DTO classes for the web services side and skip the DTO's for the persistence side?

There's no functional reason for not annotating the same class with both JPA and JAXB annotations, I've done it myself on occasion. It does become a bit hard to read, though, and sometimes you want different class design trade-offs with JAXB and JPA. In my experience, these trade-offs usually mean you end up with two class models.

I agree that using the same model classes is the right approach. If you are concerned about annotation clutter, you could use a JAXB implementation (such as EclipseLink JAXB) that provides a mechanism for externalizing the metadata:
Also since you are using a JPA model EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) has extensions for making this easier:
Here is an example of using one model with JAXB & JPA to create a RESTful service:
Part 1 - The database
Part 2 - JPA entities
Part 3 - Mapping entities to XML using JAXB
Part 4 - The RESTful service
Part 5 - The client

There is no problem in using both annotations on the same class. I even tend to encourage this, because thus you don't have to copy-paste when changes occur.
In some cases, some properties differ in behaviour - for example an auto-generated ID might not be required to be marshalled. #XmlTransient and #Transient are then combined. It does become a bit hard to read, but not too hard, because it is obvious what all the annotations mean.

Anyone tempted to put atom link objects in your persisted domain because you have committed to defining your web service xml structure there? It seems strange to me to do this. Hateoas links seem like a good idea but the persisted domain and the service impl (not the web service) have no interest in atom links. Then again, using xml annotations and having jersey serialize my domain for me certainly is convenient. Another downside of this approach though is that it is to easy to impact your web service consumers at runtime with persistence domain "layer" refactoring.

I know this question is a bit old, but I thought I'd weigh in anyways since this is an issue that I've recently come across. My recommendation would be to leave your JAXB annotated classes alone, since any schema change will require re-generating these classes. Meaning you will have to re-enter any hibernate annotations, etc. manually. This may be a little out-dated solution, but I think it would be perfectly reasonable to create a hibernate mapping file (.hbm.xml) to house the mappings externally. This is a little more flexible, less cluttered, and just as useful in my opinion.


Rest Architcture - Request and Response Objects

I have wrote a lot of rest services and the frontend at the last few weeks and I am still not sure if there is a better way than I have done it.
In some cases I have made mapping objects because at frontends an aggregation of object plus additional properties where needed. And also an advantage of mapping objects is that it is possible to set (special) default values.
My question now would be what you think about mapping objects because standard is do make REST services without mapping object.
standard is do make REST services without mapping object
Which standard? I never heard of such a standard, "REST" is an architectural style, so there are conventions, practices, but AFAIK no standard yet.
Anyway, you are mapping objects, which is a good practice. Doing so, you protect your domain model, which can evolve independently from the interface (Domain Driven Design / Anticorruption layer).
Hope this will help.

