iphone app websites - the iphone frame - iphone

Hy folks, i have a "where to find" & "what rules" question this time rather then specific coding, so please exuse me if it is the wrong place, but i have just so much trust in stackO that i don't know where to look for after bad googling.
I'm doing a site for an iphone app, and in 99% all these sites have an iphone screenshot of their application, well, i need that iphone frame so that i can put a slideshow of the UI inside.
Are there any strict rules or a place where i can get such a frame or can i just take one from someones iphone app website?
Thanks a lot

You can get a great one from Apple. Go to the iOS Dev Center and log in. Then click on "Marketing Resources" under "App Store Resources" on the right. Then get the "App Store Badging and Artwork". You have to agree to their terms of use and send back a signed form, but you get access to the "official" images for all the latest hardware right away, along with the little "Available on the App Store" graphics.
These give you the frames, then you can crop the screenshots inside. It looks better than taking a screenshot of the simulator showing the App (which you can also do, using cmd-shift-4).


App Store screenshots looks blurry on iPad... Whats going on?

I'm following the Apple's guideline to make the screenshots needed for an app.
The thing is that no matter what I do inside the accepted variations, the screenshots
are being displayed with a little blur in the app store when browsing via iPad, but in the web store the look fine.
After some observations and research, this is not happening to my screenshots only, there are a lot of apps that suffer the same issue and the common factor seems to be: letters. When screenshots only display graphics or photos they look fine everywhere, but if your screenshots involves, i.e.: a simple table with text, the blurry effect appears.
Any ideas how can I avoid this? Anybody knows any details about how this screenshots are treated by apple to make the store versions?
Thanks in advance.
Try taking the screen shot yourself (pressing Home button and Power button at same time). Then email yourself the photos and upload through iTunes Connect. I use a tableview for one of my app screenshots and it comes out looking fine.

iphone/ipad app store allow semi-web native app?

I was just wondering and was hoping if anyone here has experience about it.
If one would make a native iphone app (for example with 5 bottom icons) and each icon would load a webpage, would this be accepted by apple?
No one can surely say about the apple will reject or accept this kind of app, because what the apple want is that your app have some utility which one can't get by opening a web page in safari. If your app has some purpose of opening the five different web pages in five different tabs then they will not reject it.
If your app doesn't interest users and have no utility, then probably it will be rejected.
If you think that only these five buttons app which open url is good enough or have some utility, than go ahead and give it a shot.
You will probably be rejected under the third item in the AppStore Submission Guidelines;
If your App looks like it was cobbled together in a few days, or you're trying to get your first practice App into the store to impress your friends, please brace yourself for rejection. We have lots of serious developers who don't want their quality Apps to be surrounded by amateur hour.
Or in 2. Functionality
2.12 Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected

iPhone:How to get real ads showing in iAds banner in iPhone application?

I have integrated iAds in my iOS 4.0 application developed using the following tutorial:
Currently it is showing only Test Banner page. I would like to know how would i get real Ads showing there and what is the procedure to get it. I couldn't find any help on this. Could someone please point me out ?
Thank you.
It will automatically be filled with read ads once it is released on App Store.
Apple recognize each of your app by the bundle id, hence unlike other ad networks (such as admob), it does not need you to create other stuff.
Similarly, Apple recognize the distribution build and will serve real ads.
The test banner is just to show that you have incorporated the iAd framework correctly into your application. The "real" ads will work automagically when you submit your app to Apple.
I thought you had to do ALL of these:
Make sure your app shows "test ads" while you are developing it.
Make sure you visit iTunesConnect-iAds and turn on iAds.
After your app is 'live for sale' then 'real ads' will start showing.
So far, no one here ever mentioned #2. (Or am I only having to do #2 myself?) I've never seen #2 as "automatic" as soon as #3 happens.
Also... even after doing 1,2,3... I have 1 very odd app that is "live for sale" and iAdsConnect is STILL claiming it's only showing 100s of no-revenue, test-ads. Isn't that impossible? Shouldn't it be displaying "real ads" or "no ads" instead?

"About..." page on iPhone

I'm asking all those who have apps in the Apple iPhone App Store. Do you have an "About..." window/page/view in your app, or do you rely on iTunes for providing the developer info to the customer? If the former, where's the button/link to that? Real estate is so precious on the iPhone screen, I cannot think of some space I can waste for an "About..." button without it sticking like a sore thumb.
You can always add your "about" info into the system settings for your app so that it's there but not directly in the app. I have an app with no about page, but it's because the target users are children so there's no point. For other apps, I might add a page into the app -- it all depends on the use case.
You could use the little (i) icon thats found in the corner of a lot of apps, the native weather app comes to mind. It uses minimal space, too.
I plan on adding about sections to most apps I create.

What are apple's app store guidelines for the big icon (512x512)

I want to distribute an iPhone app to the store and cannot find any guidelines for the iTunesArtwork icon. I heard it has to be jpg, but
can it also be .png?
do they add the rounded corners?
do they add shine?
The information is all in the iTunes Connect part of the Apple website. Look for the "Download the Developer Guide" PDF in:
You can put the same image into your Ad Hoc distribution (in the .ipa bundle) if you want it to appear in iTunes when doing Ad Hoc testing.
Update: removed old broken link, see comments for the new link.
They say the image has to be JPG or TIF, but they sometimes accept PNGs. You can try submitting it with a PNG, but I'm not sure it's worth the risk given how much time it takes for them to review submissions. If they do reject it for that reason alone, you'll just have to resubmit and keep waiting.
They'll add the rounded corners and highlights for you, though.
PNG's work but make sure they are at least 24 bit as this caused me a lot of trouble. Apple accepted the 8 bit file but it looked horrible scaled down.