Entity Framework 6 Database-First and Onion Architecture

I am using Entity Framework 6 database-first. I am converting the project to implement the onion architecture to move towards better separation of concerns. I have read many articles and watched many videos but having some issues deciding on my solution structure.
I have 4 projects: Core, Infrastructure, Web & Tests.
From what I've learned, the .edmx file should be placed under my "Infrastructure" folder. However, I have also read about using the Repository and Unit of Work patterns to assist with EF decoupling and using Dependency Injection.
With this being said:
Will I have to create Repository Interfaces under CORE for ALL entities in my model? If so, how would one maintain this on a huge database? I have looked into automapper but found issues with it presenting IEnumererables vs. IQueryables but there is an extension available it has to hlep with this. I can try this route deeper but want to hear back first.
As an alternative, should I leave my edmx in Infrastructure and move the .tt T4 files for my entities to CORE? Does this present any tight coupling or a good solution?
Would a generic Repository interface work well with the suggestion you provide? Or maybe EF6 already resolves the Repository and UoW patterns issue?
Thank you for looking at my question and please present any alternative responses as well.
I found a similar post here that was not answered:
EF6 and Onion architecture - database first and without Repository pattern
Database first doesn't completely rule out Onion architecture (aka Ports and Adapters or Hexagonal Architecture, so you if you see references to those they're the same thing), but it's certainly more difficult. Onion Architecture and the separation of concerns it allows fit very nicely with a domain-driven design (I think you mentioned on twitter you'd already seen some of my videos on this subject on Pluralsight).
You should definitely avoid putting the EDMX in the Core or Web projects - Infrastructure is the right location for that. At that point, with database-first, you're going to have EF entities in Infrastructure. You want your business objects/domain entities to live in Core, though. At that point you basically have two options if you want to continue down this path:
1) Switch from database first to code first (perhaps using a tool) so that you can have POCO entities in Core.
2) Map back and forth between your Infrastructure entities and your Core objects, perhaps using something like AutoMapper. Before EF supported POCO entities this was the approach I followed when using it, and I would write repositories that only dealt with Core objects but internally would map to EF-specific entities.
As to your questions about Repositories and Units of Work, there's been a lot written about this already, on SO and elsewhere. You can certainly use a generic repository implementation to allow for easy CRUD access to a large set of entities, and it sounds like that may be a quick way for you to move forward in your scenario. However, my general recommendation is to avoid generic repositories as your go-to means of accessing your business objects, and instead use Aggregates (see DDD or my DDD course w/Julie Lerman on Pluralsight) with one concrete repository per Aggregate Root. You can separate out complex business entities from CRUD operations, too, and only follow the Aggregate approach where it is warranted. The benefit you get from this approach is that you're constraining how the objects are accessed, and getting similar benefits to a Facade over your (large) set of database entities.
Don't feel like you can only have one dbcontext per application. It sounds like you are evolving this design over time, not starting with a green field application. To that end, you could keep your .edmx file and perhaps a generic repository for CRUD purposes, but then create a new code first dbcontext for a specific set of operations that warrant POCO entities, separation of concerns, increased testability, etc. Over time, you can shift the bulk of the essential code to use this, while still keeping the existing dbcontext so you don't lose and current functionality.
I am using entity framework 6.1 in my DDD project. Code first works out very well if you want to do Onion Architecture.
In my project we have completely isolated Repository from the Domain Model. Application Service is what uses repository to load aggregates from and persist aggregates to the database. Hence, there is no repository interfaces in the domain (core).
Second option of using T4 to generate POCO in a separate assembly is a good idea. Please remember that your domain model (core) should be persistence-ignorant.
While generic repository are good for enforcing aggregate-level operations, I prefer using specific repository more, simply because not every Aggregate is going to need all of those generic repository operations.

Is there a DataServiceContext.Set(type) equivalent to DbContext.Set(type)

I have recently created a pretty robust API built around Entity Framework's DbContext. I am using a lot of metadata programming and taking advantage of the fact that I can get my data with a call like DbContext.Set(typeof(Customer)). Only, in my API I do not know at compile time what type I will be passing to the Set method. This is working very well with EntityFramework and I would like to add another layer abstraction and have it work with both EntityFramework or DataServiceContext. So, I really have two questions.
Firstly, and more specifically, is there a DataServiceContext (i.e. odata/wcf) equivalent to the DbContext.Set(type) method?
Secondly, and more generally, is there a good resource that compares the APIs provided by DbContext with DataServiceContext?
EntityFramework and DataServices client API should not be mixed. Even though they look similar they are not. DbSet represents entity set. I don't think there is a strong contract around entity sets in DataServiceContext. Instead the name of the entity set is passed to methods that need to know this (e.g. look at DataServiceContext.AddObject() or DataServiceContext.CreateQuery() methods) as strings. In some sense it makes it much easier to program the DataServiceContext dynamically. On the other hand you still need to know what is on the other side of the pipe (i.e. the server). As said above WCF Data Services and EntityFramework are different technologies (even though they can work together) and their APIs, though similar, serve different purposes. Therefore comparing them would be like comparing apples to oranges.
The DbContext API in the client side is not the same from DbContext on server side. The main goal is to expose the data and model, which can be done pretty well. I think you may be overengeneering your app, since WCF Data Services can provide enough funcionalities.
Here is a link from Ladislav Mrnka, who is very good at entity framework, he shows how you could expose your robust api with WCF Data Services.
Implement WCF Data Service using the Repository Pattern

What specific issue does the repository pattern solve?

(Note: My question has very similar concerns as the person who asked this question three months ago, but it was never answered.)
I recently started working with MVC3 + Entity Framework and I keep reading that the best practice is to use the repository pattern to centralize access to the DAL. This is also accompanied with explanations that you want to keep the DAL separate from the domain and especially the view layer. But in the examples I've seen the repository is (or appears to be) simply returning DAL entities, i.e. in my case the repository would return EF entities.
So my question is, what good is the repository if it only returns DAL entities? Doesn't this add a layer of complexity that doesn't eliminate the problem of passing DAL entities around between layers? If the repository pattern creates a "single point of entry into the DAL", how is that different from the context object? If the repository provides a mechanism to retrieve and persist DAL objects, how is that different from the context object?
Also, I read in at least one place that the Unit of Work pattern centralizes repository access in order to manage the data context object(s), but I don't grok why this is important either.
I'm 98.8% sure I'm missing something here, but from my readings I didn't see it. Of course I may just not be reading the right sources... :\
I think the term "repository" is commonly thought of in the way the "repository pattern" is described by the book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler.
A Repository mediates between the domain and data mapping layers,
acting like an in-memory domain object collection. Client objects
construct query specifications declaratively and submit them to
Repository for satisfaction. Objects can be added to and removed from
the Repository, as they can from a simple collection of objects, and
the mapping code encapsulated by the Repository will carry out the
appropriate operations behind the scenes.
On the surface, Entity Framework accomplishes all of this, and can be used as a simple form of a repository. However, there can be more to a repository than simply a data layer abstraction.
According to the book Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans, a repository has these advantages:
They present clients with a simple model for obtaining persistence objects and managing their life cycle
They decouple application and domain design from persistence technology, multiple database strategies, or even multiple data sources
They communicate design decisions about object access
They allow easy substitution of a dummy implementation, for unit testing (typically using an in-memory collection).
The first point roughly equates to the paragraph above, and it's easy to see that Entity Framework itself easily accomplishes it.
Some would argue that EF accomplishes the second point as well. But commonly EF is used simply to turn each database table into an EF entity, and pass it through to UI. It may be abstracting the mechanism of data access, but it's hardly abstracting away the relational data structure behind the scenes.
In simpler applications that mostly data oriented, this might not seem to be an important point. But as the applications' domain rules / business logic become more complex, you may want to be more object oriented. It's not uncommon that the relational structure of the data contains idiosyncrasies that aren't important to the business domain, but are side-effects of the data storage. In such cases, it's not enough to abstract the persistence mechanism but also the nature of the data structure itself. EF alone generally won't help you do that, but a repository layer will.
As for the third advantage, EF will do nothing (from a DDD perspective) to help. Typically DDD uses the repository not just to abstract the mechanism of data persistence, but also to provide constraints around how certain data can be accessed:
We also need no query access for persistent objects that are more
convenient to find by traversal. For example, the address of a person
could be requested from the Person object. And most important, any
object internal to an AGGREGATE is prohibited from access except by
traversal from the root.
In other words, you would not have an 'AddressRepository' just because you have an Address table in your database. If your design chooses to manage how the Address objects are accessed in this way, the PersonRepository is where you would define and enforce the design choice.
Also, a DDD repository would typically be where certain business concepts relating to sets of domain data are encapsulated. An OrderRepository may have a method called OutstandingOrdersForAccount which returns a specific subset of Orders. Or a Customer repository may contain a PreferredCustomerByPostalCode method.
Entity Framework's DataContext classes don't lend themselves well to such functionality without the added repository abstraction layer. They do work well for what DDD calls Specifications, which can be simple boolean expressions sent in to a simple method that will evaluate the data against the expression and return a match.
As for the fourth advantage, while I'm sure there are certain strategies that might let one substitute for the datacontext, wrapping it in a repository makes it dead simple.
Regarding 'Unit of Work', here's what the DDD book has to say:
Leave transaction control to the client. Although the REPOSITORY will insert into and delete from the database, it will ordinarily not
commit anything. It is tempting to commit after saving, for example,
but the client presumably has the context to correctly initiate and
commit units of work. Transaction management will be simpler if the
REPOSITORY keeps its hands off.
Entity Framework's DbContext basically resembles a Repository (and a Unit of Work as well). You don't necessarily have to abstract it away in simple scenarios.
The main advantage of the repository is that your domain can be ignorant and independent of the persistence mechanism. In a layer based architecture, the dependencies point from the UI layer down through the domain (or usually called business logic layer) to the data access layer. This means the UI depends on the BLL, which itself depends on the DAL.
In a more modern architecture (as propagated by domain-driven design and other object-oriented approaches) the domain should have no outward-pointing dependencies. This means the UI, the persistence mechanism and everything else should depend on the domain, and not the other way around.
A repository will then be represented through its interface inside the domain but have its concrete implementation outside the domain, in the persistence module. This way the domain depends only on the abstract interface, not the concrete implementation.
That basically is object-orientation versus procedural programming on an architectural level.
See also the Ports and Adapters a.k.a. Hexagonal Architecture.
Another advantage of the repository is that you can create similar access mechanisms to various data sources. Not only to databases but to cloud-based stores, external APIs, third-party applications, etc.
You're right,in those simple cases the repository is just another name for a DAO and it brings only one value: the fact that you can switch EF to another data access technique. Today you're using MSSQL, tomorrow you'll want a cloud storage. OR using a micro orm instead of EF or switching from MSSQL to MySql.
In all those cases it's good that you use a repository, as the rest of the app won't care about what storage you're using now.
There's also the limited case where you get information from multiple sources (db + file system), a repo will act as the facade, but it's still a another name for a DAO.
A 'real' repository is valid only when you're dealing with domain/business objects, for data centric apps which won't change storage, the ORM alone is enough.
It would be useful in situations where you have multiple data sources, and want to access them using a consistent coding strategy.
For example, you may have multiple EF data models, and some data accessed using traditional ADO.NET with stored procs, and some data accessed using a 3rd party API, and some accessed from an Access database living on a Windows NT4 server sitting under a blanket of dust in your broom closet.
You may not want your business or front-end layers to care about where the data is coming from, so you build a generic repository pattern to access "data", rather than to access "Entity Framework data".
In this scenario, your actual repository implementations will be different from each other, but the code that calls them wouldn't know the difference.
Given your scenario, I would simply opt for a set of interfaces that represent what data structures (your Domain Models) need to be returned from your data layer. Your implementation can then be a mixture of EF, Raw ADO.Net or any other type of Data Store/Provider. The key strategy here is that the implementation is abstracted away from the immediate consumer - your Domain layer. This is useful when you want to unit test your domain objects and, in less common situations - change your data provider / database platform altogether.
You should, if you havent already, consider using an IOC container as they make loose coupling of your solution very easy by way of Dependency Injection. There are many available, personally i prefer Ninject.
The domain layer should encapsulate all of your business logic - the rules and requirements of the problem domain, and can be consumed directly by your MVC3 web application. In certain situations it makes sense to introduce a services layer that sits above the domain layer, but this is not always necessary, and can be overkill for straightforward web applications.
Another thing to consider is that even when you know that you will be working with a single data store it still might make sense to create a repository abstraction. The reason is that there might be a function that your application needs that your ORM du jour either does badly (performance), not at all, or you just don't know how to make the ORM bend to your needs.
If you are wrapping your ORM behind a well thought out repository interface, you can easily switch between different technologies as you see fit. It's not uncommon in my repositories to see some methods use EF for their work and others to use something like PetaPoco, or (gasp) code. The repository abstraction enables you to use exactly the right tool for the job at hand without leaking these complexities into the client code.
I think there is a big misunderstanding of what many articles call "repository." And that's why there are doubts about what real value those abstractions bring.
In my opinion the repository in it's pure form is IEnumerable, while you and many articles are talking about "data access service."
I've blogged about it here.

Considering the following architectural changes and need some advice (Domain Entities, DTO, Aggregates)

about a year ago I set set up a solution consisting of an ASP.Net MVC 3 (now) presentation layer, application layer, domain layer and infrastructure layer (crosscutting stuff and data). I decided to keep the domain model in a separate project from the domain logic and use a relaxed approach to the presentation layer by passing the domain entities instead of DTO's since we really only have 1 front end right now.
We are going to be servicing a distributed layer soon, in addition to our main website and I will use DTO's there, but I am considering using DTO's in the main website also. I am also wondering if I should bother to break out the framework code in the domain layer (IRepository, IUnitOfWork, Entity/Value object supertypes etc). Well here, let me list out the questions I need feedback on:
1) I was pretty diligent about not having an anemic domain model and also watched out for behavior that was specific to the presentation concerns. Most of the business calculations that are needed are on the domain entities, is it ok for the presentation layer to call this behavior directly or should it instead call an application service that then calls the domain entities? This would suggest to me that there is no reason to have the presentation layer know about the domain entities and instead could use DTO's. Alternatively, I could have the DTO's expose these behaviors, but then I feel like I am robbing the domain entities. So I guess that is 3 options (Rich domain objects called directly, service layer or dto with behavior) which is best?
2) Right now I have a domain project, which has domain services, specifications and logic and is orchestrated by the application layer and separate project for the domain model (used by presentation layer and application layer). I also have framework interfaces for generic repository and unit of work pattern here. Should I break the framework stuff out into a separate project and combine the rest into one project?
3) I want to reorganize my domain layer into aggregates, right now all of the domain model is organized by modules, basically all the types for each module are in one namespace. Would it be better to organize the entities, value objects, services and other stuff by the aggregates?
4) Should I use the Separated Interface pattern for infrastructure services that are basically .net framework helper library types? For example configuration objects or validation runners? What is the benefit there in doing so?
5) Lastly, not many examples I have seen have used interfaces for domain entities. Almost every object I have I prefer to pass around interfaces for dependency reasons and it makes testing much easier. Is it valid to use interfaces instead of concretes? I should mention that we use EF 4.3.1 (soon to upgrade to latest version) and I seem to remember that EF had a problem with using interfaces or something. Should I be exposing interfaces instead of the domain entities?
Thank you very much in advance.
Project Structure:
| |
| Application
| | |
Domain.Model - Domain
(Infrastructure.Data, Infrastructure.Core, Infrastructure.Security)
Presentation.Web (MVC3 Web Project)
-- Service Layer that orchestrates the domain layer and responds to requests from the presentation layer (get this update that). This is organized by module, for example if I had a customer module I would have Application.Customer and in that would be all of the application services
-- Contains domain services, specifications, calculations and other domain logic that is not exposed as behavior on domain entities. For example a calculation that involves several domain entities exposed as a domain service for the application layer to call.
-- Also contains framework code for a specification framework and the main interfaces for a generic repository and unit of work pattern.
-- Contains the domain entities and enumerations. Organized by module. For example, if I might have a customer module which has a customer entity, customerorder entity etc. This is broken out away from the domain project so that the objects can be used by the application and presenation layer.
-- Security infrastructure for authentication and authorization
-- Cross-cutting stuff used by multiple layers (validators, logging, configuration, extensions, IoC, email etc..). Most of the projects depend on interfaces in this project (except domain.model) for infrastructure services.
-- Repository Implementations via LINQ and EF 4.3.1, mapping layer, Unit of Work implementation. Interfaces are in Domain project (separated interfaces pattern)
1) First, determine whether your main website really needs to use the application layer. IMHO, if your application services and your main website are on the same web server, then you should evaluate whether the potential performance loss is worth having your main website call app server methods when it could call the domain objects directly. However, if your application server is definitely on another server, then yes, you should have the application server call your domain objects and pass only DTOs back and forth between it and any presentation layers you may have, including your main website.
2) This is really a question on preference of organization. Both are valid. You choose.
3) Anoter question on preference of organization. I, personally, organize my code by bounded context first. Then, I have entities and aggregate roots directly under them. Then, I have folders for Enumerations, Repositories (interfaces), Services (interfaces), Specifications, and Values. The namespaces do not reflect this organizational structure past the last bounded context folder. But, again, you should do this in the way that best suits the way you look at the code.
4) This is an implementation concern. I, personally, only break out implementation concerns into interfaces if I think there is a good possibility that I will need to swap out the implementations in the future. That being said, I usually organize my helper libraries into specific infrastructure contexts (eg. MainContext.Web.MVC.Helpers or MainContext.Web.WebForms.Helpers.) These rarely change and I have yet to come across an instance where I needed to swap out implementations entirely.
5) From my understanding, it is perfectly valid to use interfaces instead of concretes for your domain entities. That being said, I have yet to run into a case where I needed different implementations for my domain entities. The only reason I can even think of would be if you needed to change your business logic for one application, but leave an older application using the original business logic. If your business objects are good models for the domain, I can't fathom you actually running into this problem, but I have seen examples where people do this just for the sake of the abstraction. IMHO, that is not worth the extra coding effort, but if it makes you feel good inside or you get some actual benefit (eg. making testing easier), there isn't any reason why you can't abstract out your domain entities. That being said, domain services and repositories should definitely have contracts that allows you to swap out their implementations.
Answer 5 is derived from the idea that the application is the one who chooses the implementations. If you are trying to achieve onion architecture, then your application is going to be choosing the concrete implementations for everything (repositories, domain services, and other abstracted implementation concerns). I see no reason why it can't just use domain aggregates directly since they are the concrete representation of your domain model. (Note: All entities should be encapsulated into aggregates. The application should never be able to hold a reference to an entity that is not an aggregate under the context)